5:12pm Aug 29 2009
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Moonlight giggled. "I wish Lucius was on our side," she sighed. She howled, it was strange, though. A wolf with bat wings landed beside her. "Pyro, Growth. Growth, Pyro," she said. Growth dipped her head. "My power is to enable flight." she said, dipping her head in greeting. "And to bring the north wind but let's not care about that!" she said, using magic. "Want wings, too?" she asked. Moonlight looked at Pyro. "You can do it with or without wings, Pyro." she said.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:18pm Aug 29 2009
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"Hrm..." Pyro mumbled. "How about some wings?" He smiled. Maybe now he'd be able to catch up with other creatures!
5:23pm Aug 29 2009
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Moonlight nodded at Growth. She twirled around and pointed to Pyro's back, which was now sporting black bat wings. "Do you like them?" they both asked, staring at Pyro. Moonlight flapped her bat wings, she changed her bird wings while she was a Dark Sider. She flapped them "These were Growth's creations." she said.
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5:27pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 5:27pm Aug 29 2009)
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"I'm sorry,love,but it's not my decision.I can feel it in the air.I'm only preparing.Chances are,that I may be wrong"Logan cooed He then looked up."Take care of Pyro for me,Shadow.He won't listen anymore.Please make him see what she really is"Logan whispered,knowing he could hear him
5:32pm Aug 29 2009
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Shadowhex lifted her eyebrow. "No need. Moonlight is really a good wolf, if you believe me. I can sincerely tell you that she is good." she said. "If you don't believe me, you can suffer the consequences. She's easily provoked. But then again, so are you." she said, nuzzling the alpha male because she was his friend.
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5:37pm Aug 29 2009
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Luna crouched down, ready to fight. She was prepared for about anything.
I\'m back.
5:38pm Aug 29 2009
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"I know.I just don't think you know her too well,Shadow.I can show you all about Dark Siders"Logan said,showing Shadow his childhood memories. ~Flashback~ "Logan!Get inside,do you want to get hurt"His mother yelled,trying to fight the Dark Siders. Logan's father launched at his mom,ripping out her throat. "Mom,no!Dad,how could you?"Logan screamed,crying. "Ow shut up you mutt.She was just a plaything anyway.I.."Logans father was cut off when the Beta of the Dark Siders launched himself at him. "You think we would go under your command forever,Creed?"The huge wolf snarled.He placed his paw on Creed's head and smashed his skull. "Ahh!"Logan wailed. 'Don't worry,kid.We won't kill you."The new leader cackled. ~End Flashback~ "All Dark Siders are the same"Logan whispered.
5:39pm Aug 29 2009
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Shadowhex padded over to Luna, tilting her head. "I barely knew you, Luna. But I still miss you." she said respectfully.
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5:40pm Aug 29 2009
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"She will turn on him,Shadow.Just like my father"Logan whispered to the spirit
5:43pm Aug 29 2009
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"Wah, who are you?" Luna peered around unable to see Shadowhex.
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5:44pm Aug 29 2009
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"It's shadow,Luna"Logan answered.
5:46pm Aug 29 2009
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"Oh, yes the wolf that died in battle... I didn't really know her that much."
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5:57pm Aug 29 2009
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"Thta's exactly what she said,but she still misses you"Logan explained
6:02pm Aug 29 2009
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Shadowhex turned to Logan and closed her eyes, showing him her memories. -Flashback- The Dark Sider shoved Shadowhex into the cold water, she was too young and couldn't swim. her fur absorbed the water and she drowned. "Shadowhex, no!" Moonlight screamed, plunging in after her friend. Shadowhex choked and closed her eyes. Moonlight grabbed her and flapped her wings in a frenzy to get back to the surface. She gasped and took in air. "Shadowhex?" she asked, poking her. "Wha..." the wolf slurred. Moonlight dragged them back to the sand and groomed Shadowhex in silence. -Next Flashback- The Dark Sider picked up batflame and Shadowhex. He cackled and flapped his wings. Moonlight returned and exclaimed "I'm back with the food!" She gasped as she saw the Dark Sider take her friends. She dropped the buck and flew after him. "Hey Stinkbutt!" she yelled, getting the wolf's attention. Moonlight flew over to the male's head and bit him. The wolf howled in anguish and snapped at Moonlight. She tumbled backwards and launched herself at him again. The wolf cried out and this time, he let go of Batflame and Shadowhex. The cried out, their wings were torn. Moonlight grabbed them both and struggled to let them down. -Final Flashback- Shadowhex and Moonlight watched Batflame go. Moonlight walked away to the food. A menacing wolf appeared before her and took her away. "Moonlight, does the food taste fresh?" Shadowhex asked, staring at a grazing doe. "Mmrff!!" the wolf cried out. Her voice was muffled, though. Shadowhex lept and took down the doe, she turned around and didn't see Moonlight eating. "Moonlight!" she yelled. Shadowhex said "This is what happened next." Moonlight was hypnotized and and fainted. When she woke up, she said. "Hello dark Siders. I am one of you, am I not?" -End- Shadowhex opened her eyes and asked Logan "Did Moonlight hurt you while she was a Dark Sider? I don't think so. She didn't hurt anyone. Trust me, Logan. she is good and was hypnotizaed. Now I must go."
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:03pm Aug 29 2009
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"That's very sweet of her." Luna smiled and winked.
I\'m back.
6:05pm Aug 29 2009
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Shadowhex nuzzled Luna. "I can trust you." she said to her.
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6:09pm Aug 29 2009
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"I believe it when I see it.I know how it is to try and trust a Dark Sider,Shadow.Hypnotized or not,the power is intoxicating.She will go back.But,I don't want to argue with you.I agree,that before she was bad she was a nice wolf."Logan whispered to the spirit,being one to hold a grudge. "How's Kouga?"He asked
6:11pm Aug 29 2009
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Luna glanced around. "Where's Lucius?"
I\'m back.
6:13pm Aug 29 2009
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Shadowhex sighed. "You have the freedom of speech" she said, defeated. "Kouga's fine." she said, looking around. "I don't know."
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:14pm Aug 29 2009
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"I'm over here,love"Lucius called from the air.He dropped down next to Luna."You called.."He said playfully. ((Think of him as the Edward Cullen of Lions XD)) ((Oh,and Logan is like the Emmett Cullen of Wolves XDDDD))