2:37pm Dec 13 2009
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"Nothing, Except the point that I just figured out that I have a grandson"Victor growled,but smirked
2:38pm Dec 13 2009
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Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
3:03pm Dec 13 2009
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3:19pm Dec 13 2009
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Demon raised his eyebrow. "Uh. Sure." he said. his half-mechanical wings unfolded as he battered the air with them. ((*omnomnoms it*))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
3:35pm Dec 13 2009
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"So,who's your mother?"Victor asked,hackles raised
3:38pm Dec 13 2009
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((Who is his mom gonna be? o_O Nevaeh? D: *needs to know*)) Demon cringed, remained silent.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:01pm Dec 13 2009
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((Yeah,Nevaeh,I guess))
4:21pm Dec 13 2009
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((We'll just say for now, mmkay?)) He sighed, seeing that there was no easy way to squirm out of it. He inhaled, "She's--" but got interrupted. Shadowhex roared, turning into her True Forme, the species Curse Wolf's most powerful weapon... Bat gasped. "Uh, oh..." he murmured, eyes widening as his cousin grew like crazy. He placed a paw on Moonlight, who was also extremely shocked. "She'll be okay." he reas-sured her. "No! No! No!" Moonlight wailed back. Shadowhex roared again. "I. SEEK. VENGEANCE!" she screeched, angry. Her breath was of toxic, like her spines. Her eyes that were brimming with fury were enveloped in deadly fire. ((True forme: http://s888.photobucket.com/albums/ac90/Anquatic/?action=view¤t=shadowhex.jpg Gaze upon her creepiness! XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:20pm Dec 13 2009
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Victor yawned,rolling his eyes "Vengeance for what?"
6:17pm Dec 13 2009
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Shadowhex's blazing glare set on him. Her mouth bled. She snarled. "Vengeance..." the Curse Wolf hissed. Her wings unfolded. Shadowhex flew over and landed in front of Logan. "Revenge." she said, wording it differently. She called her famed "Hex!" and killed a flock of pas-sing geese. "Do not doubt my powers, worthless scum." she said, growling. Shadowhex seemed to have disappeared, leaving nothing but a messy trail of blood. Moonlight wailed, following the trail immediately. But a purple and black swirl enveloped her, sucking away memory. It let go of Moonlight, adn she collapsed. "That...way.." she whispered weakly to Bat. He nodded. Bat's grand wings unfolded and he burned all of the blood, leaving a visible trail of ashes. His breath was ragged. "Where's Shadowhex?" he murmured, not knowing where his cousin went. The pawsteps trailed into a dangerous nountain cave and he landed carefully, knowing it was probably a trick. Bat catiously stepped into the cave, and emerged completely fine. He rose again, burning the blood. She wasn't far. She was directly below him.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:42pm Dec 13 2009
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"Oh,I'm worthless scum,yet you can't control your own powers"Victor snarled,growing larger.He stopped when he was about the size of a huge horse.
7:46pm Dec 13 2009
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Bat was panting, his fur bloodstained. "I don't want to fight you Shadow! Please stop." he shouted, trying to get his cousin's spirit to prevail the inside fight. Shadowhex's bad spirit remained in control, and lunged at Bat, biting down on his skull. It growled, and shook him back and forth. He wailed. "Stop!" he wailed, trying to get free. Bat felt the pain (and blood) seep through his body, life ebbing away slowly.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:36pm Jan 7 2010
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"No!!"Logan yelled,jumping at Shadowhex. He grabbed her by the throat,seizing up his body and launching her away with all his might
6:50pm Jan 7 2010
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((What happened lately?))
I\'m back.
6:55pm Jan 7 2010
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((Well,Right now Shadow attacked Batflame and is currently killing him))
7:37pm Jan 7 2010
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Shadowhex flapped her wings, which were bats wings that had appeared suddenly (she had hidden them in a cloak of invisibility!) The bad spirit seeped into her heart, sucking up all the goodness. Inside, Shadowhex's true spirit was getting weaker, trying to hold onto life. Shadowhex rushed back over, gnawing on Bat's bones, which were, in fact, showing. She lapped up the pouring blood. Bat cringed, squirming in uncomfort and feeling weak. "Stop..." he moaned, pawing pleadingly at the ground as the spirit began consuming his soul.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:36pm Jan 7 2010
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Logan snarled,charging at her. Suddenly it looked like he was bigger, and like he was more than just two wolves.The spirit of his family was with stop. "Stop"He snarled, in a voice that was legion. He grabbed Shadowhex by the neck, but this time bit down, his canines causing a scrape in her major arterie "I will kill you,Shadow!"
5:19pm Jan 8 2010
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7:10pm Jan 8 2010
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Shadowhex wirhted and twisted, and then she opened her eyes. They were glowing with purple fire and black souls. Suddenly, she herself had cahnged. Shadowhex's fur became ruffled and black, with purple streaks running through it. Her teeth elongated and sharpened, stained with black blood. She cackled as the spines on her back grew. "I am but a spirit, remember Logan?! You should, because YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KILLED ME!" The rage inside her swallowed the true spirit and she was captured, eveloped by darkness. Shadowhex slipped through Logan's grasp and hovered above his, tail lashing. "FEEL THE PAIN!" she shrieked, blasting a hex towards him. "Hex!"
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:02pm Jan 8 2010
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Logan yelped,a low growl rumbling through his chest. He slowly let Victor take control, as he felt no pain. "Shadowhex, Logan did not kill you! It was,actually, me."Victor started,laughing "Now come on, time for you to go through those blood red gates"He ended,chuckling madly