♠ Dark Roads Ahead ♠

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12:41am May 15 2011 (last edited on 1:10am May 15 2011)

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Posts: 5,998
We were chosen
In the kingdom of Lyria, an evil tyrant named Balthazor has taken over. A cursed and demon-possessed warlock, he only has one weakness. He relies on cruelty and fear to get his deeds carried out, ruling over Lyria with no heart. The death toll has risen, and the citizens pray everyday for a chance to escape from Balthazor's rule. 
One day, the heavens were kind. They gifted eight children with the power to overcome Balthazor. Of course, the evil magician has heard of these gifted eight. These children, born with small powers, will show their true potential when they reach the age of 16. Six of these children have heard of the prophecy. The other two? Recruited by Balthazor, sent to hunt down these six children.
On the way, perhaps these prophesized children shall recruit members. Elves, nymphs and fairies?
- Post 'I would like to join' to prove to me that you've read the rules
 ACtually, don't post that. 
Post 'I SURE LIEK PIE' to prove you have read the rules :3 
- Everyone is expected to play only two characters. A guy and a girl.
-You may not RP both spies sent by Balthazor
- No same character romance 
- Characters shall be added through the RP
-APPROPRIATE PICTURES i.e. Your character may not be a 16-year-old that looks like s/he's 9 or 35. I don't accept 'chibi' pictures. 
- Romance and violence are encouraged, but keep it PG-13
- No super-powerful stuff. Your character must lose a battle or two.
-Highlight the rules 
- I would expect everyone to be semi-literate and up
- Be respectful. Don't give us/me a temper tantrum because you didn't get what you wanted. NO STARTING FIGHTS
- Be active. I will rMail you if you're not 
Name: [first and last]
Age: [15-16]
Gender: [please delete these messages]
Appearance: [anime pictures preferred]
Personality: [this is not an option] 
Power Before 16: [should be weaker]
Power After 16: [should be somehow related yet stronger]
History: [No sob stories.] 
Other: [ no pets ] 


12:42am May 15 2011 (last edited on 8:25am May 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Shapeshift - Sanae Katana - Tld
Light-bender [Sibling of Necromancer] - Mizu Tsuyoi - Toshiro
 Necromancy [Sibling of Light-Bender]- Natsume Tsuyoi - Tld
Fire and Earth - Syren Youkou - Dragonstar
Water and Air - Ichigo 'Berry' Honda - Toshiro
Weapon-Charmer -Aykinthrien Fleetfoot - Dragonstar
Healer - Adrian White - Marshall
 Dragon-Charmer - Akane Oshiro - Marshall


12:47am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314

((Ohh....I'm so tempted to join.....

Wait, is this like a 'fanfic' kind of thing, because I've heard Lyria and Balthazor somewhere...in a book or movie or something....

Okay, now that's going to drive me crazy all night.

Oh, by the way, I would like to join! Yes, I'm giving in.))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

12:52am May 15 2011

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Posts: 5,310


I would like to join.

Can I?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


12:56am May 15 2011 (last edited on 2:35am May 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Bios would be edited in shortly.
Please highlight the rules, you gais?
And Nessie, I made Lyria up myself ^^' Balthazor is a slight letter change from another name. And remember, I do require you to RP both a male and a female. You said you had 'problems' with RPing males, so please do think carefully c: ]] 
Name: Sanae Katana
Age: 15 [turning 16 in a few days]
Gender: Female
note: This was drawn for me by the lovely Gerychi [cos she loves me :U] I paid for this, and if I see anyone else using this... then face my wraith ._. 
 Personality: Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her. She's not a very good liar, and Sanae gets weird 'face twitches' when she tries to lie her way out of things. 
Power [before 16]: Sanae has the ability to grow whatever part of any animal on any part of her body to any size. She can only do it one at a time, and mainly sticks to crow wings. [was this worded funny? I think it was o.o]
Power [after 16]: Sanae is able to transform her entire body into an animal of whatever size she wishes it to be. When she truly masters the ability, she'll be able to 'splice' and turn into a mutated form of two animals [... That sounds more disgusting than it should sound o,o] 
History: Sanae was born to a farmer's family. She did her fair share of hard work, and learned to despise Balthazor after the tyrant stole her family's entire year's worth of crop because they were too poor to pay the high taxes.
Other: None
Name: Natsume Tsuyoi
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Natsume is more of a knight than anything else. He has the stereotypical air of nobility and loyalty, and he never backs down from a challenge or a promise. Despite his all-around bishounen features, Natsume doesn't mind tormenting other people who he is not acquainted with. Because of this, he comes off as an arrogant jerk most of the time, and doesn't mind sticking with that ti
tle. He doesn't like childish or loud people, and he doubts he'll ever get used to them. [seriously, if you join with a weird punky girl or something, he's not going to like her :x]
Power Before 16: Able to summon a few small spirits for around 5 minutes
Power After 16: Able to summon large and rather dangerous spirits for a a long/medium period of time. These spirits are able to physically harm someone 
Crush: Open
History: Natsume was born in Balthazor's castle, as his father was a knight serving Balthazor and his mother was a servant-turn-wife. He worked very hard to just survive, learning how to suck up to the high classes to get what he wants.
Other: Is one of the spies recruited by Balthazor


1:07am May 15 2011 (last edited on 1:47am May 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Did not see that part, but I SURE LIEK PIE!

Can I have Fire and Earth, and the Weapon one only if you explain more about it?



[[ I am hearing a duck outside my house. I am also listening to music while said duck is making its ducky noise... Annoying duck... ]]


Name: Aykinthrien Fleetfoot
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ayk stands at five foot ten inches tall. And his eyes [which you might not be able to see] are dark green with golden flecks.

Personality: Ayk isn't wait anybody first thinks. Before befriending, he might look rather intimidating because he comes off rather cold and distant. Not really wanting to talk to anybody unless given a reason to do so. But if you happen to be really persistant, you might actually break through the outside shell to somebody who has a kind heart. Ayk is charming and funny, and he is as loyal as anybody would think.
Power Before 16: Before he turned sixteen, Ayk could only summon small weapons and armour like daggers and other things.
Power After 16: After, he is able to summon more and larger weapons, and can summon whole uniforms of armour that are specifially used for a singular purpose. He has many in his hidden armoury.
Crush: ...
History: Ayk was born in the castle since his father was a knight like Natsume's. But he never really met the other boy since as soon as he was born, his mother moved him out into one of the fringe villages were his father visited every so often to bring gifts and train him in the art of the sword.
Other: Call him Ayk, it is easier than his whole name.


Name: Syren Youkou
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Appearance: Syren stands at five foot six inches.

Personality: Syren always has to voice her opinoins in matters that never pertain to her. She is also sort of tomboy-ish because she is not afraid to get herself dirty. Syren also fights like a dude with powerful strikes and almost dirty fighting techniques. She never acts like a true-blue girl.
Power Before 16: Before, she was able to control small fires like candles and hearth flames, and small plots of earth like soil in a pot or a 2x2 foot square.
Power After 16: After, her control of fire can almost rival the dragons and she can shape the earth to do her will.
Crush: ...
History: Born and raised in a fringe village. Nothing to exceiting there.
Other: Nope.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:10am May 15 2011 (last edited on 5:55am May 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 434

(( Biooosss: ))

Name: Akane Oshiro
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Personality: Something of an ice queen. She gives off a polite, almost aloof air at first, but in the end its this distance from other people that allows her to act manipulative and cruel if it serves her. Yet at the same time, she doesn't harm people for the sake of harming them, and she may even avoid doing it if for some reason they were close. But of course she doesn't allow herself to care about anyone, because this would only make using people harder; she generally tries to view people as tools. Notably, Natsume is something of an exception to this, and she is actually fairly loyal to him- so perhaps she's not so incapable of human attachment as she may at first seem.
Power Before 16: Could manipulate and control lizards, snakes.. turtles.. And the creatures were strangely attracted to her.
Power After 16: Full-blown dragon charming. She set off to charm a dragon mid-way through the year that she fully developed her powers, and came back with a white dragon about the size of a modern-day jeep as her primary companion.
Crush: Certainly not initially.
History: Akane was born to a mid-level noble family, and was brought to Balthazar's attention at a young age, which catapulted her noble house to a life of wealth, power, and status- in return for their daughter. She grew up in Balthazar's castle, and was freed from having to learn many normal domestic pursuits in exchange for lessons in riding and swordplay. While she still was tutored in the ways of appearing a proper lady, she was raised and groomed to be capable and resilient as well.
Other: Is a spy for Balthazor.


Name: Adrian White
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Personality: Fairly outgoing, with an incredibly sunny disposition. He tends to care deeply about those he trusts, and isn't all that shy about making that clear. On the flip side, this means he never seems to admit when anything is wrong with him. He has something of a guilt complex, and will readily take responsibility for things goiong wrong that he couldn't have possibly had any control over. While he tries to take others' feelings into considerations, he can come off as brutally honest sometimes.
Power Before 16: Minor healing powers, cuts, scrapes. And accidental accelerated healing for his own injuries, which was sort of a passive application of his power.
Power After 16: Can bring a person back from the brink of death, although the process will exhaust him to the point of fainting. He can control whether or not he heals his own wounds with his power, instead of it happening automatically like it did before.
Crush: Open, I suppose.
History: He grew up in a city, in a merchant family. He has three younger siblings, who he misses rather dearly.
Other: Nothing really. 

[No sig right now, move alone.]

1:11am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Yep ^__^ I ran out of ideas, so I derived the Weapons-Charmer power from Erza in Fairy Tail. Basically, the user is able to summon weapons/armor at will. If you choose dragon-charmer, it's just the ability to speak dragon and communicate with them. Would it be alright to ask that you edit your bio into the post between both of mine? I don't want to spam this board x3 ]]


1:12am May 15 2011 (last edited on 1:14am May 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 434
(( Oh my god, I just got it! I do rather like pie, myself.

Edit: Oh geez, if you have an idea for two powers- weapons-summoner and dragon-charmer, why not just separate them? And then you wouldn't have an empty slot where we have to make up a power??

Although I'm all for making up powers and everything. Either way, can I play one of the spies? ))

[No sig right now, move alone.]

1:15am May 15 2011

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Posts: 5,310



Erza~! I love her. Then I'll just take the Fire and Earth, and the Weapons-Charmer. Bios will be edited in that post soon.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:17am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Ah, you got a point there, Marshall xD I was just afraid of selecting a dragon-charmer, since it didn't seem like a very good choice for a power :/ If you do want to choose Dragon-charmer, feel free to ^^ I can get rid of the 'make your own' slot. ]]


1:23am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 434
(( Is the light-bender the other person who'll be a spy? Because I would love to play Natsume's sister and have her be one of the traitor/spy peeps. That's such a cool concept for a light-element character xDD.

And, uh, sure, I'll grab the dragon charmer for my boy! That'd be so sweet, I think it's a neat power. Posts forthcoming. I guess I'll edit them in to my first post to save on rooom. ))

[No sig right now, move alone.]

1:25am May 15 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ I don't really mind either choice, Marshall. I did intend the light-bender to be Natsume's lost sibling or something, to add drama xD ]]


1:35am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 434
(( Hosnap, lost sibling XD? That's fine, then I'll just make my girlspy the dragon charmer. And my boy will take on the totally manly position of healer. ))

[No sig right now, move alone.]

1:38am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((I, just to let all of you know, willl be stalking this thread like My ex does to me a fly stalks cow poop. o3o)) 


2:37am May 15 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ All of your characters are accepted :D Nuu, Shaste, join D< We need one more person owo Unless Nessie's joining. But she never posted her bios :c ]]


3:53am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 434
(( Woo, got those pictures up. ))

[No sig right now, move alone.]

6:19pm May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Did you just draw them up for this RP? o_o I can't be that good :c I stink at drawing humans xD This shall serve as a bump ._. ]]


9:05pm May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 434

(( Lolyep. Brand new pictures for these two totally new characters. Adrian came out looking like such a dork, I love it XDD.
Gee, sure do hope someone joins as Light and Water-Air sooon. ))

[No sig right now, move alone.]

3:20am May 16 2011 (last edited on 3:23am May 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 736
((I sure like pie... steak to be exact. I love the taste of the gravy.)) 
Name: Mizu 
Age: 16
Gender: Female
 Mizu.png picture by crazymonkey982
Mizu, is blunt, sarcastic, and often talks to herself. Because of this, others tend to steer away from her as they think she is a bit, strange. She tries to give people the benefit of the doubt and won’t hold grudges however will tell them straight out what she thinks of their actions. Not that she is trying to be mean, it is just in her nature. She enjoys cooking, camping, climbing and will eat almost anything. You will never catch this tomboy in a dress, she finds them too revealing and not appropriate for the things she does. Despite her preferred hobbies, she knows a thing or two about technical equipment via her mother being a programmer. 
Power Before 16: Mizu can absorb energy and emit small balls of light.
Power After 16: She can remove anylight from within a 100 yard radius. She can create spherical orbs that when shot eradicate all in its path. (think of a really powerfull microwave... all that radiation.) Her eyes glow when she creates her own light as it is from her own body. 
Crush: N/A
History: N/A
Other:has/will never created anything larger than a foot-ball as it drains her physicaly.
Name: Ichigo 'Berry' Honda
Age: 17 (0^0 Tld has an 18 year old)
Gender: Male
Ichigo 'Berry' Honda 

Ichigo is generally rather a laid back lad, however sometimes he does before he thinks so can get into trouble. He is polite to his elders (Adults) and won’t answer back if he disagrees with what they say. He is short for a boy his age but doesn’t let that bother him; rather, he thrives on it. He likes to socialize with others and makes friends with them in seconds; even if they aren’t friendly to him. He likes listening to music and bursts into fits of laughter often. Un-natural things confuse him, and he can widen his eyes to look like a startled fox. He was given the nickname berry because of the pink highlights at the tips of his blonde hair... and because of his name. (He’s literally, strawberry blonde).

Power Before 16: Able to speed himself up with the wind behind him and able to manipulate small bodies of water i.e. puddles.
Power After 16: Can control larger bodies of water, as well as absorbing and manipulating water in plants and even human blood. His air abilities alow him to literaly run on water and air as he displaces the molecules underneath his feet. He can make ubove humansized tornados which remove the oxygen* from the area.
Crush: N/A
History: N/A
Other: *He doesn't like using his air power in enclosed spaces as it causes a vacum.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois
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