6:36pm Oct 11 2009
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Logan smirked,dodging the fire "Stop"He whispered,talking to the Heavens personally,then smiling when it stopped
6:38pm Oct 11 2009
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8:25pm Oct 13 2009
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3:03pm Nov 13 2009
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((*hyperventilates* STILL.ALIVSTILLALIVE!! :DDDDD *spamflails* RAAAHHH!)) Bat growled in anger. It was not Logan's fire. It was his! He did not stop, why did it. This time, he blew and no matter what Logan would even TRY to do wouldn't stop it.He wondered, why did the heavens bless him after all his...BAD deeds? Shadowhex smirked. Bat's powers were getting stronger. Good! He was learning well. But off nger, slightly. Moonlight ducked into Shadowhex for cover. "Whoa!" Shadowhex's half exclaimed. "sorry." Moonlight panted. Death growled, eating as many fireballs as he could. ((Don't. Leave... D: Please... Not after all this work...We're almost on page 100....))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
3:29pm Nov 13 2009
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((*Yawns* I never really had much to do in this rp. Poor powerless Luna. But... I will survive~ I will survive~ You think I'd crumble, you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I~ I will survive...! Eh, you don't know the song I suppose, tehe~))
I\'m back.
12:17pm Nov 14 2009
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((I knows teh Song!!)) Logan frowned,as the fire started again.He growled,as his eyes turned black "Batty,stop this.I have resigned,and I don't want war!"He snarled,as his body was slowly starting to turn Black "No,no no NO!"He growled,shaking his head.He wouldn't let Victor come back
12:34pm Nov 14 2009
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12:39pm Nov 14 2009
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12:41pm Nov 14 2009 (last edited on 12:55pm Nov 14 2009)
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12:45pm Nov 14 2009
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((OOh,that'l spark some interest - pup in a time of war...))
12:49pm Nov 14 2009 (last edited on 12:49pm Nov 14 2009)
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Name:Shanye/Kimii/Glimmer Age:Pup/Teen/Young adult Clan: What are the Clans? Looks:Above post(Top)/Above post(Middle),Above post(Bottom) Personality:Sweet and sas'sy, she loves to groom herself./Kimii, is what you call shy, but she always guards those close to her./Mysteruiose,caring. She doesn't stay with her sister that much, she mostly dreams of having a mate. Mate/Crush:Nope/you wish!/Want's bably, searching. Gender: Female/Female/Female Species: Rabbit-wolf/Wolf/Wolf History:Nope/Nope/Nope Anything Else:They are sisers. Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings):(Shayne has wings)Can control her looks, and others./Able to speak to animals./Can hear others thoughts, and can connect with spirits. Picture:Up above.
12:52pm Nov 14 2009
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Glimmer shivered. She could feel calls of a battle, and blood-shed. She looked at her sisters. "Quick! Inside!" She pushed them into their burrow. fighting noises could be heard from above, and the smell of smoke. Glimmer's eyes were wild with fear, and Shayne was crying loudly.
1:02pm Nov 14 2009
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((The Clans are the Underworld,which are the dead,ShadowPack,which Is mine,and BatPack,that's Djays but only if you have bat wings.Let me fill you in a bit.Logan is half evil,and his father's spirit inside of him is trying to take over. Logan is half whit,half black and when he gets angry,the black side of him starts to seep into the white and his eyes turn black,enabling him to do ANYTHING.He's the prince of the Underworld)) Logan heard crying,and followed it.He saw the young pups,and chuckled darkly "Hello there,pups.It's not a good time for you guys to be around..."
1:05pm Nov 14 2009
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Glimmer's eyes widened. "Don't touch her!" She warned. "Or the Spirits will curse you with the worst one you'll ever have!" Shayne stepped bravely forward. "You don't touch my mama!" She warned. "No Shayne! Get back here!" Glimmer growled, and pulled Shayne back.
1:08pm Nov 14 2009
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"That's funny,little one.I'm already cursed.Would you like to meet my Father?"Logan ended in a growl,as black slowly creeped into his eyes. He looked to the pup "And aren't you precious.How about,I don't touch your mama,but I kill you?"Logan challenged,laughing madly.His paws turned black,as each step he took sent the floor a blaze.He surrounded the wolves with a ring of fire,smirking
1:10pm Nov 14 2009
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((Are you actually gunna kill Shayne? *Shudders*)) Shayne shrunk back, and changed her looks to a glowing radiance. "You need to look pretty!" She squeaked. All of a sudden, Logan looked like a female wolf with bows in her hair.
1:14pm Nov 14 2009
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((Maybe*MUAHAHA*)) Logan only laughed,as his anger hit it's peak.His eyes glinted,as he surrounded himself in his power and the disguise fell off of him "Victor's not going to like that,"He said,as his father took over his body "Hello pups,"Victor said,grinning madly,he circled the little one,licking his lips "I find it very disrespectful when a little one interrupts when adult are speaking..."
1:20pm Nov 14 2009
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Shayne quieted. Spirits, please take the soul of this evil wolf. Prayed Glimmer. the spirits had their limits, but they were trying. The spirits tryed to take away Victor's spirit, tuanting it and giving it pain.
1:22pm Nov 14 2009
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((Sorry for my epic fails...))
1:23pm Nov 14 2009
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Victor only laughed,shaking his head "Foolish pups,I have no soul.Oh,and I enjoy pain,"He snarled,the flames higher.He used his powers,as the little Rabbit-wolf levitated into the air.Victor smirked,making her go even higher "Now,what should I do.."He pondered,eyes flashing as he entered her mind. This is what happens when you mess with me,He thought to her,before hitting her pain receptors.Not enough to kill her,but enough to make her want to be dead.