3:48pm Jul 2 2011
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Kid shook his head, sliding his hands into his pockets as they walked. Finaly they came to the room and ofcourse, Maka was already there... As he suspected. She didn't even so much as look up from her book, but it wasn't as if he cared. Soul on the other hand, woke up just to say hi to him before falling back asleep. "Hm. I'm kind of surprised nobody has noticed yet." He said quietly so that only Liz and Patti could hear. "Stop that! Angel, your eyes are pretty so don't cover them up." Jade smiled, pushing her partner's hair to the side so that her eyes could be seen better. "No matter how unusal of a color they are they are still pretty. They are what makes Angel...Angel." She laughed a little as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. She looked around the hallway to see that they were almost to their destination. Jake laughed a little at Taro's attempt to cut off his imaginary beard with imaginary scissors. Such was a typical morning for him. One joke after the next made a day full of fun and saved him from the horrors of their professor. Just thinking about him sent shivers down his spine. ((The professor be Stein... Right?))
4:24pm Jul 2 2011
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Taro smiled. He flicked an imaginary lighter and burned the imaginary beard. " Haha, i set your goatee on fire." he laughed.He looked at the doors as they walked into the classroom. He spotted a few classmates. Angel blushed harshly, her cheeks turning scarlet.She didn't take compliments well, without blushing. Her violet eyes flashed quickly as she folled behind Jade, embarrassed. Liz shrugged. " Noticed what? Your sister? Oh, they've been noticed all right. They keep getting looks from the guys. Angel just hides behind JAde when they do that. I don't know what her problem is..."
4:44pm Jul 2 2011
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"One of these days I am going to steal that lighter of yours and set your hair on fire." Jake laughed along with him, following Taro to their usual seat. "Hey Maka and Soul, Hey Kid, Liz and Patti! What's up?" His voice was a little louder than needed but he found himself in a good mood all of a sudden. "We're here!" Jade smiled, walking straight into the room. "It's been far too long since I have stepped foot in here." She sighed with the memories of this acadamy and all the fun things that happened the moment the professor turned away. "Let's go sit with...Liz and Patti!" She ran up and slid into a seat next Liz. "What are you three babbling about now." Kid nodded, any guy at this school would stare. "Nevermind, she's here." He said, not at all happy when Jade decided to sit near him. "Can't you go sit with Maka or something?" He asked, not bothering to look at his sister. She ofcourse laughed and shook her head. Anything to bug him.
4:48pm Jul 2 2011
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Angel blushed harshly and sat silently. Soul gave a small peace sign, and continued to sleep. Taro laughed. " You're just made because I cut your beard off." he chuckled. Liz and Patti giggled. ((Seating chart: Liz, patti, Kid, Jade, Angel, Maka, Soul, Taro, Jake. ))
1:47am Jul 3 2011
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1:56am Jul 3 2011
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((Hrm, fail on my part. D:)) "You're just jealous that I have one and you don't." Jake responded with a grin, watching as a few more students began to file into the room and take their seats. Jade shook her head at Kid and laughed at the mini argument between Jake and Taro on the other side Maka and Soul. She leaned back and put her hands behind her head for support while ignoring quite a few looks from others. "With all the stares you would have thought they have never met a Reaper before." She smiled, deffinately loving the attention. Finaly Maka looked up from her book and down at Soul. "Wake up dummy, clas.s is going to start soon. You know how Stein gets." She growled, putting her book neatly on the table. Kid sighed and sat perfectly straight in his chair, unlike his sister who was slouched and very unsymmetrical. It bothered him greatly and it wasn't before long that he went off on yet another lecture about symmetry.
2:03am Jul 3 2011
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Soul turnede lazily over to her." Alriiiight..." he mumbled. He raied his head from the desk (or whatever that is). " There's still like, 15 minutes 'till class, Maka." he said, looking at the clock. Angel looked at Jade. " ...Atleast your enjoying the attention." she whispered softly. Her hair covered her eye ovnce more as she looked at Maka, then at Jade. Liz was twirling her hair, and Patti was playing with her fingers. Taro laughed. " Oh, but I do." he said, stroking a super long imaginary beard. " Mine is so long, I could braid it ."
2:25am Jul 3 2011
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"15 minutes is sooner than you think Soul. You should learn that there is more to life than sleeping." Maka replied, folding her hands together in front of her on the solid surface of the desk. She sighed as she looked at the clock, willing it to move faster so clas.s could begin already. "You should enjoy it too. It means you are important enough to have people waste their valuable time on, why else would they stare at you? And what did I tell you about your hair. Don't make me tie it all back so you can't hide your face anymore." Jade smiled deviously, pulling out a hair tie from her pocket and waving it infront of Angel's face as proof of her intentions. "HA! As if." Jake said, running out of comebacks. For once he wanted clas.s to start so that he would be put out of his misery of loosing this battle.
2:39am Jul 3 2011
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Angel brushed it back once more and blushed. " I don't enjoy it...I'm too self cautious about myself. Staring isn't very nice, you know." she said, looking back at her Meister.She pulled the hoodie over her head, and it looked pretty nice. Maybe she wouldn't be stared at. Soul rolled his eyes at her. " Yeah. Eating." he mumbled. Taro smiled. " Face it. You can't out do my awesome beard. Not to mention my moustaache~" he said, twirling his finger beside his upper lip and going sideway. ' Its curly~!"
3:02am Jul 3 2011
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"You need to learn to lighten uuup. Staring is only rude if you consider it staring. I consider this admiring our natural beauty." Jade said with a sigh as Angel pulled the hoodie up. She atleast managed to get the hair out of the eyes which was a major improvement, all that was left was to get rid of the hoodie. She sat in silence, thinking up ways to get her weapon to ditch the hooded jacket. "Besides eating! Education is an important part of our lives. With this sort of attitude, it's a wonder how you will ever become one of Lord Death's scythes." Maka sighed, with annoyance. "If you keep this up I will have to Maka Chop you." She mumbled, continuing to stare at the clock. "Nuh uuuuh am not! Having a beard is cool, having a moustache is cool, but having both is not cool. SO, hand over the beard and you can keep the moustache." Jake said with a smile.
1:14pm Jul 3 2011
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Soul smirked. " Hmm, I though you only did that when someone makes a pervy comment about your board chest." he said, his eyes remained closed. He knew he would get a hit on the head for this or something. Taro made an (LOL) face. He continued twirling his beard. " U mad, Jake?" he said, trolling. Angel blushed and laid her head down, pulling her hoodie over her head.
4:01pm Jul 3 2011
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"That's usually you Soul." Maka growled, slapping him across the back of the head. "And it's not that flat." She mumbled with a pout. She looked back up to see only a couple minutes left on the clock. "No I'm not mad. What would I have to be mad about? You should be the one who's mad." Jake cursed inside, disappointed with his lame comebacks as of late. Jade sighed and stretched, noting the time on the clock.
4:04pm Jul 3 2011
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Soul laughed. " You're right. I think that new girl, Angel, I think, is flatter than you. congradulations." he chuckled, then raied his head, and put his arms behind his back." It is pretty flat. Look at Tsubaki, and Liz and Patti. And that new meister, Jade." he chuckled. Taro laughed and stroked his imaginary beard. Angel rose up and looked at Jade, her hair over on of her eyes again.
5:00pm Jul 3 2011
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((Sorry, my computer has been eating my posts. It's soooo annoying.)) "Maka CHOP." Maka glared at her partner, the book that had been sitting on the desk finding it's way back into her hand. "Don't be rude, Soul. Comments like those are very innapropriate." Maka growled folding her arms across her chest. Jake was about to say something but the sound of squeaking wheels registered in his ears. "Oh lovely." He sighed, floding his arms together and resting them on the table. "Now, now. Let's be happy, the professor should be here any minute." Jade said, looking for the source of the squeaking.
5:13pm Jul 3 2011
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Soul laughed, rubbing his head once more. " You're just mad because your flatter than a washboard." he laughed. Angel put her head down once more. Taro twirled his Imaginary beard. " Stein will be jealous too~"
5:55pm Jul 3 2011
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Maka growled and stuck her nose in the air, letting out a small 'hurmp(?)'. Jade chuckled and cracked her knuckles. "What does he have to be jealous about? He has a freakin' screw in his head." Jake exclaimed, a little louder than was necessary.
6:49pm Jul 3 2011
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Taro stared down at Professor stein/ " I hope he didn't hear you." he said, stroking his mustache. Soul laughed. Angel blushed and looked up. Liz and Patti waited.
7:07pm Jul 3 2011
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"Ya, me too." Jake whispered, looking down at the teacher who had rolled in on his chair. Professor Stein looked about the clas.s, taking in each student's face. His hand grasped the round screw that poked out of his head, spinning it around until it clicked loudly. "It would seem as if there is a new face but an old friend among you." He said in a monotone voice, his eyes locking with Jade's. "How nice of you to notice, Professor Stein." Jade spoke, her voice clearly heard around the room. A smile spread across her face as she waved her hand quickly.
7:12pm Jul 3 2011
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Angel ducked under her hoodie as the rest of the class looked over by them. Taro sighed in relief. " You would have been in deep crap." Liz and Patti rolled their eyes. Soul nudged Maka. " Told ya she was flatter."
7:40pm Jul 3 2011
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"I know." Jake whispered back, shrinking slightly in his seat. Jade ignored all the looks that were cast her way, her eyes cast down at the teacher. Kid sighed, trying not to be annoyed by his sister. Grabing Soul's ear, Maka tugged hard enough to move his head but not enough to make him yell out. "Shush."