1:51am Jun 26 2011
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Taro rolled his eyes. " Great." he growled.He planted his feet in the ground, not moving. He gripped his weapon. " Only if you're up to it, girly." he scoffed. He looked down at his weapon, and back at the scythe. He chuckled. Angel winced slightly when she was gripped harder. Her eyes flashed on the scythe, the violet seemed to tease the males. ((EPICER FAIL))
2:29am Jun 26 2011
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"Girly huh? Big mistake." Jade hissed, extended her free hand as the purple light gathered there. She twisted her wrist around, aiming at the boys. "Darkest fears in the shadows of night, in the midst of battle we suck out the light." She chanted, the sliver turning into a beam aimed for the children. And so the fight began. As the beam left her hand, she lunged forward, swinging the scythe around expertly trying to cut at his legs. "Watch out! This isn't your ordinary girl!" Jake yelled, his face flashing in the silver blade. "Block the beam while jumping." He suggested, noticing the attack that was supposed to be hidden behind the beam of purple light. Magic using witch. Had it been said out loud, it would have been said harshly and with disgust.
2:34am Jun 26 2011 (last edited on 2:35am Jun 26 2011)
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11:11am Jun 26 2011
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Taro leaped into the air, using his partner as a blade-boomerang of some sort. He threw it at Jade, hoping to catch her off guard. He smiled. The bommerang was aimed professionaly at her neck. Taro landed and hopped ontop of a building of some sort. Angel's violet eyes glowed harshly as she aimed at the males' feet. She caught Taro on his side. She smirked, her ebony hair floating along with her body. TAro clenched his side quickly. " Damnit, she caught me." he growled. He released it, and growled. "Not enough to take me down, fancied up little knife."
11:34am Jun 26 2011
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"I'd be careful how you talk to Angel. She has a nasty bite." Jade said, effortlessly dodging Jake and catching him by the hilt. He burned her hand slightly but she got used to having two soul connections at one time rather quickly. "A rather nice weapon you have here." She said, forcing Jake to revert to his human form. "Damn, that hurts. How did you-?" He was panting slightly but he realized then something was off about this witch. In a flash of silver light, he returned to Taro's hand, his face appearing in the blade. "Something is off about this one. She was able to connect to my soul wavelength no problem and she has a weapon with a name. Witches don't do that... Only Meisters do." He rushed, readjusting to the change in hands. "Hm, well that's no fun. Little brat is ruining our fun, isn't he, Angel? I will have to teach him better." The dark purple light returned, snaking around her feet and down her arm. It swirled like mist around her two fingers as her power grew in strength. "Reaper STRIKE!" The mist solidified into a purple lightening bolt, forking out in a way that would make it next to impossible to avoid. Which was why it was a wonder how they did. As the dust cleared, she could tell that they hadn't moved very far but standing there before him was a black cloaked figure with a white skull mask. Lord Death.
11:44am Jun 26 2011
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Angel squeaked in surprise. Her eyes dimmed a little, going back to their normal form.Angel wondered what her father would say.Her surprise made the flashes dim, revealing the purple laced scythe, and her face in the blade. TAro nodded at his weapon. He looked at Lord Death. " Oh, damn..." he said, smirking a bit. " Lord Death just saved our butts." Taro gripped his weapon, making it shift into short swords. ((FAIL I'm sorryy...))
12:22pm Jun 26 2011
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((It's ok. :D)) "Not really gentlemen. I could still kick your butts anyway." Jade called with a wink, before staring down the Reaper. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" She stated, a smirk spreading across her features. "I was starting to miss you. Heard about the Kishin and decided I would come skipping along." "Ya, probably to make it your ally! Filty, decietful(?) witch!" Jake called back to her, shifting to his human form to stand beside Taro. He looked at the Reaper, standing tall and proud but he seemed comfortable, a little too comfortable. Lord Death chuckled slightly. "Yeah I guess it has been a while. How are you these days? Well I hope? I have one question though... Why is the first thing you do when you come home, is pick a fight with my students?" He asked, laughter hidden behind his words. Jade shrugged. "He came looking for me. I decided to test his skills if he was so willing to charge into battle." She relaxed her muscles, then started laughing. "Oh you aren't mad at me father are you?" Jake almost fell over, grabbing onto Taro's shoulder for support. "Did you just call him-?" His question was cut off with her nodding. "Not real bright are you? Didn't you hear the 'Reaper' part of the Reaper Strike. Gosh dad, what are you teaching them?"
12:26pm Jun 26 2011
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Angel chuckled, shifting into her human form. " Hi, Lord Death." She said smiling. " How's Kid? And the others?" This was out of her normal character, but she decided to stay like this for Lord Death. Taro smacked the back of Jake's head. " Yeah, stupid!" he laughed. " Lord Death had 2 kids!" Angel giggled a little. She looked up at the Academy in the distance. She saw some people in the far back.
1:03pm Jun 26 2011
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The slap on the back of his head sent Jake flat on his face. "Well how was I supposed to know that?! I've never heard of her." Jake complained, sitting up again with a pout. He began to rub the back of his head, a glare set in his eyes towards his partner. Jade stayed smiling, her brother, she had almost forgotten she wanted to say hello to him too. "Where is that little neat freak anyway? Shouldn't he be complaining that my hair is uneven or something?" She wondered, taking a couple of steps forward and hugging the reaper. ((Epic fail))
1:34pm Jun 26 2011
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Taro laughed and slapped his partners back. ((FAILER FAIL THAN YOURS.)) Angel stood behind JAde. She wondered about Kid aswell. She had a small crush on Lord Death's son. She didn't want Jade to know, because that was her brother. She had a small blush apparent, and looked down.
1:40pm Jun 26 2011
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((Lol, nah it's cool. So, since I have LD Daughter aaaaand LD... Does MercyAngel wish to play Kid. :D))
1:42pm Jun 26 2011
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1:44pm Jun 26 2011
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((Eeep! Emie is not here at the moment. Please leave a message at the tone. *Runs*))
1:46pm Jun 26 2011
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(( Lol, sure.))
Kid walked up behind his father, Patti and Liz beside him. " Long time no see, Jade." he said, his usual monotone. He looked over at Angel. " Oh, that's your weapon? What is she? I haven't seen you in such a long time." He looked at his father, then back at Jade.
Angel looked down, blushing harshly.
Taro looked at Kid. " Hey! How's Soul and Maka?"
Kid shrugged. " Ask them later. I seriously have know idea."
2:17pm Jun 26 2011
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"Be nice to your elders dear." Jade lunged forward and grabbed Kid in a head lock, messing up his hair as best as she could. "Oh and news flash, your nosebleeds are never symetrical." She burst out in laughter as she flipped backwards, the air filling with the sound of her bell like voice. Jake gulped slightly, remembering the last time something was caught out of place. Even the slightest hair would kill him but this mess was sure bad enough to completely destroy the child. He was just hoping that kid pas.sed out like he normally did and didn't decide to fight. That wouldn't be good for anybody. Though it would be rather interesting to see two reapers fight. No, bad idea. Jake shook his head and watched to see what would happen. Lord Death just placed his head in one of his over sized hands, a sigh of frustration at his two kids. "Why can't they just get along?"
6:55pm Jun 26 2011
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Kid looked around. " Too....Little...Symmentry." he said, and flipped over, throwing his sister in the air. He smirked. ((FAIL)) Angel kept looking down. Taro kept laughing.
7:29pm Jun 26 2011
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Jade twisted her body so that she landed on her hands when she fell back to the ground. Pushing off lightly, she returned to her feet, extending her hand out. "Want to play little bro? I can play." She playfully hissed. "Reaper strike!" The purple lightening extended from her fingertips, snaking it's way towards her brother. Jake just sat there.(Looking stupid) ((EPICSAUCNESS FAIL)) Lord Death moved to stand in front of the others, just to be sure that nothing bad would come of Jade and Kid's reunion. ((Oober fail.))
12:34pm Jun 27 2011
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Kid remained calm. Patti and Liz transformed, and he threw the pistols in the air. He jumped up just as Jade's bolt was about to hit him. He spun the pistols in his hands, great symmetry. He shot both of them at his sister, shooting her straight in the neck. He smirked. Kid landed beside his father. He brushed off his shoulder. " Your going to have to do better than that." Angel watched in amusement. Taro picked Jake up. " I think we should just go. I'm still tired." he said, dragging Jake by the back of his shirt.
12:55pm Jun 27 2011
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Moving swiftly, Jade twisted backwards to narrowly avoid being hit by her brother's pistol attacks. The she grouped her purple mist below her feet to keep her stand in the air. She looked down at the ground, a smile spreading across her face. "So little todler Kid has graduated to the big school. How nice, I still have to hold back though, don't I father? NO? Alright then, a reaper battle it is. Show me what you've got." She hissed, using the mist to jump up and push out into the air. Flipping once, with her legs angled 90 degrees so as to slow her fall, Jade began to rocket towards Kid head first. "Angel!" She called, hoping her own weapon would make it in time before Kid began to fire again. "Ofcourse you should hold back, he's you brother and I don't want you two bringing the whole place down. Ugh, kids." The reaper complained, not bothering to move once he saw Jade rocketing towards the two of them. He knew how to handle himself, with or without a weapon, and Jade seemed to have been teaching herself how to fight with the absense of her weapon, but it seemed that Kid wasn't quite that far. After all, he was a bit younger. "Don't underestimate her. And don't let your gaurd down for a second. She can, and will, tear you apart. Good luck!" Jake tried to fight against Taro. "No! We have to stay and watch this. We could learn alot from this, too bad Maka isn't here to watch this girl fight. Each move perfectly insync with her weapon. Maybe we should ask Jade if she will train with Maka for a little bit. Pleeease can we stay until the winner is determined?" He pleaded, clawing at the air while his feet were dragging along the ground.
1:31pm Jun 27 2011
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Taro growled. He dragged his partner harder." Maybe later. This is a sibling fight. I'm too tired to care." he mumbled. He continued dragging him to the academy, and then dragged him through the halls. Angel squeaked harshly, in panic, as it were. She shifted into the black, silver, and purple scythe that she was, and landed in Jade's hands. Kid leaped up into the air, stepping on Jade's head to boost himself. As he was 55 feet in the air ( Symmetry~), He began shooting harshly, one landing spot on.He spun his pistols around, and aimed them down for a clear, headshot.
Angel's purple eyes flashed at Lord Death.