2:52pm May 7 2011
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{{{wow.. I missed the start... Oops... Well, I'm here now. :) }}} Tari stretched her front legs out as she let out a yawn. She looked over at her sister, who was still happily snoozing. She stretched again, then lifted herself up onto her paws. She nudged her sister a little bit. "Wake up, Kyia." Kyia just turned her head away from Tari and swatted a lazy paw towards her sister in effort to be left alone to sleep. Just then, Tari heard the gun shot in the distance. She nudged Kyia harder. "Kyia. I heard guns. Get up!" Kyia shot up onto her paws when she heard Tari say 'guns'."What? Guns?" She looked at her sister. "From where? Should we go check it out? Make sure everyone is ok?" "Yeah. Let's go, Kyia." Tari and Kyia left the den. Their feet pounded the earth as they raced towards the meadow, where the sound of the shots had come from. When they got there, they saw the human down on the ground and some of their packmates surrounding it. "Hiya, guys." Tari greeted the other wolves. "What we got here?" Kyia sang with a sneer. "Breakfast?" The twins murmured together. They both gave a small laugh. Metton was relaxing and eating a hare under the morning sun when he heard the shot. His ears perked up, listening for more. A few more shots came, and he stood up. He looked down at his half-eaten breakfast. "I guess you and I will have to finish this later." He muttered to the food. He then trotted out into the woods.He thought the shots had come from the meadow, so that was the direction in which he headed. As he was walking he noticed a trail of blood. He sniffed it, hoping it wouldn't smell like a member of his pack. The blood definitely wasn't belonging to a pack member, so he just continued on to the meadow. When he reached the meadow He saw most of his pack there. "Good morning, all." He was glad that none of them seemed hurt. He sauntered over to the group of wolves and noticed the human on the ground. He watched as the betess killed the human. He smiled at the act.

2:57pm May 7 2011
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Name: Icy Hearts gender: Female age: Adult looks: Heart is a very lean, built female with a sweet-looking face and very fluffed-out tail. She has a pair of silver-blue rubbons that wind all around her body to tie off into four red ribbons at her neck and tail-tip, but she doesn't mine much. They seem to grow with her. Floating around her are ice crystals, much like snow, at all times. Her fur is a dark reddish-pink, which, along with the snow, gave her her name of Icy Hearts. Her paws look as if they were dipped in metallic golden paint, along withthe tip of her tail. Her eyes are swirls of green, icy-blue, and bright red, mixing together in a beautiful array.On her muzzle she has three claw-scars from when she was a pup, the three scars on the single patch of lime-green fur on her entire body. She also has a pair of wings, the left angelic, the right draconic. The draconic wing is a pure white, while the angelic one is coal black with icy-blue and red-tipped feathers in an alternating pattern. history: She was near-death when she ot adopted and named by a female in the pack. So there. bf/gf: None yet. other: Has an unknown brother who is deceased. o: Name: Devil's Advocate. Devil for short. Age: 21 human, 3 dog
Gender: Male
Personality: Devil's name rings true in his personality. He is a merciless beast who obeys only himself. He is a top fighter, or at least he thinks so, because he does not hesitate when he needs to attack. Outside of battle he comes off as cold and heartless, making most others avoid him if they can so help it.
History: Devil was born as a 'mutant', called so for his tiny horns and his rich red-violet fur. He was quickly abandoned and left to die on his own, which he very nearly did. A strange wolf came up to him and, somehow, imbued within him the power of a dark, mighty spirit. At that moment, iron chains appeared on him to keep the spirit's energy contained.
Appearance: Devil is a larger-than-average brute with two large onyx-colored horns twisting out of his skull, right between his nicked ears. His white eyes are constantly narrowed into a glare, the black skull-shaped marking that covers his face enhancing how creepy it is. His rich red-violet coat is marred by scars from his puppyhood, and his paws are colored to look as if they'd been forever stained by the sin of his existence, colored the blackest of blacks.
Devil also has heavy iron chains covering his body, starting at his paws at shackles before they criss-crossed repeatedly, whether it be between legs or across his back. He also has an iron muzzle that prevents him from everything but eating and growling. Across the front of his chest is an iron plate that keeps it all together and is inscribed with an ancient language.
Crush/Mate: Pffft.
Powers: His power is actually a curse. He has immense strength, but cannot unleash it all for his body would be unable to handle it. The chains covering his body keep the power sealed up within it, parts of it disappearing when he wishes to release some of it, usually starting at the muzzle.

3:23pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Accepted, Rika~! ))
4:50pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,148
9:03pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((You do know that when I left, Dev had his fangs around the human's throat already and then Sparrow just comes up like he's...not there?))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:23pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,148
11:35pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Oh my gosh Blood, I'm so sorry! I must have skipped over your post. D: My bad. ): ))
9:46am May 8 2011 (last edited on 9:55am May 8 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
Ivy calmed down and sighed. What a rush. She winced when she heard more gun shots. She decided to get revenge. She waved her paw and made a awkward bark(lolz) and summoned a black wolf demon, a little bigger than her. As the demon appeared, he barked so loudly the forest may have shook. The demon charged at Ivy, but Ivy glared at it, and that glare was enough to show the demon she was like him... The demon responded with a flick of it's tail. "I almost got shot from a human. I don't know which one it was, but just kill one. That'll show em'. Then you can return to the otherworld." She snickers. The demon wolf nods and it black body charges out of the forest. In seconds she hears a blood-curtling cry from a human. She smirks. ~ Ace jerks up at the sound of a human's scream. He looks around to see if anyone else heard it. Everyone seemed as shocked as he is. "What the..." He whispers.
10:59am May 8 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Let's see... Devil is a loner, and Heart is a she-wolf who takes care of the pups. Her power is water/ice. P: She works better with ice than other forms of precipitation. P:
Later on I may add another wolf.)
11:37am May 8 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Nothing to post. D; ))
11:58am May 8 2011
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Posts: 1,148
A human scream rang through the air. Kyia and Tari both lifted their heads towards the sound. "What was that?" they both whispered simultaneously. Tari looked at her sister. Just then, Kyiah dropped to the ground. Tari just kept her eyes on her sister, not panicking. This happened from time to time. Kyia was having a vision. Kyia was standing in the woods. She looked around, wondering what she was looking for. Just then, she saw it. A huge, black wolf. It took her a moment to realize it, but it wasn't just a wolf. It was a demon. So this is the reason for a human cry. Just then, she was sucked out of the woods. Kyia opened her eyes and looked up at a very anxious Tari. "So what did you see?" Tari asked. She was never really patient with Kyia. Tari danced a bit on her feet, impatiently. "So what's going on? Anything good? Anything bad?" Kyia got to her feet slowly. She stared at the ground for a minute, regaining her ground. Then, she looked up at her sister. "Just a demon wolf. That has to be the reason for the human scream." Kyia watched Tari's face fill with shock.

1:25pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Ivy trotted through the woods. She was proud of herself for what she has done. That'll teach them a lessen. She didn't notice that she was going into a pack territory. She was too filled with pride. Suddenly, she sees a male wolf, very familiar to her. Who was this? Then, she filled with shock when she saw her brother, Ace, lieing on a rock. She groled deeply, and Ace looked at her, confused. Then Ivy noticed that her suddenly let out a growl also. He remembered her. Ivy charged at him and clamped her jaws down on her brother's neck. ~ Ace was filled with confustion when he saw his sister. She has started a fight, and he was about to finish it. I hope, He thinks. Ivy clamped her jaws down on his neck, and he fell of the rock instantly. He yelped loudly, but he got back up in no time. He bit her paw and she snarled. Then he stopped when he saw what Ivy was doing. He was so scared when he saw that Ivy was summoning a demon. This happened before, and he still has scars. Ace pushes Ivy to the ground but he is too late. Suddenly a demon appears in to air, a big black one.

4:53pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 1,016
7:45pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 1,148
{{{I got nada...}}}
8:45pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Not sure what's goin on...))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:48pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Nothing really, Blood. ^^ Just post something randomand I'll respond to it. ~ ))
3:17pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( haha :p wow. Sooo... hmm... okay. Blah Blah Blah de dah. ))