10:47pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,721
Shall I explore? No I should stay put, It's safer that way. Luna sat in the cold snow and continued to hide.
I\'m back.
10:54pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 372
When Nevaeh finally reached the peak, she couldn't find any of her friends. She sighed, and just decided to keep on going, up into the clouds. Past the mountain, past all the birds, up where she couldn't see the ground. Finally she stopped, panting, and landed on one of the clouds to rest, using her wings slightly to hover just in case the cloud couldn't hold all of her weight. Her eyes drifted across the area, and she gasped. There were crumbled cloud dens, remenents of an old pack. "I-I recognize this..." She whispered to herself, as she stared at the remains of her birth pack's territory.
10:59pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,721
So..bored Luna decided to explore. She cautiously wandered and then hid behind a jagged boulder.
I\'m back.
11:22pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan woke up,stretching.He was bored and he was wondering where Luna was.
11:27pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,721
Luna suddenly lost her balance and slipped. "Gah!" Luna got back up and glanced around embarrased, hoping none of Bat Pack heard her.
I\'m back.
11:33pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure flicked her ear, laughing inwardly at Luna's clumsyness. Tufts of cloud trailed after Nevaeh as she explored the dilapadated territory. Memories flashed behind her eyes from when she was a pup. Her mother's kind eyes, her friends, and her father, it was all too much. She became dizzy and collapsed on the cloud, panting hard, letting them overtake her. Laughter filled the air. "C'mon Nevaeh!" Her brother cried, shaking his rear at her. "I'm gonna get you, Kenai!" Nevaeh laughed, and tackled her brother. That one pas.sed, as did many others like it, all about her past family. "Help! She cried in her head, unable to move her lips, before she finally fell succumbed to the darkness.
11:36pm Aug 31 2009
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Logan's ears suddendly perked up.He heard a Help in his mind.He took off into the clouds,knowing that is was Heaven's voice
11:36pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 62
(( -ponders if should join-, whats going on??? IN da Rp))
11:38pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Logan had a fight with his mate Nevaeh,she p*censored*ed out on a cloud.Oh and a battle between clans is still up in the air)) Logan shot above the clouds,hoping to see her.
11:39pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 62
(( may i join with griffin and his sadistic physcho-ness? ))
11:44pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Go ahead.))
11:48pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 62
Name: Griffin Age: Adult Clan: None Looks: http://kaylink.deviantart.com/art/Kirn-Headshot-127601172 Personality: He is very rough, and can be a little cocky. He is extremely cold and dangerous. Often he is cruel, and though he doesn't admit to it; very sadistic. he can aslo be... charming. If thats what you want to call that is... Mate/Crush: None Gender: Male Species: Winged wolf? History: HE watched his parents die, and he NEVER talks about it, EVER! Anything Else: imagine he's got wings ^^ Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Fire and shadows
11:50pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh shot up, gasping and confused. What had just happened?
11:52pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 11:52pm Aug 31 2009)
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Posts: 2,721
((Not sure what to post ;( ))
I\'m back.
11:53pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan suddednly saw her,shooting up from a cloud.He shot towards her."Nevaeh,are you alright?What happened"Logan asked,concerned
11:54pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 62
A blood colored eye glowed in the darkness of the very dimly lit cave that griffin called his home. Little trinkets and bones where piled by the walls, and even somewhat scattered across the floor. Griffins one good eye opened in an intsant as he thought he'd heard something outside his den. Woozy and half rested griffin tried to walk out of his cave, but tripped over a large eagle skull, "darn dead bird." he grumbled as he padded out of his den and glanced around, his one good eye repetivly blinking in the sudden brightness
11:58pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 372
"I-I'm fine." Nevaeh blinked, looking oddly at Logan. "I think this was where I was...born." OOC://Bleh, bad post Dx, anywayz im excited for Griffin :3//
11:59pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Really?Cool."Logan said,no longer worrying.He gave her the cold shoulder.After all,he was still mad at her
12:04am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh was still confused. "I wonder what happened to everyone. The last thing I remember about this place is that this place was attacked by some other pack." She distantly walked away, mind on the past. Using her paw, she poked and prodded around the place. OOC://I'mma go to sleepies! Bai!!!//
12:04am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 62
(( lol thanks ^^ )) Once he was fully awake, he stretched his wings. He started walking out towards the rivers, but tripped over a root. "damn it! why couldn' my legs turn into noodles tommorow?! " he snarled at himself, then padded through the few nits of trees and arrived at the river. Hefolded his wings tight against his back then slid into the water, searching to see if there was any fish or frogs he could torment (XD)