1:18pm Aug 7 2013
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Posts: 1,752
Liah looked at Penelope and Amur, "driver, why have we stopped?", she asked with a worried ex pression. Obviously the driver wouldn't stop for no reason. She placed her hand on the grip of her sword and stepped outside of the carriage. The driver seemed to be frozen with fear, definitely not a good sign. There was probably something bigger than them in the forest, it was probably much, much bigger than them.
She stepped back into the carriage, "the driver looks like he saw something, something horrible.", hopefully he'll wake back up, she thought. Liah looked at her surrondings, we're really close to the kingdom she pointed to the building up in front of them. I can barely see it but it's still there. "do you want to try walking there, or I guess someone else could drive the carriage.", she frowned. It was late and they should probably try and get there soon.
She brushed some leaves of her dress and sighed so far things weren't going as well as planned. It seemed quite strange that the driver had reacted like that. He must have seen something truly terrifying, but then again anything could happen here. What about all the legends? She sighed and tried to stay calm. Liah looked around her trying to make sure that everyone was here.
It was getting really dark, not that it wasn't dark enough already. She was sure something bad was happening, Noir was a really old place. Who knew what inhabited this kingdom, she was sure there was a reason why no one lived there. Well at least no one human, she shuddered and rubbed her arms the temperature was dropping every minute.
1:40pm Aug 7 2013
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Posts: 185
((I guess we should wait for the boys now or something.))
1:47pm Aug 7 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{hnng I'm really backed-up on RPs but I'll get a reply up soon~}
1:47pm Aug 7 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I meant to subscribe oopsies.}
3:39am Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Sorry about the slight delay. c:}
Vincent had rather enjoyed the ride for a while. The scenery, although somewhat plain and nothing extraordinary, was quite peaceful. And with the recent plague and death that was spreading around his previous beloved kingdom like wildfire, all he needed was some peace and quiet for a change. He scanned his sibling's faces for any emotion and found a wide variety; fear and excitement being the most common. He was just neutral on the whole thing.
The trip... the trip was fairly nice. The weather had been good to them, the scenery was pretty and it was nice to see what was beyond the castle walls. But there was one huge thing that kept him from really enjoying the trip. The death of his parents weighed him down and stuck at the back of his mind, so no matter how nice everything was, it was hard to enjoy it.
However, as the sky was blotted out by tall dark pine trees and they were encased in a shroud of pure darkness, he was suddenly much less comfortable. He shifted in his seat and turned his head from the window, no longer desiring to peer outside. Not only did everything seem less desirable now; it was downright scary. Quiet whispers echoed through the dark and daunting trees, while unfamiliar animals called out somewhere in the forest. He shuddered slightly and hunched down in his seat, not wanting to look at anything or talk to anyone.
And then, all of the sudden, the carriage came to a lurching halt. He straightened up and looked out the window once again, searching for their cause for stopping; but he still couldn't see what was wrong. His younger sister had actually gotten out of the car, which caused his eyes to widen slightly. He cared about his siblings, and if he had to lose one of them like he lost his parents, he didn't know what he would do.
"I would not advise that!" He called after Liah. He wanted to go after her, but admittedly, he was too afraid to. Who knows what was out there. As much as he loved his sister, he knew that he didn't have the guts to go out into that dark, unfamiliar forest.

9:14am Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,372
( I'll be getting mine up ASAP. Sorry, had work and a birthday to get to e_e }
9:48am Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 9:49am Aug 8 2013)
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Posts: 1,372
✞ Evangline Rose ✞
Wagon wheels, and the nerve-shot faces of five warm-skinned humans. Three girls and two boys. One of them was toying with a locket, and the fingers of one of them reached for the hilt of a blade. There was a young man who seemed much calmer and at ease than the others, although still unhappy. Everything seemed quite under way, the passage through the forest marking that they were nearly to the castle's entrance. There was no concern for the driver; he had been sent from Noir itself, he would know the way. They had rolled along smoothly thus far, and it was of little more concern. What could possibly happen on the last leg of their journey?
Evangeline lifted her head from a pool of crystal-clear water sitting in a gold chalice, and turned away. The water rippled slightly, and the images disappeared. Now all that looked back at her was her own visage. Eve was pretty--well, beautiful, but most vampires were. She had fair skin and somewhat burgundy colored hair. Her eyes were an icy emerald tone. Turning from her appearance, she wondered if there was anything yet to do. The rooms were prepared, and the castle had been made aware of the arrival of the humans. No one was to reveal him or herself as a vampire. The last thing the poor creatures needed after the death of their parents was to enter into a realm of true darkness. But did all of her siblings know? Eve may have..."forgotten" to mention it to some of them, not wanting to cause any stress or fighting to build up, and thought it would be better to wait until the day-of, not giving them time to brood over it. She knew for certain that Kai did not know. Well...she might as well take care of that, considering the caravan was going to arrive shortly. Evangeline gathered herself and stepped out of her own large room, and ventured forth to find her solitary brother.
It wasn't hard to discover his whereabouts. Kai was...well, he was different. He preferred his own company, and that of his song books, to others. But Eve felt that she got along with him well enough. If not, he hadn't ever told her such. She knew that he might be a little irritated for someone to come to his room unannounced. Lightly, she tapped on his door a couple of times, but did not give him much of an opportunity to turn her away. The vampiress slipped past the door and into his room noiselessly, but of course he would know she had entered.
"Kai, I have something to tell you," she murmured in her almost musical voice (although it wasn't nearly as beautiful as her brother's). "We are going to be having some guests stay with us from now on. They are due to arrive today, within the hour or so, I believe. They are the five children of king York to the south. I'm sure you heard of the king and queen's departure. He knew our father, you see, and believed that the children would be safe here with us, perhaps since they are royalty and we are vampire lords-to-be. "
She found herself more or less rambling, but suddenly stopped. Her eyes flashed, and she could feel her fangs beginning to retract. Something was amiss. Without even asking, she seized a goblet that had been sitting close by him. There was enough liquid in it to scry. The image of an uneventful journey had changed. An eerie screech tore through the woods, and the driver had seemingly been driven unconscious. Eve sighed, but quickly cringed as she saw one of the women actually get out of the carriage.
"Fool..." she breathed, and set the goblet down. Eve looked again to Kai, this time much more serious. "They are about to be attacked," she said in a hard voice, and looked at him even harder. "Something has subdued the driver, their only protection. If that is what I think it is, they will be torn apart in no time. Someone has to go. Now."
She did not wait for a response, and with a twirl of her dress, flourished out of the room. Eve wasn't sure if Kai would join her, but was hoping that he got the hint. Although, she would not ask him to risk harm for the sake of the humans at that point. But as the eldest, she felt it was her responsibility to make sure the humans made it safely. Evangeline grabbed a rose-red hooded cloak and threw it over herself, and gripped the hilt of a strange weapon that she hid beneath the cloak. There was little time to waist, although, there was a chance she would make it.
After all, Dire Wolves had a habit of toying with their prey before attacking.
10:41am Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,752
Liah cringed and pulled the sword out, she could hear something. A series of strange howls filled the air and she heard the crunching of leaves, there was no turning back now. The presence of the dire wolf in the forest was truly evil, she wanted to get to the kingdom. She shook the driver, "Wake up!", she shouted. "start driving!", her eyes stiffened and she looked at her siblings. "do you hear that?", she lifted the up the sword.
She got in the carriage and closed the door, "try to stay as quiet as possible, I have a feeling something is coming", she closed the door and looked at Vincent. "something senses our presence". She looked out the carriage window. "I don't think we're safe any more", she saw someone coming towards them. "oh mabye that's help", she saw a cloaked girl hiding a weapon underneath the cloak. "that's strange, did anyone send help?", she looked at her siblings again.
She opened the carriage door again and walked up to the girl, "we need to get a move on, we should be getting to the kingdom soon". She looked at the driver, "he's still in shock, I don't suppose anyone here can drive?", she asked. She sighed heavily and looked at the cloaked girl, "I can't seem to wake him up.
She heard a branch snap and saw a pair of huge red eyes and abnormally large claws. "hurry, we need to get out of here!", she drew her sword again and pointed it directly at the wolf. "just someone take the wheel!", she felt a chill go down her spine as the animal came closer, she could see it's face. She cut into the dire wolves flesh and looked at sword dripping with blood.
This was going to be a long night.
11:09am Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,372
{ Oh uh, I wasn't going to have Eve get there yet but okay... o _ o; }
11:15am Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,752
{I can just change it if you'd like. I'm fine with doing that.}
11:33am Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 11:34am Aug 8 2013)
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Posts: 1,372
{ no it's fine, just be more careful about it in the future <3 }
Eve knew she didn't have time to make sure Kai was following. If he showed up, he showed up, and that's all there was to it. If he didn't, she would just have more work to do, and hoped she wouldn't have to reveal herself so soon to the humans. Navigating through the forest was no issue. She had lived in the realm for several hundred years, and knew every tree and stone and ravine. Her movements were more like flying than running, her feet scarcely touching the ground she was moving so quickly. Her cape billowed behind her, a rose red flash through the darkness. A few animals rose their heads or cringed down in their holes, but for the most part, her rapid passing went unnoticed.
The stench of wolf was repugnant passing through her mouth and nose, and she nearly gagged on it. But mixed with it, also, was a much more delicious scent; human. Humans rarely ventured to the castle, although Eve's diet consisted mainly of their nectar. They were close. Sensitive ears caught the howling. It was not like that of a regular wolf. It was louder, deeper, and much more sinister. A fresh meal of human flesh would be a treat for the mongrels, who rarely got to taste such a delicacy. Eve hissed softly. She wished for a moment to stop and see what was happening, but knew there was no time for scrying.
As soon as she began to hear the humans, she stopped her flight and began to walk normally, although at a quickened pace. Her face and features could not be identified, only the fact that she was indeed a person (sort of ). A young girl weilding a sword ran up to her, obviously terrified. And for good reason. Although if she really knew the magnitude of the trouble that was lurking in the woods, she would not have been so bold. The girl was frantically explaining the situation with the driver. Eve rolled her eyes and sighed with irritation. The driver hadn't eaten in days, probably more than a week, even. He needed blood, although Eve assumed he would have brought some with him for the long journey. Idiot. She reached out to touch his face, which was very cold, but not drying out. He would be fine...as long as Eve didn't get to him later.
"No, you aren't going to wake him up anytime soon, I'm afraid," she said to the girl. "He has a bit of a condition and needs proper treatment. I have a little medicine with me, it'll perk him up after a little while."
The wolves were growing ever closer, and to her surprise, this human thought she would be able to take them on. Did she even know what a Dire Wolf was? "Don't be a fool," muttered the vampire, placing a hand on Liah's arm and lowering the sword, but it was of no use. A muzzle crept forward from the blackness, which Liah decided to slice at. The wolf whimpered just a little and retreated back into the shadow, unable to be seen by human eyes.
"You will be the death of me," Eve growled quietly to the girl. "Get inside of the Carriage if you don't want to have everyone killed."
Normall the vampire wasn't so harsh, but she was becoming less and less patient. The driver was an idiot, and now this human was going to try to be a hero in front of her siblings. "You're right we do need to get out of here, but the best way to do that is for you to stay inside with your siblings."
The smell of wolf was making her fangs come out beyond her control, and her eyes were changing color. She bent the hood more closely over her face and looked away. It would be much easier to deal with these creature fang-and-claw, but that simply wasn't in the cards. She would have to do it the not so old fashion way.
11:38am Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,586
[[Lake is making her starting reply now.]]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
11:59am Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 12:38pm Aug 8 2013)
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Posts: 1,586
To say he was protective was probably going a bit to far. It was more... suspicion that drove him to hide in the guise of someone else. Always the suspicious one, Demetre was but then, people always wondered how it was that there were no spies in the castle. That would be because of him. Vampires learned, after so long, that you should speak to no one and doing any illegal activity here you would be caught. How? Someone was always watching. From the servants quarters to the maids laundry room. There were eyes everywhere. Some tried in the beginning, to keep their secrets but it is hard to keep things hidden from someone who could look like just about anyone. It was either isolate yourself completely or be found out. Illusions worked in many ways... and routing out a spy was one of Demetre's favorite uses.
One of his favorite domestic uses anyway.
But yes, he was suspicious by nature. A liar always is. People who are deceptive tend to watch for it in others. Maybe it was the fact that his siblings, as he preferred to call them since he was allowed to stay here as a son, were not around as often that the Demetre began to grow interested. Not all of them, mind you. Just a couple seemed to be aware and behind whatever was happening... and the castle itself was preparing for something that he was not informed about. Eva he had seen the least of. As was customary, he snooped. Servant boys in the kitchen are told far more than princes if there is a secret to be kept.
Apparently they would have visitors... and not of the cold-hearted kind.
Dammit all, didn't Eva realize what this meant? Did she want them killed? Probably. Maybe that was her intent for bringing them here. Maybe, just maybe, she meant to get revenge somehow and he would be granted the honor of drinking every last drop of blood out of the veins of the child rulers. The heirs to the throne. Oh, Demetre had heard about the king and queens death of the neighboring land. He had heard but hadn't really cared. Why should he bother in the politics and sorrows of another land when he was barely even cared about his own? But to bring humans into his sanctum... yes, Eva must mean for them to die. That would be the only reason.
Now, as he watched from his room's window at the blur speeding out of the castle, he could only help but smile, the ex pression dark. The Grave was still around of course. It was like a looming threat in the back of his mind... and while some thought it might have been controlled, well, Demetre could no more control it than he could control a wild dog. It was part of who he was... you could not root it out nor tear it from his soul (if he had a soul at all, that is). Ah, the blood of royals. He had never tried it before. Would it taste sweet like the foods that they ate, dark like the wines that they drank? Would it run down his throat and sing out to his body as he sank his teeth into the pulsing artery? Would it be rich like the money in their coffers or thick like the velvet they adorned themselves in? His siblings were giving him a present by bringing them here. Oh yes, that was what this was. A present for him to make of as his own.
Maybe he would be a siren to the females, enchanting and powerful till they submitted to him willingly. Brutal to the males till their wills cracked and broke under his hand. They would fall at his knees or scream out his name in pain... and then they would die. A treat, this was, to have humans in the castle. Demetre, for one, could not wait
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
11:59am Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 11:59am Aug 8 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,586
[Double post >.>]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
12:06pm Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,372
{ Oh lordy I love him all ready }
1:24pm Aug 8 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 185
((Bit of Writer's block. Sorry it is so short. Lake. Your charrie sounds AMAZING. Can't wait for Amur to meet him XD))
Amur watched the events unfold outside, even taking a shot at a wolf-shaped silhouette in the darkness with her bow from the carriage step before climbing back inside like the woman told them to. She glanced at the woman, but could see nothing but a slimmer of pale skin and a peek of emerald eyes before the woman drew her cloak closer in as something crept around in the darkness. Amur cringed as she heard the snap of a stick and looked around, but it didn't seem like the others had heard it. She wondered if that meant her heightened senses were picking it up, or if she, in her frightened state, was imagining it.
Amur looked at the woman as she tried to calm down. "I think I heard something..." Amur said, making her voice as even as she possibly could. This woman looked like she knew what she was doing. Amur closed the doors to the carriage, not thinking it would add much protection, but maybe it would provide just enough for the woman to fend of the strange wolf-shaped things. "Liah, you could have been killed!" Amur chided her younger sister quietly as they waited in the carriage. She wasn't truly mad at the young one, who was very brave, but she was worried. Amur had already lost her parents and she didn't want to lose any of her siblings. She sat back in the carriage seat and clenched her hands in fists on her lap until they turned what and ached.

3:46pm Aug 8 2013
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Posts: 1,372
{ I'll wait a bit for the others to post <3 }
10:33am Aug 9 2013
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Posts: 1,752
{just going to bump this}
4:03am Aug 10 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{Heyyy guys. I'm going through a lot of crap right now (anxiety, anorexia, depression, ect.), and it's been to find the desire to roleplay. If tomorrow goes well I'll reply tomorrow. But if not I'll probably just curl up in a pathetic little ball all day. x3 In other words, I will reply, and I'm sorry for holding you guys back. Please continue on without me until I can get back on my feet. <3}
7:32am Aug 10 2013
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Posts: 1,752
{I'm going to leave for 4 days to my grandma's house, but I will have wi-fi. I just might not be able to get on all day.}