7:51pm May 22 2011
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[[ Hrr, where's Dragon o^o ]]
8:50pm May 22 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Dragon is here, but she can't think of anything at the moment.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:15am May 23 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Tld shall include Dragon :c ]] Thisbe skidded to a stop, with his master behind him. The wolf-familiar stared at a seemingly ordinary boy, walking by his mother. Natsume paused, following his familiar's gaze, then gave a small snort of contempt. "That slave over there? Surely he can't be one of the chosen children." He said disdainfully, but Thisbe only returned a piercing gaze, making Natsume shut his mouth up. "Well, we can't take him now. He's with his mother. Or master." Stifling a guffaw, Natsume ran off with Thisbe again, hot on the trail of another kid. This time, it was a girl. She seemed to be alone, the only person closest to her was a man herding his sheep quite some distance. Narrowing his eyes at the girl, Natsume nudged Thisbe. "Alright, remember the plan." He whispered. Thisbe nodded, putting on a strange puppy-dog face, then ran straight-forward into the girl, crashing by her side and letting out a whine. Natsume smiled. His familiar wasn't the most caring and affectionate of them, but who could resist the innocent whimper Thisbe could muster up at desperate times? --- "Erp. He saw." Sanae told herself, rather disappointed in her lack of stealth. She alighted on a nearby branch, making sure that it was steady this time. Sanae folded her wings, feeling them shrink back into her body. "Uh, what boat?" She asked the boy, sincerely clueless. Sanae never did understand idioms and sayings, and her family learnt that telling her the blunt truth was always the best way to go.

8:47pm May 23 2011
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Aykinthrien could feel a distinct feel drill into his back. Like something was watching him. Shifting the weight he was carrying, he tilted his head so he could look behind him. He just sat a plain looking boy around his age with what looked like a dog by his side. Not seeing any danger, he continued on after his mother until they reached the house were he placed down the load he was carrying on the table; not knowing where his mother wanted it. He stretched the muscles in his back and sat down at one they chairs; lounging in it as he leaned his head against the back of the chair. ~xXx~ Syren let out a startled yell as something furry bumped into her side; causing her to fall over. She wheeled her arms out to attempt to regain balance, but she failed and fell on her bottom before her back. So, now, she lay on the groun with her legs bent at the knee and her arms outstretch. Great. Pushing herself up to her elbows, she glanced at the furry thing that bumped into her. It was dog-like and a whimper escaped its throat. Her violet eyes narrowed slightly as she blew some crimson locks out of her face before moving so she was kneeling. She had her hand on her staff and she gently moved the end so she cold push the creature out of the way. "Sorry, pup; gotta watch for predators. My father would get really upset if one of his sheep dies because of my inattentiveness."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:52pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:36am May 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Bump, where 'tis Tosh and Marsh. ]]
11:53am May 26 2011
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Posts: 736
((has an exams 0x0 I have failed them both :'| )) Ichigo rolled around in mid air, was she for real? "It's a saying." he chuffed scruffing up his hair. "I mean that you wern't exactly born... normal?" He tried to say that without sounding too offencive. "I mean, you can grow wings can't you?" He dropped himself down so he was at tree level. "And I can do stuff." He said pas.sively, as if his own abbilities where nothing short of amazing. ~~~~ Mizu could sense something was off about this girl. She was too big for her own boots. deciding to check her out, Mizu made a sharp left into an allyway. checking that no-one could see her, she flexed her fingers so that no-one could if they tried. Something that had taken her a while to master was the bending of light. She could manipulate it so it wouldn't reflect off her, making her appear seemingly invisable. with one palm holding up the barrier, Mizu headed into the highstreet once more, avoiding the villagers as they attempted to walk straight through her.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
12:55am May 27 2011
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Posts: 434
Akane had made sure that her scaly companion, Pesilar, was circling high enough not to cause commotion. It'd be nearly impossible to tell the shadow of a nearby bird apart from that of a far-off dragon from the ground. But he was near enough to check for trouble, or anything unusual, if it presented itself. She appreciated having a pair of eyes in the sky at all times. It just helped her make sure nothing was amiss. However, by this point he'd almost forgotten about him, his presence sinking into the back of her mind. But then, she heard an echoing voice. "Two children. Flying. In the air." Pesilar usually spoke- well, 'spoke' wasn't really accurate- communicated through short phrases like this. And when he did, Akane stopped abruptly, her eyes glazed and staring off into space, as if she'd just severed ties with the world around her. "Lead me to them." Her lips faintly mouthed the words as she sent the message back to Pesilar, more out of bad habit than anything else. She didn't need to actually talk for him to hear.. Whispering to herself just made her look weird(er). Unaware that she was being trailed, she started off off in a different direction. She'd clearly been roaming around before, towards nowhere in particular, but it seemed she'd been suddenly struck with a purpose.
Some sheep were starting to pass through the clearing, so Adrian looked away from his thick book to watch them. There weren't so many sheep where he was from, although people were still known to keep some farm animals even when living in the city. Still, the only time he'd ever seen flocks like this was when they were being herded onto a ship. They seemed much nicer out here, far more peaceful. His eye caught on a dark figure that flitted into view, its tapering muzzle clearly canine. His gaze followed the creature as a girl came into view and the dog approached her. The dog's whine was faintly carried by the wind, and all at once Adrian stood. He wanted to get a better look, or maybe even.. help out. If that girl's dog was hurt, then he could certainly offer just a little bit of covert assistance. It shouldn't be hard to heal a dog without her noticing- and the thing might just end up having a thorn in its paw, or maybe being upset about something else entirely. He'd just wander by on his way back to the village. The brunet walked down the grassy hill, down to the path that led back to town. He had to avoid some of the sheep, but the girl and the dog were actually pretty close, and he was passing by in no time. As he did, he paused. "Is your dog okay?" He asked, sounding just a touch concerned for the animal.
[No sig right now, move alone.]
7:57am May 27 2011
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Thisbe seemed to let out an involuntary growl when another boy neared. The wolf obviously sensed something in him, something similar to the girl and his master. Realizing his mistake, Thisbe covered his growl with another fake whimper, his ears flattened as a sign of submission, waiting for Natsume to come. As if on cue, his master came trotting down, looking anxiously around. When Natsume laid eyes on Thisbe, the spirit nodded slightly. Narrowing his eyes and smirking in triumph, Natsume came near the two. "Sorry!" He said, sounding out of breath and looking as anxious as ever. "This is my dog, Thisbe. He often wanders off sometimes." Natsume let out a nervous chuckle. "Thanks for finding him! Thisbe sometimes goes off for days. I can't tell you how worried I am sometimes." Natsume sighed. --- Sanae sighed. It was no use trying to lie to him. The boy had obviously seen her using her wings. Shrugging an trying to look nonchalant, Sanae nodded. "Yeah... I've got powers." She mumbled, then cast a look at the boy. "Can do stuff?" She asked him, with a little smile. He seemed friendly enough, certainly not dangerous enough to attack Sanae, at least.

5:01pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 736
Ichigo scratched his head, she had his there, the bundle of words he spouted out werem't exactly understandable. "Erm, I have abbilities to say the least, Imean, they used to be minor, but since my birthday last year, they seem to have exploded or something, I mean, I'm standing on air." He gestured to his feet that had rifts of wind underneath them. "I can also do stuff with water too." He paused, " Manipulate water." He corrected himself, 'stuff' was a little too broad, and the girl seemed to need exact explinations. He smiled. Atleast she seemed nice. ~~~~ Mizu afted avoiding a woman with six children turned to realise the misterious girl had turned and started to head for the tree's. What was it that suddenly gave her direction? Could she see her? no, that wouldn't be it. Villagers didn't normaly take kindness to 'magical demons'. "Pfft, you'd think they had an idea of what a demon actually looked like." She shrugged aloud, before realising what she had done and high tailing it after the girl, leaving a spooked villager, waving at the space she had just been standing in.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
1:54am May 30 2011
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Posts: 434
(( Wooo, buuump, we need Dragon to post again. ))
[No sig right now, move alone.]
3:11am Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 434
(( o3o;? ))
[No sig right now, move alone.]