10:38pm Sep 7 2009
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Victor howled again,this time a real warning,going for everyone,while he made it back to Shadow Pack territory.
10:39pm Sep 7 2009
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10:41pm Sep 7 2009
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Luna made her way to the edge of the mountain, climbing down once again. She returned to Shadow Pack territory unaware of what was going on with Victor.
I\'m back.
10:44pm Sep 7 2009
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Victor turned around,hearing Luna. "Ahh,so your the famous Luna.The one who messed with my son for the first week"Victor cooed,circling her.
10:54pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 372
OOC://Doesn't know what to post XD//
10:54pm Sep 7 2009
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"Yes, that's my name." Luna's eyes focused on him incase he decided to make a move.
I\'m back.
10:56pm Sep 7 2009
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"Ahhh,so he just aceptted a cat like you?After you messed with him?Wow,my son,you're getting soft on me,can't let that happen"Victor said smotthly,still circling her,looking for an opening
10:57pm Sep 7 2009
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((How about,she finds Logan like this again?He ish mad at her,ya know.She needs to choose,job or love...))
10:59pm Sep 7 2009
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"What's wrong with that? He forgave and forgot." Luna's saucer shaped eyes still locked on his figure.
I\'m back.
11:01pm Sep 7 2009
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"Actually,there's a lot that's wrong with that,you should have payed for that,treating the Prince of the Underworld that way.."Victor trailed off,snarling
11:03pm Sep 7 2009
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"I don't get where this is going...." Luna cocked her head to the side and shook her tail.
I\'m back.
11:05pm Sep 7 2009
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Victor suddendly lunged,then,stopping in mid-air.He tohught for a second. then,he attacked her mind,much worse than what Logan would think of doing to someone. He didn't kill her,just made her want to,to be cliche and steal a line from before,He mused in his mind
11:08pm Sep 7 2009
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"Grr...not this again..." Luna layed on the ground, attempting to swallow the harsh pain that overcame her.
I\'m back.
11:11pm Sep 7 2009
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"Oh,but trust me,what Logan is nothing.."Victor trailed off,increasing the pressure to a max. He laughed,feeding off her pain. He layed down,watching his version of a show.
11:16pm Sep 7 2009
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"Stop...it..now." Luna cringed and twitched her ears. "There's no...reason....you need...to do..this."
I\'m back.
11:20pm Sep 7 2009
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"Actually,I do.I'm only avenging my son.It's nothiing personal."Victor answered,looking her in the eye
11:21pm Sep 7 2009
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"Is...this what...Logan would...really want?" Luna closed her eyes.
I\'m back.
11:23pm Sep 7 2009
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"Right now,I don't care.He deserves his revenge am I'm simply giving it to him"Victor cooed,rolling over
11:25pm Sep 7 2009
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"Fine...believe as you wish....fate will guide me...." Luna put her head on the ground and shuddered.
I\'m back.
11:28pm Sep 7 2009
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"Fate,Ha.Fate will get you nowhere,Luna.Haven't you noticed that.Did fate lead you to...Lucius?"Victor barked a laugh,actually calling the wolf. When he came,He ceased the pressure on Luna's mind "Lucius,sit!"He ordered,knowing that even though he took over his body,Logan was still the Alpha and no matter what,he was to be listened to,with or without free will. He took off into the air,high enough that Luna couldn't jump. He then,attacked Lucius's mind,laughing all the while