11:21pm Aug 29 2009
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"Eh? Who are you fighting?" she asked, confused and sad. "Blood..." she murmured. Shadowhex made the mistake of closing her eyes, Logan saw what she was thinking about, even if he didn't want to. -Flashback- Shadowhex, Batflame and Moonlight were teenagers. They had blood splattered all over themselves, on their fur, their muzzles, their tails, everywher! A huge black wolf snarled at them, he didn't even look tired. But, he was blood-soaked as well. He opened his mouth and bit on Shadowhex's hind leg. She let out a cry of surprise and pain. Batflame and Moonlight bit on the huge wolf's hind legs. "Uncle..." Shadowhex murmured. The black wolf was way larger than an average adult, even one at maximum size. The wolf bit down harder and Shadowhex screeched out her cry of pain. The wolf smirked evily. Moonlight and Batflame grabbed onto his tail and tried to yank him off of Shadowhex, but it did no good. They attacked on and on, but the male wouldn't budge. He snapped at them. Shadowhex stared in surprise and anguish at her bleeding leg. It stung alot. She wailed in pain and anguish. It just wouldn't stop bleeding. She fainted, the blood gushed everywhere. It splattered the mountain, the hills, the trees, the wolves, absolutely everything. -Next Flashback- Shadowhex limped weakly to her mother, which was lying down. "Mom?" she muttered. The wolf didn't move. "Mommy!" she exclaimed, padding around her. She saw a bug on her, and flicked it off. A stream of blood gushed on her face. "Ahh!" she screamed, holding a leaf to the wound. The blood flowed out and pooled on the ground. Shadowhex's mother got up. "Huh?" she mumbled, opening her eyes to see her daughter staring at the blood. Her mother chuckled. "It's just a little wou-" And collapsed. "Mother!" Shadowhex exclaimed, nuzzling and poking her. It was too late, Shadowhex had to wait for an herb wolf. -Final Flashback- Batflame, Moonlight and Shadowhex were playing. Batflame went off to get food and Moonlight had to get her mom to check a wound. "See you later!" Shadowhex called out, climbing on the rocks beside the lake. A pair of wolves that were bleeding fell into the lake. "Huh?" Shadowhex mumbled in surprise. She slipped and fell into the murky water. It wasn't murky right now, it was blood red. Shadowhex didn't swim well, she choked and swallowed blood. "Gah!" she exclaimed in fear. She flung her paws around and flapped her wings. She managed to reach the shore. By then, she was soaked in blood. -End- Shadowhex fainted.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:22pm Aug 29 2009
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Luna came to Logan. "What do you need?"
I\'m back.
11:29pm Aug 29 2009
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"Ahhhhh!"Logan screamed,the flashbacks burning his mind.He shook them out of his head. "I need you to patrol the border with a few other wolve"Logan said,tears in his eyes.He knew what it was like to be betrayed by family. "Shadow,we're fighting Batty and Moonlight,Pyro and Batty's Pack"Logan murmured to the spirit,not knowing she fainted
11:30pm Aug 29 2009
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"Okay." She sprinted to the border and got into a battle stance.
I\'m back.
11:36pm Aug 29 2009
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Shaaka nuzzled pyro. "Whats wrong love? You don't wnat to speak?" She sighed and walked off. But before she even knew it she was in Shadow clan territory. She gasp, And tried to keep quiet. She would rarely fight shadow clan, Because they were much stronger than her. She sent off several sound waves {Silent} to pyro. A signal that she was in trouble. Crescent lie at the cliff. The soft breeze and the warm night eased her into a deep sleep. She rolled over and in a flash she was hanging on the edge of the cliff. Meili woke to the sudden sound of screams. She glanced at the moon. It was a harvest moon. {When her dark form is most vicious} She went through a VERY painful transformation. She walked out of the cave. Snarling and growling, Her red eye's shone like flashlight's.She ran toards crescent, When she was there she snarled "Good bye kitty cat" And slashed her feet. She fell plumiting to her death. Xiang woke also. "What in god's green creation is going on out there?" He walked out weary. He saw Meili looking down. He ran toards the edge of the cliff. He saw Crescent falling. He darted after her, Grabing her just seconds from her death. He flew back up. "What in the name of god is wrong with you?" He said dragging crescent to her den. He ran back to her. "Not only that but what are you?" Meili snarled and slashed his throught. Xiang hightailed it back to the cave. Crescent limping and out of breath came into the cave and fainted. ((G2G))
11:39pm Aug 29 2009
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Logan suddendly heard a yell.He looked up."A wolf just went into Shadow pack territory,Logan."Smilodon yelled."Go and attack as neccesary"Logan ordered.
11:40pm Aug 29 2009
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Shadowhex got up. "Huh...? But they aren't even minding you..." she slurred, tears pooling.She snapped back to life. "No, no, no!" she yelled. "You mustn't do this!" she said, tugging uselessly at Logan. She sniffled. "No, no, no!" she exclaimed sadly. "STop! What would Nevaeh say?! Why are you doing this when they're trying their best to stay out of your way?! How could you!" she screamed, crying like a newborn. If they perish, it's on your and your pack's heads! I can't even look at you without thinking 'killer'!" she yelled, flying away to the sky. No. She had to warn Batflame. Shadowhex landed beside her cousin. "Logan's pack wants to attack you." she warned with tears in her eyes. "Ah..." he began. "I expected this. I can't believe it, he says we turned on him but that's not true. I didn't want to do this..." he said. Shadowhex clawed at the dirt, wailing out howls of anguish.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:47pm Aug 29 2009
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"No!Shadow wait!They are preparing too!I can sense it"Logan yelled at the spirit.Logan shook his headmsighing.He didn't want this,but as Luna would say,Fate has brought them to this.
11:50pm Aug 29 2009
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((I gtg! Sorry, don't battle without meh! Oh, check out the lolcats while you're at it!)) Batflame told the guards to go back to their normal places. "We need to be ready for anything." Shadowhex didn't want this, but she didn't want her pack to suffer, either. They just had to be prepared, like they always were. Shadowhex didn't see or feel any preparing. They were just restoring order, and she sent a mind message to Logan. Look at them. You are wrong. They are making things like they always were. The same thing for 15 years.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:54pm Aug 29 2009
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((I <3 lolcats!Icanhascheezburger.com)) I don't care,Shadow.I'm sorry but I am going into battle.Will you be nice and wish me luck?Logan though back.
11:57pm Aug 29 2009
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((Well at least almost.)) I don't know. she thought, tears trickling down her face. She didn't want either side to suffer, win or lose. "Flee." she told Batflame. "He won't stop, flee." Batflame obeyed Shadowhex and propped Stream on his back. "Flee!" he exclaimed, his faith in Shadowhex. Stream trembled. "Why do they want to kill us?" she mumbled to Shadowhex. "I don't know..." she answered, shaking her head in shame. "I don't know."
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:58pm Aug 29 2009
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Luna peered around the border, unsure of how large their army would be.
I\'m back.
12:00am Aug 30 2009
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"Tell the young one I do not wish to kill them,only to settle what is right"Logan said
12:00am Aug 30 2009
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Batflames made sure that every single wolf had taken flight, then he did so himself. He wasn't avoiding, or coawrding. He simply didn't want his pack to suffer, or Logan. And especially Shadowhex.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:00am Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 372
"Okay." Pyro nodded, and took off, relishing the fact he could fly. Soon he landed in Batflame's territory, which was preparing for battle. Suddenly, a wave of sound hit Pyro's mind, hurting his ears. He gritted his teeth, but could tell someone was in trouble. Nevaeh had sat silently through all the talk of war, just staring at her paws, not willing herself to speak, until now. "Logan, love, I'm going to go out in the forest really quick, I feel it is important." And without waiting for a response, she got up and padded out. Something was odd, an expectant feeling, both of war and something else. She inhaled deeply, smelling something oddly firmiliar that brought back her newly refreshed childhood memories. "Hello? Is anyone there?" The white she-wolf called into the greenery. "I believe you are looking for me." A deeper voice purred, although still female. The brush rustled and out stepped an elegant, navy colored tiger. "Oh my god! Azure? Is it really you?" Nevaeh cried, skampering up to her old friend. "Yes, and I've been looking for you for ages!" Azure smiled calmly and pressed her nose against Nevaeh's. "I've missed you." "Come with me, I need to show you someone!" Nevaeh cried, not wanting to run. Her wings unfolded, as well as Azure's, and they took off, soon landing in the dens. "Logan!" She cried. "Let me introduce you to my old childhood friend, Azure." "What a pleasure to meet you, Logan." Azure purred, elegantly bowing her head. OOC://I gtg to bed guys! I'll repost tomorrow, but I have scuba and a sleepover so idk when//
12:03am Aug 30 2009
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((I gtg really, really, really soon! Trying to stay for as long as I can. XP Any moment my sis is gonna burst in and say "Let me on." XD)) Batflame flapped his wings sadly. "Why, why is Logan being like this...?" he murmured. Shadohex thought Fighting isn't right. ((Like now, cya.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:03am Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"You too,Azure.Heaven,I need to talk to you."Logan said
12:23am Aug 30 2009
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Shaaka frozen in fear saw many cats charging at her. She ran and ran intill she ran into logan and everybody getting ready for a battle. She gulped and crouched down. She was so scared she pa-ssed out.
12:26am Aug 30 2009
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Logan looked at the pa.ssed out wolf in interest."Take her to the dens and watch her until she comes-to"He ordered,tired of Lone wolves
12:29am Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 2,721
I think they are coming! Luna thought. She shook her fur out and looked in all directions.
I\'m back.