~ Emmy { Soul Eater PRP } Angel~

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2:22pm Jun 27 2011

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Jade growled as Kid stepped on her head, forcing her down at an odd angle towards the ground. Just as she managed to land safely, she felt a pistol shot hit her shoulder. She winced with pain and immediately began to evade the rest of his shots. She jumped up in the air to level out the playing feild, using her purple mist as stepping stones. She swung Angel at Kid, in deft, expert movements. She flipped over his head, swinging her leg around to try to knock the pistols out of his hand, even if it were just a moment. Her footing flatered though and the mist couldn't keep up with her mistake. She ended up falling back to the ground, landing on her back. All the air escaped from her lungs and she was immobilized for a moment. She lay there like a sitting duck, gasping for air. All she could think to herself was. Damn, I can't believe I missed. It didn't so much as bother her that her younger brother might win, but even as she was able to stand up she knew that her chances of beating him were slim. He had grown a lot stronger since the last time they had met. "Oh well Angel. We tried." She laughed, attempting to strike at kid one last time.

Jake pouted as he was dragged away, mumbling to himself how unfair Taro was being.



12:24pm Jun 29 2011

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Kid stared down at his sister. And, at that moment, he realized something. " This...Is...not...SYMMETRICAL!!!" he raged, jumping up and down, and lecturing his older sister.Patti and Liz, shifted into their human forms. " Great. Not this again." Liz mumbled. Patti looked at Jade. " OH!!! You're Kid's sister, aren't you!? Its been such a long time!"

Angel giggled inside the scythe.

Taro kept dragging.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

1:36pm Jun 29 2011

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"What do you mean this isn't symmetrical? Crazy Loon." Jade yelled back, slapping Kid on the back of the head. "I don't care about symmetry, infact nobody does but you, goof." She growled, putting her free hand on her hip. "Dad! Tell him he is being rediculous." She whined, looking over at Liz and Patti. "Yup, it's good to see you too! It's been so long. Oh my gosh, you two look great." She smiled, ignoring her brother's tangit on symmetry.

Lord Death chuckled, turning around and heading towards the acadamy. "I'll yet you kids catch up. Have fuun." He said in his usual good mood. His step was slightly bouncy, apparently the new arrival stirring the current mood was exactly what the town needed.

"Taro... I hate you." Jake growled, folding his arms and not making it any easier to be dragged about. 


2:10pm Jun 29 2011

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Taro dragged him infront of his room. " Now, go do something and don't bother me." he said, getting a piece of rope and tyinghis the the door nob, very well. Even in his blade form, he would be trapped. He smiled.

Liz and Patti smiled. " Oh, you do yourself!" they said, smiling.

Kid rolled his eyes. " You have yet to introduce me once more to your weapon. I can't seem to remember her."

Angel looked down and blushed.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

2:32pm Jun 29 2011

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Jade scowled, looking at Liz and Pattie. "Reaper CHOP!" She swung Angel around and slammed the shaft down on his head, purposely making it off center. "Don't be insensitive. Her name is Angel, and you had best remember it." Her aura, now visible as purple, turned a threatening black. 

"I'm not a dooog!" He whined, trying to tug out of the rope. Obviously failing. 


4:12pm Jun 29 2011

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Angrl squeaked in panic. She shifted into human form. " I'm sosososo sorry..." she said, blushing harshly. Her violet eyes dimmed slightly.

Taro smiled. " Quit whining. I'll untie you when I'm awake. Night-night."

Kid rubbed it. " Damn, you have issues. It was just a question."he growled.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

4:33pm Jun 29 2011

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"Ha, I have issues? Suuure." Jade sighed, spinning on her heel. "No matter, Angel come along. We are going to speak with father. We are coming back to the Acadamy." She announced, as she walked away. "Hurry dear before I leave you behind." She called, walking into the building.

Jake sighed, sitting on the ground. The rope was itchy but there was nothing he could do about the uncomfortablee tie. "Sorry for waking you up to do your job." He growled, sitting there for a moment before he realized that he was  tired too. So he fell asleep there, tied to a door.


4:47pm Jun 29 2011

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Taro peeked out his door, and smirked. He left the room, while Jake was asleep. He shook his head. " I'm so mean...." Taro locked the door, and left the hall.He went to the gym.

Angel blushed and looked back at Kid. She followed her meister. " Y-you mean we're enrolling...again?" she asked quietly.

Kid scoffed.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

4:14pm Jul 1 2011

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"Ya, why not? We could use the extra practice, and it wouldn't really be enrolling again. Just returning from a long vacation." Jade smiled, walking through the halls of the acadamy. Walking by one room, she looked down at the boy who was tied to the door sleeping. "Isn't that the kid who attacked us before?" She wondered, walking past him without another thought. Even though the pair had not been there in a little while, the paths of this school remained clear in her mind. 

Eh, Jake slept peacefully unaware of his meister's absense. :D -Faail- 


4:21pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 6,165

Angel looked around. She and Jade got a few looks from others. Angel looked down and blushed." I-I guess...Where are our our rooms(room?) again? I forgot... Do you think anyone will remember us?" she asked. A small group of males were smirking at her. Angel squeaked in embarrassment and hid behind Jade.

Taro ate. (XD FAIL)

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

4:48pm Jul 1 2011

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"Hm, good question. I think they may have been given away at this point. No problem, we will just stay with brother. He ought to have plenty of room because of symmetry issues." Jade pondered, looking at the scythe who was now hiding behind her. "Ofcourse they will remember us. Just watch this." She smiled, turning her gaze to the boys who were smirking at them. Twitching her wrist at them, her magic swirled around them taking on the shape of a raven. It buzzed around their confused heads as she laughed and recalled them. "Some one should really teach boys not to stare." She smled again before realizing that they had reached the door to her father's room. He spent a good amount of time in that room, speaking through the mirror in the center of it. She pushed the door open and looked through the tunnel of guillotines. "It is good to be home." She smirked before walking the path to her father's mirror.


5:00pm Jul 1 2011

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Angel followed nervously behind her. She didn't like the idea of staying in a room with Kid. Too much awkwardness. And, she thought that might be against the law. To have a teenage boy and girl put in a room together. She shook it off her mind and looked at the scenery.

Kid looked with disgust at the boys who were staring.

(( MAybe you should play kid? I don't think Lord death is going to play a main charachter. And I'm play, Liz and Patti, Soul, Angel, Taro.... Your playing Jade,Jake,Lord Death, and perhaps Kid? Since Angel has a crush on him, it wouldn't make anysense. -just suggestion- It would be even (Kid: Symmetry~!) ))


http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:05pm Jul 1 2011

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((Ya, I guess your right... Hmm, I guess I could play Death. But then I am playing the whole family. Oh well. :D Hrm. I think we might need a slight time skip. Don't you? XD Maybe to the next morning in clas.s?)) 


5:07pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 6,165
(( Sure, post next~ I absolutely adoe this roleplay~! ))

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:35pm Jul 1 2011

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((Lol. Ok so since they met in the middle of the night, it will only be a few hours later in the morning.))

Jade sighed sitting alone in the pretty much empty room. Soon the other students were to arrive and the teacher soon after. She held her transfer papers lightly, leaning her head against her hand as she waited. Her arrival was sure to be the new gossip of the entire school, but she wondered how long it was going to take for people to notice the new comer's presence.

Kid yawned as he walked through the hallways to clas.s. He had been up for the odd reunion and now he had to deal with his bratty sister for a while. That's bugged him alot. "Who does she think she is? Jade is all about messing up my beautiful symmetry, something has to be done about her." He complained to Liz and Patti.

Jake woke up, still tied to the door. "Hey, wait a second. Taro? Where are you? Taaaaro!" He growled, tugging against the rope again, not at all surprised that his meister had ditched him. "Wow, real nice." He sighed, sitting back to await the arrival of his partner. 


5:48pm Jul 1 2011

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Taro passed his room. " Oh, you're still there." he said/ He walked up to his weapon. In one quick flash, the rope dropped to the ground. " There. Free." he said, smirking. Taro turned away and started walking to class.He waited for his partner to get ready,

Angel knocked on the door lightly. " Err, umm, Jade?" she said through the door, quite shyly. " Are y-you ready?" she asked. Angel's black hair covered her left violet eye. She was wearing her normal outfit. She waited patiently for her meister.

Liz and Patti looked at eachother. They decided to stay silent, since they didn't want to offend their meister.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

12:01am Jul 2 2011

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"Ya, ofcourse I'm still here. You left me here tied to a door, with no other way to go. Now hurry up and let me go before so we can get to clas.s." Jake growled, sighing with relief when his master let him loose. He immediately entered the room, pulled on a fresh t-shirt and pants, fixed his hair to it's normal state and took off down the hall after his meister. All in record time, but who was counting? He stretched and yawned as he caught up with Taro. "So, where have you been. I thought you were taking a nap. Hmmm?" He crossed his arms with an annoyed pout, awaiting an explaination.

Jade smiled and walked over to Angel. "You bet! Excited?" She asked, shoving the papers into her pocket without a care of them wrinkling. The teacher would have to deal with the crumpled mess when they got it. Then she remembered that she had no idea who the teacher was going to be. "Have you seen Kid? I forgot to ask who the teacher is." 

Kid continued to ramble on about how much his sister's arrival was going to mess up his symmetry. Once on to that topic he began his daily lecture of how his own weapons weren't symmetrical and how certain things should be rather than the way they were. Then he froze for a moment, thinking about some sort of symmetry he had seen. "Oh it was beautiful." He sighed, off in his own world again.


2:38pm Jul 2 2011

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Taro laughed. " Well, I decided to punish you for waking me. I slept somewhere else, and went out to eat." he said, smiling. He walked to his calss with his hands in his pockets.


Angel bit her lip. " I-I guess I'm excited..." she said. Her hands sinking into her long sleeves. She  put the sleeve up to her mouth,covering it. " Oh, and No, I don't know where Kid is..." she said, quietly.

Liz and Patti looked at Kid , confused...

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

3:14pm Jul 2 2011

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Jake growled with annoyance. "Sooorry for mistaking Jade for a witch, she very well could have been." He said, clenching his fists. He felt kind of stupid after his mistake but it was true, she had some sort of soul protect on. Something generally witcches only had. "Suspicious, very suspicious." He mumbled, stroking an invisible beard. He always did this when he wanted to act like a detective. It just made him look silly.

Jade sighed at Angel's comment. "You guess? Come on Angel, this is the first time we are back in over a year and you guess you're excited. What am I to do with you?" She sighed again, placing her right hand on her hip.

Kid was lost in thought, but his feet still carried him in the direction of the clas.sroom. He expected Maka and Soul to be there already. Ofcourse Soul would be sleeping and Maka would be studying, but they were usually one of the first people there. "I wonder, do you think Maka and Jade have ever met before? I can't remember." He asked to no one in particular, just a thought making it's way into words. 


3:22pm Jul 2 2011

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Patti, not knowing who he was talking to, spoke up. " I don't know, maybe..." she said. Liz rolled her eyes.

Angel blushed harshly. " O-Okay, I'm excited." she said, her hair falling over her eye.She liked it this way, it covered her violet eyes, which was not a normal color.

Taro rolled his eyes and took invisible scissors and cut Jake's beard off.


http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.
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