10:58pm Sep 1 2009
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"NOO,HEAVEN,PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!"Logan screamed,a sound he hasn't made in decades.His black half had retreated,the white now bright and glistening,as his eyes turned back to thier normal shade of gray. "Heaven,if you go,so do I,"Logan said,stepping to the edge of the cliff. "I love you,"Were his last words ans he jumped,wings firmly closed. ((Iz EVOL XD)) ((Logan dies...)))
10:58pm Sep 1 2009
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Luna shed a few tears as Neveh flew off. She lowered her head and began to shiver.
I\'m back.
10:58pm Sep 1 2009
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11:02pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://NUUU LOGAN!!! T~T// Nevaeh heard Logan and turned around, only to see him jump. "Logan no!" She cried and began to speed back, but it was too late. "Logan..." The white she wolf whispered as she landed, sitting on the edge of the cliff, tears streaming down her face.
11:04pm Sep 1 2009
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(NoTT!!)) Logan heard Heaven right before he hit the flor.He put his feet out and hit the ground running.He doubled back,facing Heaven. "You said you were leaving.I can't live without you"He murmurmed,touching her face with his paw
11:07pm Sep 1 2009
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Luna gazed as Logan jumped off the edge of the mountain. "Why..." Luna got dizzy all of a sudden. Blood scattered everywhere and Logan was now gone. She fainted in the cold snow.
I\'m back.
11:23pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC:// *happy dances and suffo-hugs Logan.// "I'm only leaving if you can't be yourself." She whispered. "Because I can't live without you either." Nevaeh leaned into Logan's paw. "You are my heaven." OOC://DAWWW :3//
11:26pm Sep 1 2009
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"And you are mine.But you need to promise me something,"Logan said,stepping back. "Don't ever let me get that sadistic ever again,because I don't think I would be able to get out next time."Logan stated. "Heaven,I'm sorry,but you need to understand that I am an animal,and what you saw today was only an ounce of what could happen.That is always inside of me,telling to destroy all life around me."He explained,taking a step back away from Heaven when he felt his eyes go black with memorey once again.
11:29pm Sep 1 2009
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((Where could Dj be? She's missing everything.))
I\'m back.
11:30pm Sep 1 2009
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((I know right XDDD))
11:33pm Sep 1 2009
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((She is currently offline))
11:40pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh looked lovingly at her mate. "I will try to stand by you as long as I can," She padded off to drag Azure in a safe spot for her to wake up then went nearby Logan again, but not too close. The white wolf never wanted to have to fight him again. OOC://Can Nevaeh get pregnant soon? XD I wants lil' Logans running around teh place :3//
11:43pm Sep 1 2009
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(XDDDDD.Sure.*Lil Logans* *Rofls*)) Logan growled,a dargerous sound,as his dark side once again was melting into the white.All at oncce,he charged for the comatose Azure,wanting to kill her.with every step he got darker,every bound he got angrier.
11:47pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure woke up suddenly, and seeing Logan charging at her flew away. Up and up she went, until the ground could no longer be seen because of the clouds, and she saw the remains of her old camp. Quickly, she buried herself underneath the fluff well enough not to be seen, and masked her thoughts.
11:51pm Sep 1 2009
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Logan shot up through the air after Azure,not thinking.He sniffed and immediately smelled her.He shot in her direction.He stopped suddendly,seeing a mound of fluff on the clouds. "Ha,Azure,you think I would let you get off Scot-free for attacking my mate and your 'friend'?You thought wrong!"He snarled diving into the fluff and pulling her out by her neck. "I should kill you right now"He snarled,biting down a bit for emphasis.
11:56pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 372
"What you don't realize, Logan," Azure panted, growing lightheaded from loss of blood. "Is that I was saving someone near and dear to me. What would you do if I was charging at Nevaeh with Batflame? Would you get me, and let Batflame get her, or would you get Batflame, and have me attack you while you attack Batflame, letting Nevaeh escape?"
11:58pm Sep 1 2009
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"Yes,I would.But you attacked her,not me.That requires punishment and you have no escuse to do so."Logan snarled through his teeth,biting down harder
12:02am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"If I had attacked you, she would have killed the creature I was defending, and I never meant to kill." Azure panted, now beginning to choke. Batflame was ok as far as she knew, and that was enough for her. "If I was gone, Nevaeh would be wounded beyond repair. I am her only tie to the past."
12:05am Sep 2 2009
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"Not anymore,she found her dens.And you were defending a traitor.And now,you are considered one,too.My tolerance for them is extremely low.Right now,the only one who could save you isn't here"Logan retorted,starting to feel blood trickle into his mouth. "You meant to kill,either me or Heaven."He snarled
12:08am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure smiled. "And how do you know that? I had no thoughts then. I was never meant to kill anyone, I try and avoid it mostly. What if Nevaeh was a traitor? What if someone was attacking her? Is it really just to kill someone who was defending the thing they loved most?"