7:41pm Sep 2 2009
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"Because,"Logan said,not finishing the answer.
7:41pm Sep 2 2009
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7:46pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"Because why?" Nevaeh growled. Logan was running on the ends of her patience. "Give me an actual answer Logan or so help me, I will leave this time and not look back."
7:47pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Because,I honestly hate her!.And I don't need you finding out who attacked your dens"Logan growled,his voice barely a whisper over the last words. "But go ahead then!Leave."
7:54pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"You hate her? Because she was trying to rescue the person she loves and me? If she hadn't stopped me, I would have helped you kill Batflame! He's my friend too, and if I killed him, I would have killed myself later." Nevaeh kept walking away, but turned her head to look at Logan. "I may be back, I may not. I don't know." She said, before taking off over the tree tops.
7:56pm Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 7:56pm Sep 2 2009)
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Posts: 15,067
"If you're leaving to find her,don't bother coming back.For love or not,you would have truly become a traitor."Logan retorted. He walked away,going to his den. "Men,I'm pissed.Any wolf you see on my territory is to either be killed on sight or be brung to me,got it?"Logan ordered
8:02pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh was steaming with anger. "Everyone is a traitor to you Logan." She mumbled to herself. Soon she landed in BatPack territory and walked into the dens. "Azure! Azure!" The white wolf called out into the dark night. "What do you want Nevaeh." Azure growled. "I wanted to say that Logan made me not tell you about-" Nevaeh began, but was cut off.
"I don't want to hear it. Get out." Azure spat. "But-" "OUT!" Nevaeh lowered her ears. "Okay then..." She flew back to Logan's territory. The white wolf didn't really believe he meant she couldn't come back. "Logan? Are you here?" She called out into the forest.
8:04pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
Griffin soon brought down the large elk. It continued bleating loudly, but soon became silent as griffin snapped its neck. On it its antlers had jabbed his side, but it only fel tlike a bruise. He began eating hungrily
8:05pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://Maybe Griffin will meet Nevaeh now :3//
8:05pm Sep 2 2009
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Logan growled,hearing Nevaeh. "Go get the traitor"He ordered,sending Lucius Lucius flew to her."You need to come with me!"He ordered her,hoping she would come easily
8:06pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
(( maybe =D lol ))
8:07pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 2,721
I\'m back.
8:07pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Idk...)) ((We need someLuna action XDD))
8:07pm Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 8:10pm Sep 2 2009)
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Posts: 372
"Why doesn't Logan just come and get me?" Nevaeh growled, but still followed the white lion.
8:08pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://OMG 6 MORE POSTS TO 1000!!//
8:08pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Reyne grew bored and padded off to explore, a bounce in her steps as she moved. She didn't know where Logan's territory began, so she really had no idea when she crossed into his territory, humming to herself.
8:09pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Beacause,right now,he is totally pissed and ordered that any tresspaser be killed on sight.I don't want you to get hurt,"Lucius explained,taking off into the air. When they got back to the dens,Logan was all black,you could cut the anger that was vibrating off of him with a knife.
8:10pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
Griffin soon finished eating as much as he could from the elk. Glancing around, he dragged the remains under a bush, hoping it might be there tomorrow. He padded off towards the river.
8:10pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan growled,taking off into the woods to find the loner who's scent was in his nose due to the wind
8:11pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 2,721
Luna's wings dissolved into the breeze. "Aww....C'mon!" Luna shouted looking at her back.
I\'m back.