10:09pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
(( awwwwehs! wants! ))
10:09pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
((is this a late post?))
10:11pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Cute~ x3
Now. Who's gonna help Reyne? D;>))
10:12pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
(( *waits for chance* i think ima gonna make a nother charrie, and she helpehs reyne ))
10:13pm Sep 2 2009
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Hokai. c: *playing Pokemon*))
10:16pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
Name: Haze Age: adult Clan: Loner Looks: Look at piccy =D Personality: very tough, loves to fight. Can be friendly when she wants to be. Mate/Crush: Open Gender: Female Species: Winged wolf History: Parents died... Anything Else: She is griffin's brother Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): She can Regrow any limbs that have been torn off on herself and others (looking at all the wings logan has ripped off of previous charries, i think we could use this XD). Shadows Picture: http://tharalin.deviantart.com/art/Carion-evil-73428603
10:19pm Sep 2 2009
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10:21pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
Haze padded calmly through the burning forest, she glanced around as animals fled for their lives to escape the blaze. She knew almost exactly what had happened. She sniffed the air, but almost choked by how harsh the smell of fire was. She continued walking till she felt something fuzzy underpaw, looking down, she saw an unconcious wolf. "oops, did't mean to step on you." she whisered, then glanced around (( XD she stepped on her ))
10:23pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Reyne was still out like a light.
((She needs a LOOOOONG rest. owo))
10:26pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
(( XD )) After glancing around, haze dipped her head and shoved her muzzle underneath reyne. She lifted her head, and picked reyne un and she hung loosely over her shoulders. Carefully she took off flying. Soon she landed next to a shallow part in the river, and placed reynes back side in the water, leaving her head on the shore. Haze walked off, and sat afew feet away from her, and waited calmly
10:30pm Sep 2 2009
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((She has energy. At all. o;))
10:32pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
(( you mean no energy? by the way, has she lost and limbs in a fight? haze is bored XD ))
10:38pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Her zombies did, though. xD
And yeah. No energy.))
Reyne only shivered. She cracked her eyes open a bit, but couldn't move. Or speak. Or anything, really.
10:59pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
Haze laid her head down and watchedin intrest as the she-wolf twitched and opened her eyes a bit
11:05pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Reyne just moved her gaze to the she-wolf, shivering again. Her eyes went from golden-amber, to black, to dark amber and back. She pas-sed out again, going limp.
11:09pm Sep 2 2009 (last edited on 11:09pm Sep 2 2009)
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Posts: 372
"I believe we have a little problem here." Nevaeh smirked and walked up to the wolves, finally turning away from Logan. "Sorry for not coming earlier." She padded over to Reyne. "You, wolf, grab one side, I can get the other. We should get her somewhere safe." OOC://Sorry, I left for a bit. Hope you guys don't mind Nevaeh coming to help?//
11:22pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
(( i don't mind ^^ did nevaeh lose any limbs? XD )) HAze watched as the she-wolves eyes color changed randomly, then frowned, shaking her head, as she p*censored*ed out again. she stood up and carefully picked up reyne by her back paws
11:29pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://XD No *shakes all Nevaeh's limbs out*// "Okay, underneath this tree would be a good place for her to wake up." Nevaeh murmured wiht a mouth full of fur as she picked up Reyne and began to take her to the area.
11:30pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 62
Haze walked over to the tree, helping nevaeh carry her. Once they reached the tree, she laid her down gently between to large roots
11:34pm Sep 2 2009
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Posts: 372
"So who are you, wolf?" Nevaeh asked. "I am Nevaeh." She introduced herself witha brisk nod of the head. "What brings you here?"