12:10am Sep 2 2009
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Logan snarled."You have no idea what you're talking about.I have killed for Heaven and will again.Heaven is never wrong in my eyes.She could never be a traitor.She is my mate."He said,relishing the taste of her blood as he bit harder
12:11am Sep 2 2009
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12:16am Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 12:17am Sep 2 2009)
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Posts: 372
"I don't see who I was defending as a traitor though." Azure was careful to avoid his name. "How could I intend to kill my best friend or her mate?" She could feel herself slipping.
12:18am Sep 2 2009
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"Shut up,Azure.I know you were protecting Batflame.He was a traitor,too.I know you were going to try and kill me or Heaven if I had successfully got my paws on him.Oh,I wonder what his blood tastes like?"Logan mused,hearing his name in her thoughts
12:20am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"How would you feel if Nevaeh was killed?" Azure asked, out of the blue.
12:24am Sep 2 2009
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Logan suddendly snarled,letting go of Azure by accident.He started turning black,his eyes evil."Keep her name out of your filthy mouth"He spat darkly,ripping into her mind and tearing at it
12:26am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure sat there, bouncing the waves off her mind block. "Keep his out of yours." She growled coldly before turning around and walking away from Logan, towards her original pack.
12:28am Sep 2 2009
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Logan shot towards Azure,grabbing her by the scruff of her neck. "I can say what I please.If I want to,I will go back and kill him myself.Would you like me to mail you his heart?"He snapped,breaking through her mind block
12:33am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure was handling this surprisingly well. "I'll tell Nevaeh what you did. She won't look at you the same way again. She thinks of Batflame as a friend, so you'd be killing two of her close friends." She said calmly, implying that if Batflame died, she would die too.
12:36am Sep 2 2009
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"Go ahead,she loves me anyway.We are soulmates,so if I was to kill him it wouldn't change a thing.As a matter of fact,I'm going to go kill him"Logan said,letting go of Azure and shooting towards the mountain
12:41am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure was very sure of herself. She calmly fluttered down to Nevaeh. "Me and Logan just had a...discussion." She murmured to her friend. "I believe that he is going to get Batflame." Nevaeh froze. "Logan!" She cried, searching for him. "Don't you dare kill Batflame! For me?"
12:44am Sep 2 2009
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Logan didn't hear Heaven looking for him.If Azure was sure he was going to kill him,which he wasn't,she would break. He got to the moutain,and picked out a freshly killed wolf.He tore his heart out and gently put the still beating organ in his mouth. He flew back to Azure,dropping the heart next to her. "It was easier than I thought,since he was wounded and everything.It was just a matter of killing him through the brain and taking his heart.I told you I would give it to you."Logan mused,going to sit next to Heaven. ((Azure doesn't know it's not Batflame's,kay?))
12:48am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure stared up at him in horror. "You monster." She spat and turned around, padding away from him, not giving him the pleasure of a fight. Nevaeh's eyes were glued to the heart. "Y-you killed B-batflame?" She stammered. Already, Pyro and Azure were gone. Now Batflame? Who next?
12:51am Sep 2 2009
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Logan walked up next to Heaven,whispering in her ear so Azure couldn't hear."No,it's another wolfs.I'm just tired of the so called 'friend that attacked you"Logan explained,hoping to calm her down. "Just don't tell her"He warned,his eyes going black for a few seconds for emphasis. He ran after Azure."I told you.And look back,she's still there.Because she loves me,so I hope you've liked this little does of reality"Logan said,turning around and heading back
12:55am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"Then she's no friend of mine." Azure hissed at Logan. "Her love has blinded her, and I hope you know that." She continued to walk away. Nevaeh glared at Logan as he walked back. "She attacked me to save the one she loved, and one of my best friends. And I'm not even hurt!" She chastised Logan, not fully realizing the severity of the situation. OOC://I have to go in five minutes//
12:58am Sep 2 2009
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"Calm down,Heaven.you think I would let her hurt you regardless?Pshh.Fine,go follow her like you always do.I'm the one you say you love but you always take her side..."Logan snapped,remembering when she attacked him,walking away to Shadow Pack territory,where his survivors are.Whic,was most of the pack.
1:01am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"I'll be right back then." Nevaeh said, quickly nuzzling Logan, then dashing off to Azure. "How are you? I know you didn't mean to hurt me." She said when she caught up to her friend. "Maybe I should have." Azure hissed, running and taking off on her wings away from Nevaeh. Confused, Nevaeh flew back to Logan. "What did you do to her?" OOC://kk gtg! See you guys in the mornin.//
1:04am Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 1:06am Sep 2 2009)
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"Why didn't you go with her?I know you want to,I bet you don't even 'love' me"Logan snapped,ignoring Heaven. He suddendly turned to her. "Oh,nothing.Just how,you know how she thought that was Batflame's heart?Well she said if I killed him you wouldn't love me or look at me the saem again.So when I dropped the heart and you stood by me I told her she was wrong.Then she said summin' 'bout you and her not being friends and that you're blind"He said nonchalantly
6:00am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Fall asleep and miss 4 pages. D:
School time now. o:))
6:05am Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
griffin closed his eyes tightly shut as he dove straight for the ground. Literally 100 feet from the ground he opened his wings and they caught the wind, and he flapped hard and flew just above the trees (( bleh... ))