10:08am Sep 2 2009
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Azure looked up to see another wolf above her head. Great. She thought sarcastically. Another wolf. The blue tiger was starting to dislike them. But anyway, she felt she needed some company. "You know, you should be more careful." Her voice echoed through out the forest. Nevaeh stopped and blinked, astonished. "You mean...I just lost my best friend? My only tie to my past? No! I need to fix this!Because Batflame isn't dead. I lost my friend over a lie!" She turned around and began to run off, but was slow because she was thinking too much.
10:49am Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 10:51am Sep 2 2009)
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OOC://BACK! :3//
10:59am Sep 2 2009
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((I'm AWAKE!!! I sleep and miss like four pages?! *goes back to read* OMG things were intense. *sniffle*)) Stream watched Nevaeh and screamed "Nevvie!" before a Shadow Pack member got her. "Hellllpp!!!" she said, sniffling and tears trickling down her cheeks. She stared at the wolf with huge, teary eyes and started to wail. That would embara.ss the wolf and make it feel guilty. "WAAAA!!!" the pup shrieked. Batflame-Shadowhex slashed across many wolves, mostly injuring them. "Azure!" they called out in unison. BatPack killed many Shadow Pack members, tossing their bodies into the lava. The tornados got so big that they became out of control, picking up lava and spitting it out at wolves. Batflame touched down in front of Azure. "Logan is deceitful." he said. Shadowhex separated from him for a while. ----------------------------Next Morning---------------------------- Suddenly, they heard a howl. More of surprise than pain. "Moonlight!" they yelled in unison. Batflame gently placed Azure on his back. Moonlight howled again. "HEELLLLPPP!!!!" she screeched. Shadowhex reached her first. "What are you doing in the medical den?!" she screamed, although she knew what was coming next. All of BatPack surrounded the den. The monster Logan shall not take the lives of five newborn pups. Pyro-Moonlight was still screaming. "You can come out now, Pyro." she sniffled, letting him out. Shadowhex floated around, comforting her friend. There were wolf bodies scattered on the mountain and some fell into the lava. Organs were littered across the mountain. Blood was absolutely everywhere. ((Good enough?))
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11:25am Sep 2 2009
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Pyro floated out, nervous. He didn't really get what was going on. "What's happening?" The dark wolf whispered to Shadowhex, nervously flitting around. OOC://Is Azure in the forest? I'm confused XD, oh wait lets just say she's asleepings :3//
11:31am Sep 2 2009
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((Okay. XD I think she's on the mountain on Batflame's back.)) "The pups are coming." she whispered back, eyes glued on Moonlight, who was howling. Moonlight was squirming around. A group of medicine wolves swarmed in, helping her. Suddenly, they back up. Moonlight was lying down with the pups nursing. She turned to Pyro. "Your a father now..." she whispered with tears in her eyes. Batflame let Azure down and pointed to Moonlight. "The pups are here." he whispered. Wolves whispered "The pups are here!" to those beside them. Suddenly, it became a chant "The pups are here! The pups are here! The pups are here!" they chanted. The chanting stopped and the pups and Moonlight were asleep. They let Moonlight, PYro and the pups be alone. Everyone was still alert though, for Logan. He might try to kill the pups and Moonlight. That would prove him a monster but no one wants to see poor, defenceless pups die. Unless they had powers. If they had powers it would be extremely different.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:37am Sep 2 2009
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OOC://How many pups? I only wanna rp one :3// Pyro was silent in awe. He was a father. Carefully, even though he was a ghost, he laid himself down next to Moonlight. "They're beautiful." The dark wolf murmured, and immediatly he knew that he loved and would die for these small creatures. Azure's eyes fluttered open. Then she jumped up, surprised. "Where am I?" She asked to no one in particular, but she soon realized she was in BatPack. "How did I get here?"
11:43am Sep 2 2009
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((No, you get two. XD There are five. I get three XD Maybe I'll give everyone one. But later.)) Moonlight nodded and groomed them throughly. "We should name them." she murmured. Batflame turned to Azure. He chuckled, "You were here the whole time." he said. He stared at the little pups. "Aren't they adorable?" he mumbled, still staring. Then he was hit with a pang of jealousy. Batflame wanted to be a father, too. He wanted pups, too. But then he felt guilty and abandoned the thought.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:59am Sep 2 2009
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OOC://XDD// Azure looked strangly at Batflame. Then tackled him. "I can't believe you're alive!" She cried happily, a rumbling purr in her throat. "I thought Logan had killed you!" Pyro looked at the pups. "I think this one should be Kona." He used his paw to point to a black female. "And this one should be Axel." His paw drifted to a whiter wolf. OOC://Pup pictures! First is Axel then Kona// 
12:15pm Sep 2 2009
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((AIEE!! ADORABLE!!!)) Batflame blushed under his fur. "You...know...you're...heavier...than meee...." he said, laughing slightly. Batflame nuzzled her. He hoped that she knew he loved her. Moonlight nodded. "Sounds great!" she said, stroking them. "I think she should be Trickle..." she said, stroking a light grey pup. "And he can be Shell." she said, pointing to a red wolf. "At last... her name is going to be Powder." Moonlight murmured, stroking a white-furred pup. In order: Trickle, Shell, Powder. 

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:22pm Sep 2 2009
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Pyro looked lovingly at his family. "Get some rest Moonlight." He murmured, lightly brushing against his mate. "You'll need all your strenght to watch over the little buggers." Axel pushed one of his siblings out of the way to get to the milk. Azure laughed and nuzzled Batflame back. She felt right with him, like all the peices were put together, well, except one. Her eyes darkened as she thought of Nevaeh. How could her best friend betray her like that? But she shook it off. For now, she was with Batflame, that was all that mattered. OOC:// Axel's a little greedy thing ain't he? XD//
12:26pm Sep 2 2009
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Moonlight gave a soft chuckle. "Yes, Pyro." she murmured. "Wake me if something happens." Powder back-flipped when Axel pushed her. Batflame felt like Azure was all he ever wanted. Except for his pack's happiness, of course. Shell shoved in between Axel and Trickle. Moonlight laughed and said "Nap-time, guys." before she fell asleep. ((XD Yesh.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:34pm Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 1:14pm Sep 2 2009)
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OOC://Imma make my pups' bios// Name: Kona Age: Just born Clan: BatPack Looks: *pokes picture in previous post* Personality: Kind and rambunctious, likes to run around and play Mate/Crush: None, but open Gender: Female Species: Wolf History: She was born to Moonlight and Pyro Anything Else: Nada Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Has small black bat wings and is extremely fast Picture: *Pokes prev. post w/ pup pictures* Name: Axel Age: Just Born Clan: BatPack Looks: On same post as Kona's Personality: Quiet and sullen, always wants to be on top Mate/Crush: None, open Gender: Male Species: Wolf History: Born to Moonlight and Pyro Anything Else: None Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Has no wings, locate any animal with his mind if he concentrates enough. Picture: Same post as Kona's
12:38pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Azure looked at Batflame's eyes, wondering if she should tell him or not. It's now or never, Azure. She told herself, and took a deep breath. "Batflame, I have something to tell you..." Kona used her small wings to fly near her mother's head so she could snuggle her and fell asleep. Axel yipped quietly and draped himself over Shell, still suckling. Pyro smiled and left the den, giving Moonlight some privacy for sleep. He sat down outside it and kept watch, quietly whistling. OOC://Wolves actually whistle. Did you know that? I think it's kewls :3//
12:52pm Sep 2 2009
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((Nope, didn't know. That's kewl. :3)) Shadowhex sat beside Pyro. "Aren't they adorable? Doesn't it make you feel better when you know they're yours.?" she asked, smiling. Shell gave a squeak of complaint and climbed on Axel. Trickle pushed them all aside and hogged the space. Shell gave a cry of complaint again before climbing on Moonlight and falling asleep. The pups were asleep. Batflame stared at her and said "I love you." ((Here are the bios for da other pups: *Complain* If I take three pups I'll have SIX to control in total. Imma give two pups for some others to control soon, okay? But Trickle ish MINE!)) Name: Trickle Age: Newborn Clan: BatPack Looks: Up there... yeah... just a bit more.... there you go! But with tiny black bird wings, like Moonlight's old ones but black Personality: Friendly and sarcastic, loyal and kind Mate/Crush: ((Way)) Too young, but open for crush. Gender: Female Species: Elemental Wolf History: Parents are Pyro and Moonlight <3 Anything Else: From a litter of five Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Unknown Picture: Didn't I tell you? ------------- Name: Shell Age: Newborn Clan: BatPack Looks: UP THERE *points* but with very, very long and sharp claws. Has tiny bat wings. Personality: Helpful yet greedy. Friendly yet annoying ((sometimes.)) Mate/Crush: Too young for mate, open for crush Gender: Male Species: Curse Wolf History: Born to Pyro and Moonlight Anything Else: Was born with four siblings Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Can curse and deliver a paralyzing bite ((And no, you can't just shake it off. But it feels like a painful nip)) Picture: Up there! *pokes pic* ------------- Name: Powder Age: Newborn Clan: BatPack Looks: *sighs* With the others Personality: Helpful, commanding, kind and loyal Mate/Crush: Too young for mate, open for crush Gender: Female Species: Wolf History: Born to Moonlight and Pyro Anything Else: Has 4 siblings Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Fire attacks, like Pyro and deadly bite, like Moonlight Picture: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ((Phew! I'm done! *rejoice*))
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1:08pm Sep 2 2009
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((Luna, wake up! *Pokes Luna with stick*)) Luna lay unconcious in the frosty snow, the sight of blood and gore was too much for her.
I\'m back.
1:12pm Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 1:13pm Sep 2 2009)
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Posts: 372
"It's like nothing you would expect to feel." Pyro smiled. "But I feel bad that I can't actually be there for them. I want to touch them, to teach them how to hunt. But I can't." His eyes drifted down to his paws. "But I will do everything I can to keep them all safe." Axel yawned drowsily and closed his eyes, falling right to sleep, snoring lightly. Joy coursed through Azure's body. "I love you too." She whispered, and pressed her nose against Batflame's adoringly. OOC://Pups are so easy to rp XD Oh and I'm changing Axel's power. He can locate other creatures with his mind :3//
1:14pm Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 1:15pm Sep 2 2009)
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((Who's Joy? Nevermind, I read it wrong.))
I\'m back.
1:37pm Sep 2 2009
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((XD Pyro can enter Moonlight's body and train the pups that way, or use his old one for a LITTLE while. X3 I know, eh? It's like: "He jumped on her and started suckling." or "He fell asleep right away." XD)) Shadowhex stared at him sympathetically, she knew how it felt like. "I understand." she said simply. Then, she turned to Pyro's old body, which was covered by snow. "Use your old body. It won't be for long, but use it." she whispered, padding over to it. Batflame felt his troubles and worries evaporate and disappear; Azure was his. Tiger-wolf pups! With the power of tigers and the spirit of wolves! How interesting they would be. Moonlight was asleep. Trickle was sleeping on her tail, Powder on her left wing, covered by her right and Shell where he was suckling.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:46pm Sep 2 2009
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Pyro nodded and followed Shadowhex. "We should hide it soon though. The pups shouldn't see me like this." But despite his previous comment, he stepped into his old body. It was much weaker that it used to be, so he couldn't fight, but he just wanted to be with his family. Axel woke up suddenly. He squeaked and bumbled out of the den. Something was cold on his paws, but he didn't know what it was. Pyro looked over and padded to his son. "You shouldn't be out here little one." He cooed, but let him stay out for a little while anyway. "The new pups are so cute." Azure purred. Now that she had Batflame, cubs would be in the future, possibly. "I think Pyro and Moonlight will be great parents."
1:51pm Sep 2 2009
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Shadowhex helped Pyro get in the limp thing. "Sure." she said. Shadowhex padded over to Frostblood, to talk to him. Shell opened one eye, and decided that nothing important was happening so he fell back asleep. Moonlight opened her eyes and rushed over to Pyro, her pups tumbled on the cold white stuff. They padded around and played with it. Moonlight nuzzled Pyro with her fur. "Enjoy your family." she said. Batflame nodded. He might be a father one day. He stroked Shell with his tail. "Yes they will." he said, watching them play. ((Cubs or pups? XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3