12:06am Sep 1 2009
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Luna shook her head. "Well whaddaya know, I climb a mountain and no excitement!"
I\'m back.
12:37am Sep 1 2009
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*Sigh* I think I'm gonna finish this thread,it's dying
12:39am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((Aww, I had soo much fun. It would have lasted if the two packs would have fought.))
I\'m back.
12:58am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((I know,I don't think I'm going to close it just yet.It's just that I feel it's dying.I have to wait for Dj if I want the packs to fight)) Logan shot home,racing to his warriors."Alright men,I'm tired of waiting so tomorrow we go to war!I believe the Batpack is locted atop that snowy mountain.I shall strike before them!"Logan shouted,riling up the members of the pack.He was tired of waiting. And tomorrow,All hell will break loose on those who betrayed him Because he was, Closer Than You Think...
1:01am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 2,721
"Now, how to get down?" Luna wandered to the edge of the mountain and looked down. Wow, that'd be an awful long fall!
I\'m back.
9:53am Sep 1 2009
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Batflame's ear twitched. "What was that?" he said, turning back to see a dead piece of greenery. He scoffed and turned back to Azure. Moonlight lied down beside Pyro, burying her muzzle in his fur. "This is a grand place, Pyro." she murmured. Stream sniffled and got up, walking around. Her mother was still asleep. Stream padded outside and saw a snow leopard. Not knowing that she was the enemy, she asked "Why big kitty here?" She poked Batflame and said "Big kitty behind big rock." as she turned back. She jumped on the jagged rock. "Big kitty!" she exclaimed happily. Batflame's ear twitched in frustration as he padded over to where Stream was. "Luna." he said disgustedly. "Have you come to spy on us?!" he said, snarling. Stream shrunk back in fear. Shadowhex felt Nevaeh's presence nearby. She flapped wings and landed on the cloud, effortlessly padding around. She found Nevaeh and stared at her. "Nevvie!" she exclaimed, nuzzling her although she wouldn't feel it. Shadowhex revealed herself to Nevaeh. "Heaven." she murmured.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:11am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure calmly watched Batflame as he snarled at Luna, but got bored and turned around, although she didn't want to leave the Alpha of the BatPack. There was something that drew her to him. But she did pad reluctantly away. A dark wolf with red markings and another lighter wolf were nuzzling each other. "Greetings." She purred to the pair, politly dipping her head curtly. "Who are you?" Pyro growled. He was now distrustful of strangers. "Shadowhex!" Nevaeh cried. "What happened? Where have you been?" The she-wolf dashed up to her friend and tried to nuzzle her as best she could.
11:19am Sep 1 2009
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Moonlight dipped her head, too. "I'm Moonlight." she said calmly. She looked over to Pyro. "I guess we can trust her if Batflame does." she said. Batflame sighed and left Luna. He had all of his packmates with him, against ONE snow leopard and maybe Logan's pack. He padded over to Azure. "This is Pyro and Moonlight." he asid, flicking his tail over to them. Shadowhex's ears and tail drooped as she told Nevaeh what had happened. The Underworld, her uncle, the transformation, the rings and the pain. She lied down beside her friend.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:23am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 62
Griffin slpashed quietly around in the thick river. He waded through the shallow part of the river, then pushed his way througha deep part t another shallow part. He sat down, the water coming up only under his ribs, and he shook out his fur, scattering water everywhere
11:28am Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 11:31am Sep 1 2009)
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Posts: 372
Pyro still grumbled a little, but listened to Moonlight. Anyway, even if the cat attacked, he could surely beat her, she was a cat. "I am Azure." Azure introduced. "This seems like a very well balanced pack." She commented, looking at all of the wolves and cats. "That's aweful!" Nevaeh cried. "Do you know why it happened?" Her eyes flicked over the cloud and to Logan's pack, preparing to fight. "No..." She gasped. "Shadowhex, I think they're going to attack!" OOC://Griffin! XD He should join teh battle :3//
11:32am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 62
Griffin opened his wings, and flapped them hardly, drying out any of the water from the river that they had on them. He hated flying with soggy wings, Even though it helped with strengthening your flying ability
11:40am Sep 1 2009
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((Hey, Scourgey! Can I call you that? XD)) Moonlight nodded a little. "Welcome, Azure." she said. "I guess you can say that." she said. "We don't have very many cats but I think Batflame went off to recruit some tigers and cheetahs or something. I'm not very good with cat spieces, you know?" she said. Shadowhex nodded her head. "My uncle's power is the power to hypnotize nd it's very strong. No one can deflect this power." she said. Her head jerked up. "Attack?!" she screamed. "Your mate's a monster!" she said, panicking.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:41am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 62
(( XD sure, but i must go! my planet needs me! Jk, my moms yelling at me ))
11:42am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 62
(( and mah brain died, lol ))
11:48am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Poor brain! Now can I eat it?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:48am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure snickered. "Not many are these days. And anyway, I count myself more as a wolf, I grew up with them." She wasn't trying to be rude, she was just saying. "And I would like to join a pack, but I think my friend needs me." Pyro just sat there, staring Azure down. He did not like her one bit. "We have to do something!" Nevaeh said, and she started to unfold her wings to jump off the cloud. "I'll try to talk Logan out of it, you warn BatPack!"
11:54am Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 2,097
"Okay." Moonlight said. "I wonder where Nevaeh and Shadowhex went...?" she wondered. Shadowhex already did, but she just nodded. Shadowhex flew off to the jungle. Normally, she wouldn't know where Batflame was, but she had a strond feeling that he was at the jungle. And he was. Batflame was walking around with a group of big cats. Shadowhex warned Batflame again and he nodded. The huge group flew to the mountains. There were about one hundred new big cat recruits. There were even more wolf recruits. The wolves and cats braced themselves. Batflame's pack was huge and took up the entire peak of the mountain. Everyone was alert, prepared and waiting.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:02pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
"Logan! Stop, don't attack them!" Nevaeh cried as she landed in the pack territory. "Please! Why are we even doing this?"
12:13pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://gtg guys! Be back later!//
12:17pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Ok, cya.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3