6:02pm Sep 1 2009
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"Where is this?" Eclipse peered around. I've no time for this, I should be out causing mischeif! This forest is very weird. Luna followed a trail to a large ice wall. "You, are you behind this?" Luna peeked over at Moonlight.
I\'m back.
6:09pm Sep 1 2009
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Moonlight shook her head. "Pyro!!!" she screamed, pounding at the ice. Shadowhex controlled Batflame and made him fly lightning-fast to the wall. Shadowhex-Batflame blew fire to the wall, melting it a little. Shadowhex let go of Batflame and he blew harder. Moonlight used her telekinesis to lift the pieces of ice. Shadowhex's uncle, Bloodkill, roared. Bloodkill opened his mouth and sent out a burst of light. He snickered and flew awaqy. Shadowhex's eyes seemed to be on fier. Her whole body seemed to be like that. She roared a dreadful roar and zipped over to Bloodkill. "No!" he screamed. Shadowhex took him down, "Never again will you kill!" she snarled. Bloodkill disappeared to the Underworld prison. He was trapped, along with a million other wolves. Shadowhex fainted. The light bounced off the ice, blinding the two. The ice collapsed on itself. It was too weak. Moonlight screamed. "Nooo! Pyro!!!" she wailed, flying to the heap. Batflame had tears in his eyes as he searched for Pyro. "Here!" Moonlight exclaimed. Batflame nodded and watched her. "Pyro..." she whispered, kissing him. "No, you can't die! Please! Don't die!" she screamed, hugging Pyro's body close to herself.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:15pm Sep 1 2009
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The blinding light made Eclipse shudder as she began to wither awy. Eclipse arose, but it wasn't the same Eclipse. Her eyes were like black holes to nothing, her fur was gray and dreaery, not orange. Her tail was thin and bony with a bright flame on the end. This was her spirit form. She looked nearly transparent.
I\'m back.
6:20pm Sep 1 2009
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Shadowhex gasped. "Eclipse...?" she mumbled, flying inside. "Eclipse! Is that you...?" she said. "Oh, no! Oh, no!" she exclaimed in horror. "If you died...than Pyro!" she cried. Moonlight squeezed Pyro's body against herself. "Pyro... I love you..." she said, tears trickling down her cheeks. She howled. Shaodwhex growled and flew to Logan. "Are you happy now?!" she screeched. Not waiting for an answer, she flew back to the horror scene.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:28pm Sep 1 2009
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Eclipse looked at her new form. "I'm... dead?" She turned her head and waved her tail. She floated up into the air and back down, shocked. "I can fly now too." Luna's jaw dropped. She shook frantically, hoping she wasn't the next to go.
I\'m back.
6:30pm Sep 1 2009
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"Yes..." Shadowhex whispered with tears in her eyes. She dipped her head. "Welcome. You will see your afterlife in a strange perspective compared to your original life..." she whispered, staring glumly at Moonlight.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:34pm Sep 1 2009
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"Why did I take on this form? Yes, I was mischevious but I never killed a soul in my life. I'd hate to see what an animal that has killed looks like."
I\'m back.
7:02pm Sep 1 2009
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"Because all who die do so. Unless you are pure evil. But you're not." Shadowhex answered. She raised her eyebrow. "But what about the animals you kill for food?" she asked.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:08pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Pyro felt the darkness press down on him. He heard Moonlight's faint cries, her fur brush lightly against his body. What's happening? But suddenly, the darkness lifted. The dark wolf stood up and shook himself. "Moonlight? What's wro-..." He cut himself off, his eyes glued to his body. "Is that...me?" Azure saw the flash of light in the forest. "What was that?" She gasped, unfolding her wings and taking off to the site of the light. When she landed, she saw the bodies of two animals, Pyro's and a tiger, whose name was Eclipse, she vaguely remembered. Silently, she sat in the background, mourning in her own way of silence.
7:17pm Sep 1 2009
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((I'm here.Please don't kill off Pyro)) ((Explain to me what happened.)) Logan and his Team shot through the trees,going to the snowey moutain.He was out for blood
7:20pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 7:22pm Sep 1 2009)
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"Oh, I forgot about them, but I've never killed for sheer pleasure. Eh, it doesn't seem that bad being dead. Plus not many knew me so it's not like any of my friends will be upset." Eclipse peered down. "As for that wolf though, it seems like he had many freinds."
I\'m back.
7:22pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Pyro sighed. "I guess that makes you lucky then." He grumbled to Eclipse. Concentrating, he made himself visible. "Moonlight?" He whispered to his mate. "Can you hear me?"
7:22pm Sep 1 2009
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Shadowhex padded over to them. "Yes..." the two she-wolves said in unison. Moonlight wailed and hugged Pyro's body tightly. Batflame turned to them. His stomach lurched. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart skipped a beat. "It has happened..." he mumured. Moonlight wouldn't stop crying, sobbing, mourning. Shadowhex stroked Pyro's body softly and turned to him. "Moonlight will have a hard time bearing her pups without you..." she said. "But maybe this is for the better." she mumbled. Shadowhex, Moonlight and Batflame picked up Pyro's body and flew back to BatPack. Frostblood was in a daze when he woke up. "Hurm?" he mumbled when he saw Pyro's body being brought back to camp. Everyone crowded around Pyro's dead body. Shadowhex did, too. Stream sobbed alon with many others. Batflame summoned the courage to speak. "He was an amazing BatPack member..." he said. Moonlight wailed. "I love you!" Stream murmured "He was a good friend." Shadowhex said "Pyro was loyal to BatPack but the time for him to die has come and gone. We must accept this." she said. The packmates nodded and did their things glumly.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:25pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 7:25pm Sep 1 2009)
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Logan shot up the mountain.He was getting revenge on those who did him wrong.He snarled,"Batflame,it's time for revenge"He snarled,going after Batflame,his eyes black.He ran at him,pushing anyone who was in his way
7:29pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 7:30pm Sep 1 2009)
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Posts: 372
Pyro stood solemly next to the group. He was going to be a father... "I can't believe this." The dark wolf murmured. Still visible, he padded over to Moonlight, leaning against her as much as he could, which would feel more like a breeze to her, but at least she could tell he was watching over her. Pyro was still in love with her, and she was always his mate, even if she found someone else. News had traveled to Nevaeh from Azure. She sat back at Logan's territory, terrified. What if Logan died? What would she do without him? Oh, how she wished he would come back soon. Azure flew back with the procession. She leaned against a tree away from the funeral, horrible memories coming and going of her real parents. Sighing, she turned around. She couldn't handle the sight anymore. Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of Logan. "Look out!" The tiger cried to Batflame, and launched herself forward, trying to distract the other wolf.
7:34pm Sep 1 2009
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((You missed a lot Chance, as far as my charracters, here's what happened. Luna was attacked by Bat Pack after she was caught spying. She was way outnumbered and fainted in battle. When she woke up, she was in the medicine den in Bat Pack territory. After being healed a bit, she requested that she be returned to Shadow Pack. She was taken back. Eclipse found herself trapped by ShadowHex's evil uncle in an ice wall. A great flash of light overcame her as she died. She is now a spirit, but unlike she used to be. She now has black holes as eyes, gray fur, a bony tail with a flame at the end, and she can fly by levitating.))
I\'m back.
7:34pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 7:36pm Sep 1 2009)
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Shadowhex felt what Ligan was doing and entered his body. His voice was the two combined. "Pyro's gone already! Isn't that enough?!" they snarled. "We have done nothing wrong." the two rasped, their merged voice sounding like pieces of metal being rubbed together. Batflame's pack flew to him, backing him up. Stream was on Batflame's head, staring at Logan. "Wolf-killer! Wolf-killer!" the pup screeched, leaping off of Batflame. She spread her wings and glided away. Stream flapped her wings and flew in front of Batflame-Shadowhex. She attempted a snarl. "You killed Shadowhex..." she growled. BatPAck agreed. But indirectly. Stream thought, still snarling. Batflame screamed "Hex!" and out from his mouth spewed a purple flame that would hit Logan's head. If it didn't, there were wolves ready to attack him anyways. It was a hexflame. A hex and a flame merged. But they hex part was from a dead wolf. What happens then? Stream wondered as she blinked. Batflame's pack swarmed around Logan, above, below, beside, in every direction. Frostblood stared at Logan.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:35pm Sep 1 2009
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Logan stopped,not wanting to hurt Heaven's friend."Azure,get out of my way"He snarled,giving her pain receptors a taste of what he could do
7:47pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure jumped back, snarling. "No. I won't let another creature die today." She bravely stood her ground, wanting to defend her pack. Nevaeh snapped up. Something was wrong. Quickly, she snapped up and flew towards BatPack, only to see Logan fighting and being attack. She snarled ferosciously and landed next to him. "Don't touch him." Her voice was filled with nastiness. Nevaeh didn't want to lose her mate, she loved him with all her heart.
7:50pm Sep 1 2009
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((I gtg for a walk.)) Batflame-Shadowhex snarled. Moonlight stood beside them. BatPack swarmed around the two. "We will attack if we must." Batflame-Shadowhex said, snarling. "We aren't afraid." they growled. Stream growled, too. She stared straight ahead. Moonlight's wings unfolded, along with the others. From the above, it would look like a bunch of bat wings on furry blobs.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3