3:02pm Nov 14 2009
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((WHat page is Victor's bio on?))
3:03pm Nov 14 2009
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"I wouldn't talk to the Prince of Darkness that way,"Victor said,his eyes flashing black.He entered Aurora's mind,and started hitting all her pain receptors,laughing
3:03pm Nov 14 2009 (last edited on 3:04pm Nov 14 2009)
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3:04pm Nov 14 2009
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((Idk if I ever made Victor a bio...Logan's bio's on the first page....))
3:06pm Nov 14 2009
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Aurora didn't like this wolf. She sprang forward at his sinking her fangs into his skin letting out the vapor. "I don't care who you are I can do what I think is right!" She snapped back.
3:17pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Victor only laughed,as the poison did nothing to him "You pack quite a bite,but you can't kill what's already dead"He snapped,springing at her.He sunk his jaws into her back,and bit down when he felt her spine. "I'm not a wolf you want to mess with,"Victor said,as the bone snapped under his pressure.He slowly started turning white,as Logan was forced to take control.He groaned,kneeling against a tree "I'm sorry,"
3:21pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 5,835
She screamed in pain as the blood flowed from her back. She looked at her back and winched."I think you broke my back!" SHe hissed in pain ready to be dead any second.
3:24pm Nov 14 2009
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3:55pm Nov 14 2009
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"You won't die,Aurora.I'm sorry Victor did that to you,he wouldn't let me take control"Logan pleaded, before concentrating on her.He fixed her back,before whimpering
4:08pm Nov 14 2009
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"Who?" She asked looking at her back that was now healed.
4:39pm Nov 14 2009
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"Victor...My Father"Logan said,smirking lightly
6:39pm Nov 14 2009
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Glimmer had her mind set. She was gonna KILL the wolf who did this. Kimii sat limping in a corner. "I'm goinging out, Kimii, keep watch." She instructed, following the wolf's scent. It led to a small field, with two wolves, in it. "Who are You?" She asked aurora.
12:22pm Nov 15 2009 (last edited on 12:23pm Nov 15 2009)
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"Why do I have tell you my name it seems like no one ever start with 'Hi, I am what is your name?', no they have to ask me what my name is and not give me a single clue who they are!" SHe hissed."Oh, and my name is Aurora!" She added.
12:34pm Nov 15 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Bat hissed. "You do not like fire?" he asked, sad. Bat nudged Moonlight and they flew off. Shadowhex cocked her head to them, gave Logan a glare and followed. ((Sorry for latepost.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:01pm Nov 15 2009
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Posts: 2,721
Luna took a long gander around her. "Where the heck is this?! I've been going in one big circle!" She spun around, her horrid sence of direction had landed her in a barren desert that sat westward from the forest. She paced absentmindedly, brushing up against a cactus, and a tall one at that. A few small bristles from the cactus jabbed into her leg, causing Luna to let out a hiss. The arid air then stirred, bringing up a cloud of sand. The sand raised quite high and grew very dense. In fact, it was so dense that all visibility was nearly gone and Luna could not see a foot in front of her. She sneezed as a swift gust forced sand into her nostrils. "Bleh, and I didn't even know a desert existed in this area..." Luna murmured, trying to fight the sandstorm that had erupted out of the blue.
I\'m back.
5:08pm Nov 15 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"I'm Logan.Nice to meet you,Aurora."Logan sighed,as his immune system was starting back up. He looked to the small wolf,and smirked "I'm sorry my Father tried to kill you,"
5:41pm Nov 15 2009 (last edited on 5:42pm Nov 15 2009)
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Posts: 2,721
Luna stiffened as a current of wind blasted her way. She figured that in this storm her eyes were useless. She shut them tightly, using her other sences to show her the way out of this disaster. She took a whif of the air around her, but instead of a scent she ended up inhaling sand. It was useless, so her hearing was her next resort. She listened carefully, but the only sound to hear was the whistling of the wind. The only thing she could do was keep on the move, for sometimes doing something foolish was better than doing nothing at all. Her steps were slow, and spread out. Aproximately one step per every five seconds or so was all she took. Her eyes remained sealed, her breathing slowed to prevent excessive sand from entering her nose. She took another one of her steps, finding herself tumbling down to areas unknown. Her eyes opened at a steady rate, her gaze meeting up with stalagmites and stalactites. She had found her way into a limestone cave of all things. A small lake stood out, illuminated by the sunlight that shone down through a slit in the cave ceiling. Did anyone else know about the existance of the very cave Luna stood in?
I\'m back.
5:48pm Nov 15 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Moonlight and Shadowhex began to whisper to each other. Bat spread his wings farther, andswooped down. The two trailed behind him.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:51pm Nov 15 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Can't reply to Luna XD))
6:18pm Nov 15 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((I know, just sorta making my own little story in a way. I get carried away sometimes, especially when I take a little break from rping then come back~ All my creativity bursts out at once.))
I\'m back.