8:12pm Aug 28 2009
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"I don't care!Once a Dark Sider,always a Dark Sider.."Logan said,his voice getting to a whisper during the end. "Pyro I don't wanna have to do this..Surround me men"Logan said as his eyes went black and he manipulated Moonlight's brainwaves
8:19pm Aug 28 2009
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Posts: 372
Pyro's paws lit with fire. "Well it looks like you're gonna have to." He snarled, and he noticed Logan's eyes shading black. "You'd better stop whatever you're doing." The dark wolf growled menecingly.
8:21pm Aug 28 2009
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"I''m sorry Pyro.But it's for the best."Logan said,his voice low and dangerous.He produced brain waves and watched as Moonlight writhed
8:26pm Aug 28 2009
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Posts: 372
Pyro snarled and lept at Logan. His claws and teeth felt flesh, and he sank in, hopefully distracting Logan from harming Moonlight more.
8:34pm Aug 28 2009 (last edited on 8:47pm Aug 28 2009)
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Lucius ran after Pyro and sank his fangs into his calf. Logan could barely feel the pain as he sent more and more pain Moonlight's way,trying to end the wolf's life. But he could feel himself blacking out. "Heaven,I love you"Logan said,finally blacking out
8:59pm Aug 28 2009
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((Faux are you there?))
9:04pm Aug 28 2009 (last edited on 9:04pm Aug 28 2009)
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Posts: 372
Pyro gasped as Lucius bit his leg and let go of Logan, but the alpha was already blacking out. Once Logan was unconscious, Pyro limped over to Moonlight. "Are you okay?" He asked, gritting his teeth against the pain in his calf. Off in the distance, Nevaeh could sense something was wrong. "Stream, stay here, do not move. I will be back soon." She commanded the young wolf. This was important, and Nevaeh had to leave now, and couldn't go fast enough with the pup on her back, although she felt bad leaving her alone. Her wings unfolded and she took off, going as fast as she could to the dens. "Logan!" Nevaeh cried as she landed. There was Logan's body, barely breathing on the ground, Lucius with blood on his muzzle, and Pyro, a large gash on his leg. "What happened here?!" OOC://Sorry, had to heat up dinner :3//
9:11pm Aug 28 2009
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"Moonlight came into Pack territory and Logan manipulated her brain.Pyro attacked Logan and I had to protect my Alpha.His last words were 'Heaven,I love you'"Lucius explained,wiping blood from his muzzle
9:19pm Aug 28 2009
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Posts: 372
Pyro growled at Lucius, but otherwise said nothing. "Oh my." Nevaeh whispered, then padded over to Logan and laid down. She started to brush his head with her tail, trying to wake him up but not to startle him.
9:28pm Aug 28 2009
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Logan jolted and snarled at the person who was too close to him for comfort. Then,he realized it was Heaven."Oh,I'm sorry,Heaven.I thought I died."Logan explained,licking her muzzle. He then turned to the Pyro. "I trusted you!I let you go,And this is what you do to repay me?Get off of my territory with your Scum bag Dark Sider of a mate"Logan yelled,snarling through each word
9:32pm Aug 28 2009
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((No fair! I missed all the drama! D:)) Stream nodded, trembling. She murmured "Good luck" before Nevaeh left. Moonlight's eyes went blood red. She growled and lept in front of Pyro. "Stand back, this is my fight." she said, her voice low and dangerous. She pounced on Lucius and sank hr long fangs into the lion's nose. "Don't you dare attack my mate again!" she said, leaping back. The wolf placed her paw on Logan. She whispered very clearly in his ear "I can kill you right now. I chose not to because I am not a cannibal. I do not eat or kill others of my kind." She stood up and turned to Nevaeh. "I am sorry. He provoked me and Pyro. But I let your love live." she said, dipping her head and padding over to Pyro. "Are you okay?" she asked, nuzzling him. Shadowhex flew to the territory. "What happened?!" she exclaimed unhappily.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:34pm Aug 28 2009 (last edited on 9:35pm Aug 28 2009)
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Posts: 372
OOC://Sorry Dj! Your post fit perfectly though!// Pyro growled back. He didn't have a pack when he was with the wolf he loved, did he? No, he was with his own pack, of him and Moonlight. "C'mon Silverwing, we don't need to grace these things with our presence." He spat and left the territory. "Oh Logan! I was so worried!" Nevaeh cried, burying her muzzle in Logan's fur. "Are you okay?"
9:38pm Aug 28 2009
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((Thank you!)) Stream grumbled. "Where's Nevyyy?" she exclaimed, on the verge of tears. They had left her for quite a while. Moonlight nodded and went with her mate. "We can go with Batflame and Shadowhex. They'll accept us." she suggested. Not waiting for an answer, she padded over to Silverwing and Pyro. "You can join Batflame's pack" she suggested, padding beside Silverwing. Silverwing smiled and looked at Pyro.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:41pm Aug 28 2009
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"No,I will not allow you to leave anymore,Pyro!"Logan screamed,his eyes goinf black once more as he charmed the area.Pyro wouldn't be able to leave unless Logan wanted him to. He then turned his attention to Moonlight. "You dare threaten me,?You are nothing compared to my power.You are not Moonlight but an ugly cesspool of hate"Logan snarled,his voice low and dargerous as he sent wave after wave of pain to her brain. "Pyro,attack me again and my Pack will take action"He said,still concentrating on the wolf
9:46pm Aug 28 2009 (last edited on 9:51pm Aug 28 2009)
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Posts: 372
"I'll go wherever you go, love." Pyro said, looking at Moonlight's eyes. Nevaeh thought for a moment, feeling like she forgot something. "Stream!" She gasped. "I have to go really quick. I'll be back though." Her wings unfolded and she flew off to the Wish Cave. Once she landed, she ran over to Stream. "I'm sorry I left you sweetie, but there was an emergency at the dens and I had to help." Nevaeh panted and offered her back for Stream to climb on so they could fly back. Yet, she was just going to get back just in time for Logan's next attack. Pyro snarled again as Logan attacked Moonlight mentally. Don't you dare talk to her like that. And why shouldn't I attack you? You would only hurt me."
9:56pm Aug 28 2009 (last edited on 9:56pm Aug 28 2009)
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"No!I value you,Pyro.I won't hurt you."Logan yelled,still attacking Moonlight's mind.Logan dodged Pyro and rose himself into the air,eyes still black ((Dj,isn't Moonlight and Silverwing the same wolf?))
9:57pm Aug 28 2009
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((Are you godmoding, Chance? :( )) Moonlight nuzzled her mate and looked at Shadowhex. "We'll join." Stream sniffled and climbed onto Nevaeh's back. "Okay." Shadowhex was on Moonlight and Pyro's side. they were kinder to her and therefore she trusted them more. Shadowhex growled and stepped forward along ith Moonlight. Batflame's pack dropped in. "Got your hex." Batflame said. The group braced themselves. ((Gtg, don't create more drama without me. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:58pm Aug 28 2009
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((I'm here, what did I miss?))
I\'m back.
9:59pm Aug 28 2009
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((No,I'm not)) "What are you doing,Shadow?you dare betray like that?And you too,Batflame,even after you joined me?It's a pity what wolves have now become"Logan said,his voice still low and dangerous
10:01pm Aug 28 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://Chance isn't controlling Moonlight-Silverwing Dj, he's just attacking, so she can still attack her// Pyro looked at Shadowhex, Batflame, and Moonlight and nodded to them. He could, no would, fight with this group. They were his "family" now. Nevaeh landed in the den area with Stream on her back, but hesitated when she saw the stand off. "Stream, go inside the dens. She commanded, ushering the young pup inside so she wouldn't see the upcoming violence.