5:15am May 16 2011
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[[ I do? Ooops :c Natsume is meant to be 16 xD ]]
5:51am May 16 2011 (last edited on 6:00am May 16 2011)
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Posts: 434
(( Lol, I cheated on my age and made Akane seventeen because of Natsume's age XDD. I'll change that, I didn't realize you'd made a mistake! Edit:: I mean- Wooo, now we can start! 8D ))
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8:49am May 16 2011
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[[ I didn't notice that xD Age used to not really matter to me ._. Adrian looks like a happy dork owo And yey, Marsh is right. We can start c8 Just so everyone knows... We're RPing in a fantasy world that's parallel to the Dark Ages. So no iPods, no fancy miniskirts, nothing out of the ordinary/techy. Everyone is in Lyria. I'll make up a setting shortly >__> ]]
12:13pm May 16 2011
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(( Go go go, you're the board creator, you've gotta post first! Doooo iiiiit. lol, Adrian's such a happy boy. ))
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6:26pm May 16 2011
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[[ Waitwait D< After school x_x ]]
8:38pm May 16 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:17am May 17 2011
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(( Wheneveeer Tld gets off from school. Wonder what timezone she's in xD. ))
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3:30am May 17 2011
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[[ Which is now :c Actually, more like outside the math room xc ]] Sanae had taken a walk outside in the woods, bored. She had no chores to do today, and was free to do whatever she wanted to do. Sanae looked around, wondering if anyone was there. Sensing nobody's presence in the area she was in, Sanae sighed, then a pair of black crow wings sprouted from her back. She grinned, obviously delighted by the sight of these wings. With an experimental flap, Sanae took off, hovering by the trees. --- Natsume strolled through the village. He had no idea where his partner was, but Natsume had left her in the inn during the morning, the day after Balthasor had sent them off on the insane hunt for the six gifted children. The villagers obviously didn't know about Natsume's job, as he blended in perfectly with the others with a simple tunic and pants.
11:50am May 17 2011
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Posts: 736
Ichigo looked down to the water at his feet. The fish swam beneath him peacefully un-phased by the lad above them. Sighing deeply he relaxed as the cold surface of the water tingled through his legs. Lifting his head up, he glanced with tired eyes to the trees around him. Quite. Just the trickle of the stream as it rolled down the small waterfall not 50 yards away. He streached and yawned, walking off the water surface onto land, small ripples occuring as he lifted his feet from the water. Tying his shoe laces he splashed his face with the cool water to wake him self up. He blinked a fewtimes then whiping his hand over his face, the remaining water droplets following his hand until they flicked off the end and retuned to the brook. Now awake, his wide eyes scaned for a suitable tree before he leapt into mid air, and steping up onto nothingness that appeared to be solid, leaping into the tree. Clambering to the top now the old fasioned way, he peered through the canopy on the look out for anyone who could possibly be spying on him. When the cost was clear, he jupped up and started running over the top on the trees. ~~~~ Mizu sat in a Tavern filled with rowdy males. She sipped at the milk in her tankard; a silver item with gold scroll work on the handle. A gift from an old man on her travels after witnessing her ability. finally bored, she slung a satchel over her shoulder. standing she hit the leaver on the mug and downed the remainder of the suplment before allowing it to close and fastening it to her belt.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
9:40pm May 17 2011
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Aykinthrien was hunched over slightly at the weight his mother had made him bare. She walked in front of him as they made their way through the streets of the village they lived in. He muttered under his breath as his green-gold eyes narrowed slightly mutinously. The weight on his back was getting heavier with each step so he head to bow his head slightly to push on. His white and black hair fell into his line of sight when he did that though. "Mom, why can't you get a donkey to carry this?" he asked, raising his voice slightly so she could hear him. His mother half turned towards him and smirked. "Because I have a strong, abled son to help me that is why," she stated simply as if her logic made more sense than his. He harrumped and let out a frustrated breath that caused his hair to flip slightly. "Fine," he said in mock defeat, "but when my back starts to hurt from all this, remember who suggested a donkey." The older woman's smirk turned into a smile as she turned around to lead her son back to their single-story home near the edge of the village. -- Syren leaned against a tall oak staff as she watched her father heard the sheep towards the river half a mile from the village were they lived. She hated to this. But her older brothers were off somewhere else with some lame excuse on why they couldn't be here to help their father. She rolled her violet eyes and twitched her fingers slightly, watching the earth at her feet swirl inward. Gah! She was so bored!
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:35am May 18 2011
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[[ Bump, where 'tis Marshall ._. ]]
8:47pm May 18 2011
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Posts: 434
(( Sorry. I had finals all day monday and then moved out and went home yesterday and it was so awful. But now I'm back! ))
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3:25am May 19 2011
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Adrian had dedicated today to his studies. He sat outside, on a grassy knoll overlooking a common pasture, where many of the villagers would bring their livestock to graze. Of course, he wasn't used to such quaint scenes. He had only come to this remote little village to tag along with his father, who was doing business here, and to assist him. He'd stayed near his old man during the week, but today he'd been allowed to go off on his own, and had taken the day to catch up on some of the reading his tutor wanted him to get through. He knew that his parents had to work very hard to get any form of teaching for their oldest son, and he appreciated it immensely, even if he didn't quite have the knack for academics right off the bat. Still, he was nothing if not willing to work hard, so he leaned back against a tree and turned his sky blue gaze back down to the yellowing page of his book. It seemed an absolutely lovely, carefree day. He wouldn't trade quiet moments like this for anything..
Akane was doing the worst job of blending in. She'd been unwilling to sacrifice her elegant noble attire, and drew stares of the poor townspeople wherever she went. They had no idea who this apparent visiting noblewoman- or noble..girl..really..- was from. No announcement had been made. The town crier was silent on the issue. And it was even rarer for someone of status to be walking the streets alone, not being escorted by any man.. In a city she would certainly be mugged or worse, and she couldn't be so sure of her safety among strangers like this. All in all, she was an unusual sight as she took in the town, going through the marketplace, taking vague interest in a couple of the stalls. And yet, she didn't speak a word to anyone.
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12:32am May 20 2011
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Posts: 434
(( xD Aw geez, we all have to ge together so everyone can interact. ))
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12:38pm May 20 2011
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Exiting the Tavern, Mizu altered her satchel as the strap broke. "Stupid thing, Had you for years, and you decide to brake now?" She muttered to herslef under her breath, shifting the bag up onto her knee as she tried to tie the strap back on. A pair of women paused several yards from her feet and strarted to giggle. Mizu peered through her bangs as they fell to cover her pale complection, shrugging she continued to mutter until she sighed in exileration as the bag finally decided to agree with her. Walking towards the stall, she quickly noticed a female in long robes. "Well she's doin a mighty fine job of blendin in aint she?" She said sarcasticly to the middle aged man, who like many other of the market people quietened his voice. "I know what you mean lass, soonshe will be wantin free food." The two smirked and pas.sed a few other words containing remarks about the nobal womans attire. Mizu thanked the man and tossed him two silver coins. The man marveled at the metal, dipping his head and thanking Mizu, who returned a smile. To him it was a great deal, but she, with her ability had a knack for obtaining rare metals that reflected light.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
10:26pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 434
(( D: Bump. ))
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11:40pm May 21 2011
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[[ I don't know what to post ><'' Perhaps this is the time to start interacting with each other's charries ono ]]
2:16am May 22 2011
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Posts: 434
(( So make them interact, you alcoholic you! Sanae is flying around in the forest, and Ichigo is hopping through trees in a forest, so that won't be a terrible stretch for them to come together xD. Natsume is strolling through the village, Aykinthrien is walking through the village toward his house, Syren is walking toward a river through probably a forest, Adrian is somewhere like on the edge of the village I guess where there are some sheep and a lovely hill, and Mizu and Akane are hanging in the marketplace. I'm going to have Akane do something mindless and hopefully interaction-inducing next post, actually. Like, CALLIN IN THE DRAGON. XD ))
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9:00am May 22 2011
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[[ Gah ono You're de alcoholic D< I guess Sanae should run into Ichigo... What to do with Nastume >c ]] Sanae leapt and twirled in the air, not thinking anyone was near her. When she saw something flash in the corner of her eye, Sanae paused in the sky. That was when she spotted a boy, around her age. He was hopping along the trees with no fear. Impressed but scared that she would be spotted, Sanae descended near the trees, alighting on a branch. Unfortunately, the branch was old and brittle, snapping instantly. With a startled cry, Sanae shot back up into the air. --- I can't just wander around this dull village forever. Natsume thought, annoyed with himself. Slinking into a corner and making sure nobody was there, Natsume uttered a few words, a demonic aura surrounding him. A hole appeared in the ground, followed by a shape rising out of it. Natsume smirked. "It's good to see you again, Thisbe." He said. As the darkness ebbed off the shape and the hole disappeared, the demon turned out to be a black wolf. A hell hound? Even Natsume wasn't sure, and he was not going to question the malicious spirit. "Thisbe, it's time to sniff out the powered children, even if Akane isn't here." Thisbe nodded, quietly sniffing around the alley. Growling, the wolf started running off, out of the dark alley and into the streets, startling a few villagers. Natsume rushed out to run alongside Thisbe, the smirk still on his face. Thisbe proved to be a valuable familiar, and they were well on their way to finding the first prophesized kid.

11:12am May 22 2011
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Not actually knowing whatever it was his final outcome would be, Ichigo closed his eyes and allowed the wind to direct him. He could see nothing in the sky apart from a few clouds that he could if he wanted to disparse, and a black bird in the distance shooting down into the trees. He lost interest in the bird and alowed his gaze to drift as he slowed down to a halt. because of the canopy, he appeared to be standing on a tree, when in actualfact he was standing on a minature platform of storm rushing in and outwards like something trying to escape from a net. Ichigo'sgaze shot up to the yelping bird. "Since when do birds yell?" He looked to the 'bird' with wide eyes. that was no bird. It was a girl with wings. Somewhat startled and confused he stepped back, the storm following his feet. He squinted at her. she didn't seem to be a threat, she seemed to be just as startled as he was. Ichigo tempted to move forward but his brain refused to go any further. "Move!" He yeld at himself inside his head. a gust of wing blew from behind him, causing him to be gushed forward. His feet now mobile again, Ichigo sprintened over to the girl skidding to a stop. "Hey there." He saluted to her. "Looks like I'm not the only one in this boat then hey?"
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois