12:37am Sep 6 2009
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Luna wandered in circles. It's alright, Bat Pack has no clue this dungeon is here. Besides, the storm will calm down soon. It was Ice Pack that killed the tiger, and they're gone for good!
I\'m back.
12:38am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 12:38am Sep 6 2009)
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((Sighs and waits for the realization post from Faux))
12:38am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 2,721
((Yup, lag!))
I\'m back.
12:38am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 12:39am Sep 6 2009)
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Posts: 372
"I know, but I'm not sure if I can take it." Nevaeh's head turned, eyes shadowing over, ears against her head. "He counts everyone as a traitor. He broke me and my best friend up. But I still love him." She whispered. "I want to go back, But I don't think I could take it. I'll need to be alone for a while for my...duties...and I can't tell him what they are. I can't even think about them around most anyone. I don't want him to think of me as a traitor because of that."
OOC://Be patient! I'm trying to be dramatic! *is dramatic*//
12:41am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"That's the thing,though.You think he counts everyone as a traitor when that is false.How would you feel if your father was the Dark Sider's greatest wolf?He has had a hard life and has had to grow up quickly.He lives on trust and loyalty."Lucius said,moving closer to Nevaeh. "And,He doesn't know how to tell you that it was his father that attacked your dens when you were little"He added,whispering in her ear.
12:42am Sep 6 2009
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((*Points at Faux*Drama Queen!!.Me too,though))
12:42am Sep 6 2009
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((Hey Faux, maybe Chance wants to join your anthro rp!))
I\'m back.
12:43am Sep 6 2009
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((Maybe*Bees evil*))
12:48am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://*Crazy girl squeal* I ISH EXCITED :D Oh and mushy post *pokes post with spork*// Nevaeh sighed, she had expected this, although not that it was Logan's father, just Dark Siders. Her father had kept it from her as well. "Then he should know what it is to need to keep a secret." She smirked to herself. "I know a lot more about having a powerful father than you both would think, and thank you Lucius." Quickly, she turned around and bounded to Logan, crashing into him and knocking him over, covering him in nuzzles and licks. "I missed you." Nevaeh whispered.
12:50am Sep 6 2009
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Logan smiled,a geniune one.Not a smirk,and not sadistic.He felt his black go back to where it was supposed to be. He flipped over,so that she was on the bottom. "I missed you too,Heaven"He said,nuzzling her
12:55am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((FauxFaux,where are you?*Shakes Faux nibbles*))
12:56am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://*Has no idea what to post next and needs to go to bed* Bye-bye peoples!//
12:57am Sep 6 2009
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I\'m back.
12:58am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 11:18am Sep 6 2009)
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11:17am Sep 6 2009
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Ok,see I'm back*Edits bad post*
11:24am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh smiled. "I'm happy I'm back." She paused, thinking, wanting to say something, but not in a way to offend Logan. "Logan, I think we need some...conditions though. I have a job and I'm not supposed to tell anyone what it is. I will need to leave often, and I'll have no idea when I'll get back. I need to do it alone, so, can we work something out?" Not knowing what else to say, she just smiled sheepishly.
11:27am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 1,985
Griffin began walking around the forest, confused. He remembered fighting with some mutt, then he flew off... then nothing. Then he woke up here, this wings and leg back to normal. "am i going even more insane?" he howled loudly at the sky
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
11:27am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan got off of her growling lightly. "Why do you like to play with me,Nevaeh?"He said,black slowly creeping through his torso. "You either tell em you're leaving or come over here,basically tell me you still love me but still leaving?"He asked,his voice cracking at the end.
11:35am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh got up and shook the dirt off her pelt. "I don't like playing with you, I don't even mean it. But I need to do this. I will come back, I will live here, with you, but sometimes I'll need to leave, but trust me," She stepped closer to Logan, so their noses were almost touching. "I'll be fine, and I will always come back." "Woah!" Axel murmured, the blizzard had blocked the hole he and Trickle were in, sending in icy sheets of cold. He shivered.
11:39am Sep 6 2009
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"How can I believe you anymore when you take pleasure in toying with my heart?And I don't like this 'sometimes' word,"Logan growled,hurt that she would do this to him. He stepped back from her,his body now fully back.He felt his eyes go black,a feature that would make anyone quiver in fear.