4:08pm Sep 3 2009
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((Yesh,but I iz creator of posties))
4:08pm Sep 3 2009
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4:11pm Sep 3 2009
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Luna's eyes got a bit shakey when a horrid sight filled them. Blood had seeped all over the floor of the den. "Gotta... fight it.." Luna began to tremble, if she had one bad weakness ths was it. The image of blood flowed through her mind. She suddenly collapsed on the solid ground.
I\'m back.
4:12pm Sep 3 2009
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There was a bellow. It sounded like a howl. The cats scattered in fear. Shadowhex yawned and fell asleep. Sort of.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:13pm Sep 3 2009
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((Oh Noes,LUNA!!!)) ((Ish she on my territory?*Goes looking for Luna))
4:15pm Sep 3 2009
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((She is in her den from before she allied with Shadow Pack.))
I\'m back.
4:17pm Sep 3 2009
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((OOh.I no no where dat ish.Cannot help nao.)) Or can I???) "Lucius,go find Luna.NOW!"Logan ordered. Lucius complied,flying off.He tsked Logan's behavior over Nevaeh. He flew,looking for Luna's den. But he didn't know what he was going to find that would disturb him
4:19pm Sep 3 2009
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Luna lay on the floor of the den, her heart racing and her mind was still circulating the images of blood.
I\'m back.
4:20pm Sep 3 2009
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Lucius suddendly dove,seeing Luna pa.ssed out in her den. "Luna,love.Are you okay?Answer me please!"He pleaded. He sighed,putting her on his back and flying back to Territory
4:21pm Sep 3 2009
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The cats ran away in fear and scattered, never to be seen again. Shadowhex yawned and inhabited her old body. She wanted to feel the snow for a few seconds. Shadowhex padded around in her old body and left it. She looked around and slept for no reason. Moonlight got up and prodded her pups up. "Nursing time." she whispered, waking them up. Batflame slept soundly and happily.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:22pm Sep 3 2009
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((Why did the cats run away?))
I\'m back.
4:23pm Sep 3 2009
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4:23pm Sep 3 2009
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((Acually,I would run if I saw a flying white lion too...))
4:24pm Sep 3 2009
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((There was this terrible roar from Death. The Underworld wolf if you don't remember. Remember Shadowhex's uncle being all panicky? Death was like "Rawr! You're banished!" and...yeah. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:26pm Sep 3 2009
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((Oh, okay.)) Luna lay completely still, with the exception of an occasional twitch or tremble.
I\'m back.
4:29pm Sep 3 2009
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((Umm,s I stolez Luna)) Lucius landed,gently peeling Luna off of him. "Logan,we have a problem,"He said,gesturing to her comatose state. Logan growled,tired of problems.He lifted Luna up and dragged her to the healing cave. "Then heal her"He ordered Lucius
4:30pm Sep 3 2009
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Shadowhex woke up and flopped on her belly. She growled and was bored. There was something wrong again. She floated to Luna. "Luna! Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. Batflame got up and grabbed a bunny from the food pile and brought it to his den. He ate it and tossed the bones in Reyne's den. He wondered where she was. Moonlight looked around, and saw pups suckling. She lied down, wondering how it was like to be dead. Moonlight stroked the pups with her tail.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:32pm Sep 3 2009
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((Luna is a defective Snow Leaopard, she always has something wrong with her. But you still can't steal her! :o))
I\'m back.
4:33pm Sep 3 2009
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(9Noes,I brought her to camp so theyz can heals her))
4:37pm Sep 3 2009
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((Well, I guess dats okay.)) "Get..outa..my den." Luna slowly opened her eyes. "This isn't my den, is this the wild cats den? If it is... I'm gonna steal it." Luna layed still, a bit confused.
I\'m back.