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11:29am Feb 2 2012

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Posts: 1,314

Thanks. :) I'd like to add another character afterwards. I considered having one in both gangs but that might confuse things - I tried it with a Warriors roleplay once and because of the different levels of activity in both Clans, I kinda... lost track. <:3


3:13pm Feb 2 2012 (last edited on 3:45pm Feb 2 2012)

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Posts: 736
((Toshiro Join ja?))

Name; Vynessa Port
Age; 22
Gender; female

Vyn is rebellious, head-strong on tom-boy who is incredibly persistent. She tends to smile even in times of distemper, jokes about her misfortune and wont comfort others as she doesn't know how to compensate. She feels that those who cant hold their own should get stronger (primarily through her own insecurities), this can cause arguments as she will stand by her opinion.
Vyn Tends to form friendship bonds that she will hold dear even if the other person cannot see it, leaning towards the more mysterious, she claims. "They are more fun." A lover of action, she craves for adventure and states that nothing will change that opinion.

; As a girl she was always more energetic than others, and those around her tended to seem a bit lethargic. She was the second and last child of Arthur and Marie Port and the younger sibling of Lyle.
Her family where in the trade business and where one of the more successful tradesmen on the market. Her mother died when she was young, so was brought up by her father and alongside her brother. Because of this, for the longest period of time she was dressed as a lad and her hair was not allowed to grow beyond a certain point. 
Growing up with a male mind set, she longed for adventure, so join a ship crew as cabin "boy" much to the digression of her father. The crew eventually, after two months at see, found out about her true gender, although her consistency was tenfold to any of the men, so they agreed to keep her secret, primarily so they wouldn't be shown up by her. She learnt combat skills and how to use knifes and other form of weaponry and obtained a liking for artifacts.
Her enthusiasm, and energy was found out by the royal court and was deemed useful as it was rumored she went a whole month without sleeping

Animal; Blonde Siberian huskies
Talent; EMR/Energy manipulation. With her ability she can absorb energies to heal herself, run faster, leap father, hold her breath for longer, bend light and theoretically not die. However she has to eat more, or take the energy from living creatures or from items that possess potential energy. This is due to her anatomy following the law (*cough* that has yet to be created.) energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transfered.

Physical discrepancies; Pale eyes that mimic that of a huskey's and her canines are slightly elongated and her hair is very thick.
Appearance; For the era, she is a tall 5'07" female with dirty blonde hair that is cut short at the front however ling at the back so it can be put up into a ponytail. Her eyes are a pale blue with flecks of lilac that would be abnormal by any standards. She hid the bulk of her hair by a cap, wears a long tan coat over a shirt and brown waist coat. She has a lean build, flat chest and several tattoo's on her left arm.

Faction; Chev.alier
Rank; Member

Nationality; English. Liverpudlian.


Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

4:57pm Feb 2 2012 (last edited on 8:54pm Feb 4 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
Name; Charisse (Rissa) Gauthier
Age; 19
Gender; Female

Personality; Rissa is a very kind and quiet young woman. She tends to believe the best in people, despite their flaws and is willing to befriend almost anyone. She can easily get her feelings hurt, but has learned to hide it well. She is fiercely loyal and will fight for the people she cares about until her last breath.
History; Rissa's parents were minor landowners. As a gentleman's daughter, she learned how to do all the things an accomplished young woman does, but also how to use that to get what she wanted. Her upbringing has given her the necessary skills at subterfuge to be a premier spy.

Animal: black silver blue and white Butterfly
Talent; She can sense things through touching an ob[injection]ject. For example, if she found a noblewoman's locked journal, she could see when the woman was thinking the last time she held the book without opening it. This is why she always wears gloves.

Physical discrepancies; She has delicate curled antennae on her head. She hides them in the mass of curls that is her normal hairstyle.
Appearance; Rissa is a tiny person. She stands at only 5 feet even, but is shapely for all that. Her hair is pale silvery blonde and her eyes are deep violet.  She looks, and is, very fragile physically. She has been sickly most of her life and uses her innocent appearance to her advantage.
Faction: Chev[injection]alier
Rank; any
Nationality; French

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

7:22am Feb 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Tattoos wouldn't be a physical mutation, Fyre. xD

Also please choose a rank? D:

Vyn's accepted!


11:14am Feb 3 2012 (last edited on 11:26am Feb 3 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,314

Whoa. The chev[injection]alier gang outnumbers the Moray gang..... hugely. ._. I may have to keep any characters of mine in that group...
Detneth, a small request - could ya make Mr Fleming the leader of the Moray gang please? If nobody makes a Beta soon, I'll promote any future characters I have to that rank.


11:53am Feb 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
((Yay. *does a pinkie-pie.* ... okey, don't know what i just did there but anywho.
Does Det have an idea for where the rp is headed? or will it be a wing thing?))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

12:00pm Feb 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Wing-thing, I 'spose. Also, sure thing Wolf! xD


4:35pm Feb 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((Haha, she was born with the tattoo. Kind of like Angel from "X-men 1st Class." And she can be like a secretary, or something. She's  not strong enough to be a leader. I'm not sure where she would fit.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

6:40pm Feb 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
But... it's not a 'physical' mutation, so to say. I don't think you could possibly be born with a tattoo in the shape of a butterfly? Maybe random pigments, but not something elaborate.

Also, I'll just rank her as a normal member then? There are no complicated ranks considering it's just a team to infiltrate France's court. xD


6:47pm Feb 3 2012 (last edited on 6:51pm Feb 3 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((That's fine! And let me see what I can do for her mutation... hmm...))
((Edited. Better?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

4:52am Feb 4 2012 (last edited on 4:58am Feb 4 2012)

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Posts: 1,314

Detneth - strictly speaking, a tattoo would be physical. But if it's multi-coloured or too... flashy, let's say, it could lose its "naturalistic" element. It wouldn't be like a deformed ear or a hand with too many fingers. 
Lady, you could have a weird dark blot that vaguely makes out the shape of a butterfly's wings. Or have a few darker patterns on the arms that reflect the patterning of her wings. You could have them fading or something where it didn't show through properly.
You guys shouldn't try too hard to make their defects pretty.... After all, mutations are accidents. Accidents aren't supposed to be beautiful, or conveniently enhance one's appearance. You can't idealise them. They're really random and sometimes deeply unattractive. They're flaws, glitches in genetics, even if they don't really limit the capabilities of the organism. But that's what makes the characters interesting, realistic - because they're born with harmless flaws they can't control. Too many perfections and they're boring as muck.


9:16am Feb 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
I can imagine a tattoo would be possible (to be born with, that is) if it was a darker shade/lighter shade of the original skin tone. Black, blue, silver and white is stretching it a bit imo and even then, it shouldn't be elaborate? The antennae are fine as mutations, but I'm still iffy about the tattoo.

Try going by Wolfeira's suggestion?


8:53pm Feb 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((I can just leave it off. That's cool!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

12:22pm Feb 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
(( Did this die? D: ))

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