8:13pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://I said she tried, sometimes thinking stuff helps, ya know?// "NO!" Nevaeh snarled, her eyes going black. She attacked Victor with all the force she could muster, and her adrenaline helped. Her claws tried to scratch and teeth tried to rip, and she would get someone. "Don't hurt my friends, and stop hurting my mate! I thought you cared for your son!" She growled.
8:15pm Sep 7 2009
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8:17pm Sep 7 2009
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"I do,who said I was hurting him?"Victor snarled,attacking her mind with such a forse,that it gave Logan the gap he needed,though he didn't know if he sould take it. "Listen,Nevaeh.If you know what's good for you and your daddy,you'd stop know before I put Logan out of his misery."He threatened,growling
8:43pm Sep 7 2009
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8:51pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh howled in pain, and crumpled on her side. Her breath was ragged and short, but her eyes ferocious and angry. "You...monster!" She panted, gritting her teeth. "How could you even..." But she couldn't finish her sentence. The darkness has closed on her, and she fell unconscious.
8:57pm Sep 7 2009
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"NO!!!"Logan screamed,breaking through his Father's barrier on him.His fur changed back as he ran to Heaven. "Oh my god,I'm so sorry,Heaven."He said,moving her on to his back.He walked to his cave,laying her down.He walked a bit away,laying down and waiting for her to wake up
8:58pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh's eyes finally fluttered open. "Logan? Are you back?" She murmured tirdly. Her head hurt tremendously.
9:01pm Sep 7 2009
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"Heaven,I'm so sorry.Yes,I'm back.Are you okay?Oh god,I'm never going to forgive myself for this"Logan said,walking up to her. "I-I think you should go back to your job,Nevaeh.It's obvious it's more important,"He said,walking out of the cave and into the gr*censored*
9:04pm Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 9:06pm Sep 7 2009)
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh shakily got up. "You know, I can stay with you and still have my job." She lay down next to him and leaned on her mate. "I may just be gone for a few days, but that is worst case scenario." Azure nuzzled Batflame, her belly beginning to swell in anticipation for their babies. OOC://I just wanted to start Azure again XD//
9:26pm Sep 7 2009
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"No,you can't.You really do need to choose,because if not,He can break out again from all the emotional stress.It leaves gaps in my defences."Logan said,moving away and turning to her. "I do love you,but I don't want to have you as a double standard."He said,in all honesty,while looking into her eyes
9:55pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
Nevaeh stared at Logan. "I don't know what to say. I can't quit my job, but I can't leave you!" Her voice cracked at the end.
9:58pm Sep 7 2009
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"I know,but I can't love you and not be with oyu at all times,I'm sorry,"Logan said,taking off into the air to calm down before his father found the gap he created
10:02pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
But you're leaving me now. Nevaeh thought, and turned around, padding into the forest. She needed to think as well.
10:04pm Sep 7 2009
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"No I'm not!I-I need to think.I-"Logan yelled but never finished. He plummeted to the ground,klnowing all hell was about to break loose...
10:06pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://Is he trying to kill himself again?//
10:17pm Sep 7 2009
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((No,LOL.He just,fell.He lost control))
10:27pm Sep 7 2009
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Luna approached the entrance with a somber look an her face. This is gonna be awfully chilly. Using her claws, she slowly but surely dug her way through the packed down slushy mixture. Beggining to see light she began digging faster, a confident grin populating her face. Almost there.. The remainder of the frosty mix collapsed and she proudly marched out. "That's how it's done!"
I\'m back.
10:30pm Sep 7 2009
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Logan hit the floor.Only,he wasn't Logan anymore. He trotted off as Victor,killing a dozen wolves and cats in the process.He laughed,a maniacle sound. He howled,a warning to all.
10:33pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 2,721
Luna's ears jotted upwards at the sound of a howl. What was that? She glared around, coat gleaming. Oh well, it couldn't be that big a deal.
I\'m back.
10:37pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Victor laughed,walking into the Dark Sider's territory.He walked up to the man who killed him "Hello,Jack.Remember me?"He said,ripping his Jugular out.He walked all around the territory,killing everyone who had opposed him.