11:11pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((You no hav be a Vamppy ,you be hooman))
11:13pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((As much as I hate to turn down your offer, I'm only into animal rps.))
I\'m back.
11:15pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Ok*Sniff sniff*))
11:26pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((Don't feel bad, I'm sure lots of others would love to rp with you.))
I\'m back.
11:30pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((But they aren't ju))
11:33pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((That's very nice of you, I'm not that good of an rper though seeing as I'm only 13. There are plenty of better rpers here that you can have a nice time with.))
I\'m back.
11:36pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
(9Umm,I'm 13 too,))
11:40pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((I never woulda guessed, when is your birthday?))
I\'m back.
11:43pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 3,662
Meili came back as a ghost and killed logan goodbye boring rp!
11:45pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((Lauren that was rude! I've had more fun in this rp than I have in most.))
I\'m back.
11:50pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 3,662
((Well, She kicked me out for no apparent reson.))
11:51pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Lauren,I suggest you get a life >.>.My birthday is in March,yours?)) Lauren,spam again and I'm going to Repport you..
11:51pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
You were breaking my rules..
12:01am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((My birthday is in the serene month of January. Everything is cold, people are close. Tis the most wonderful time of the year in my opinion but I love spring as well.))
I\'m back.
12:09am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((I love fall,it's not snowing but its serene and calm.You really get to see mother nature's power then,the leaves changing color and all))
12:25am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((Winter is my fave because it seems to me like it brings people closer. I'm not much for summer as everything is burning hot. I love the frigid weather and I love seeing snow.))
I\'m back.
2:39am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 3,662
((Sorry! And my birthday is in May and I like it. Good bye and fyi, I have a life. Tootles!
9:49am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((I'm awake! What'd I miss? *checks* Apparently alot of OOC.... XD BTW... Faux disappeared. o.O Hey! My B-day's in March, too! XD)) Batflame looked around. Up north was cold. He wondered how the other packs were doing. Batflame's belly rumbled. "Ugh..." he growled. No one had a chance to hunt since they got to the mountain. They were too alert, watching out for Logan. "You guys, you can hunt now!" he called out. Shadowhex watched them hunt and still felt Nevaeh's love. It burned alot, but she knew that it would take over. But not yet. Moonlight buried her muzzle in his fur. She looked up at him and wondered what he was thinking. Moonlight leaned on his shoulder, instead. She murmured "Do you want me to pick?"
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:54am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://Sorry, I can't be on much right now cause im at a friends house and going shopping, and mah birfdays in January as well :3// Nevaeh had p*censored*ed out from the pain of having her wing torn out, but when she awoke, she found Azure healing it back. "Thanks." She murmured tiredly. Azure just nodded, tired, then left to take a nap. With a heave, Nevaeh lifted herself off the ground on shaky legs and padded over to Logan. "How are you?" Even though she wasn't showing it, she was still extremely upset about Shadowhex's leaving. "Oh, sorry." Pyro apologized to his mate. "You should pick, I'm not really sure what would be good for you, and I'm good with any den." Azure woke up soon after she fell asleep, and with Nevaeh gone, she decided to explore. Stretching her wings out, she took off towards a snowy mountain and landed. There was a black wolf with bat wings, who looked like an alpha, and she padded up to him. "Greetings." She dipped her head to him. "I hope you don't mind me being in your territory." The blue tiger purred elegantly. OOC://I wanted this to be where Batflame and Azure meet :3 *eyes twinkle*//
11:07am Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Cool X3)) Moonlight laughed. "Sure, why not?" she said, looking around. Moonlight saw a large lump of snow. "That one." she said, point the the pile. she padded over to it, digging into the lump with her paws. Batflame's tail twitched stubbornly. There was a disturbance... somewhere. He shook it off as well as he could and again, he wanted a mate. Batflame howled softly, so as not to create an avalanche. He saw a blue tiger land and was so startled that he tumbled backwards. Batflame wasn't as hostile to visitors as Logan was, so when he got up he greeted the tiger curtly "No, not at all." he said. "Hello, my name is Batflame. This is my pack, you can just call it the BatPack." he said, sitting down. Shadowhex was screaming in agony. It pained her, even though the rings were loosening instead of tightening. It was strange. Strange indeed. Her mouth bleed some more and she somehow managed to fly to Nevaeh. She flopped herself on the earth and got up, revealing herself. The spines grew longer and her wings grew larger. Her mouth bled some more. "Nevaeh..." she began. Her rings were very loose and Shadowhex had to hold onto her tail so that they wouldn't fall off. "You did this?" she asked, panting. Without waiting for an answer, she shook off the rings and transformed back into her normal self. "Ugh..." she said groggily. Then she relized that the little silver ball was still on her ear. Shadowhex touched it and gasped. "It's made out of silver jewel..." she murmured.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3