7:55pm Jul 3 2011
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Soul chuckled softly. " hahahahaha. Not lying~" Liz looked over at Angel. She looked up at Kid. " what's her problem? Its like she doesn't want to be noticed." she asked Kid softly. Taro chuckled. Angel tried to be invisible. Hoping Jade wouldn't mention her. Or Stein.
2:35pm Jul 4 2011
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4:26pm Jul 5 2011
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((Please don't ditch this...))
7:54pm Jul 5 2011
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((No. Sorry, I have been quite busy lately so I havent had a chance to log on. :D)) "Yes, well it's good to have you back." Stein said, returning to adjust the screw again. "You are just in time for a disection." He said, pointing to a weird creature on his desk. Stein ignored the groans that erupted about the clas.sroom. "Is there any thing you do besides disecting? Try teaching us something worth learning." Jade smiled, flicking her fingers and setting the animal free she sat back down and stared at Stein. Same old Stein, not another thought in his head but disection. With a sigh she pointed to a text book with an expectant look in her eyes. Jake was speechless, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. A student talking back to a teacher? Unheard of. What was even more astounding was the fact that Stein sighed with defeat. This change of plans obviously annoyed him but there was really nothing he could do. Maka almost laughed and Kid sighed, relieved that he didn't have to worry about the lack of symmetry in the animal's body.
7:25pm Jul 8 2011
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Soul let out a sigh of relief. He straigntened up and looked down at his teacher. Angel was a little shocked. She scooted over a tiny bit, not wanting the eyes that were up at her meister, to lead to her. She ducked under her hoodie once more. Liz looked back at Angel. " I mean, seriusly. She looks like a mouse. Trying to hide under anything she can find....She is shier than Crona was!" Taro loaughed.
9:38pm Jul 8 2011
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((I has no ideas... Perhaps another time skip? XP Later in the day, all of them on the same mission A super dangerous mission? :D))
9:44pm Jul 8 2011
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(( Sures~))
10:03pm Jul 8 2011
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((OMG Maka's dad has to come! :P)) Maka knew there was trouble before he even stepped through the door. She made it a priority to hide her face behind her text book. Jade looked over at the door as it opened, a smile spreading across her face. The look on his face sort of gave it away what he was there for. Stein must have known it too because without saying a word, he motioned the entire group down. "Miss Maka, Soul, Kid, Liz, Patti, Jade, Angel, Taro and Jake. You are excused." He said with a flick of his hand but before setting his hand back down, he reached up and clicked the screw into place. With out hesitation, Jade stood up from her seat and followed Kid out. She tried to keep her pace steady until she had exited the clas.sroom. Once out of sight of the other students, she pounced and locked her arms around his neck in a hug. "It's been so long! How are you?" She exclaimed, sort of hanging in mid-air. Maka growled, walking up beside her no good father. "What do you want dad?" She spat coldly.
10:12pm Jul 8 2011
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Angel stayed in the back, watching quietly, her hair falling in front of her eye once more. She was very shy around others. She didn't know why, though. She grabbed her other arm and let her hoodie down, her hair being used as a coverup. Soul looked at Maka's dad and chuckled at Maka's ex pression. Liz and Patti were off in space. Taro wondered what the deal was. (( XD FAIL.))
10:14pm Jul 8 2011
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((I think Angel should play Maka's Dad... I don't need her whole family too. XD))
10:24pm Jul 8 2011
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(( KK. )) Maka's dad (Fail, I forgot his name) looked at his daughter. " Don't be so...cold, Maka. I just cam to say hi to my favorite daughter~" he said, smiling. " And, to give you all a mission." He looked at the crowd of students, counting them. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..,.Wasn't there supposed to be nine of you guys?" he said. Angel stayed hidden.
3:03pm Jul 9 2011
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((Lols, It's Spirit. :D)) Maka turned her nose to the air and ignored her annoying father, her arms folded across her chest. "I'm your only daughter." She stated blankly, though her eyes lit up at the mention of a mission. "A mission? Don't you think that there is a bit too many of us for a mission? What could possibly require two Reapers and two Meisters?" Jade asked, full of concern though her ex pression remained in it's perfected smile. "There are nine of us. Angel is back there." She pointed behind her, not bothering to look exactly where her weapon was hiding. "I'm with her, why so many of us?" Kid asked, his face an unmoving mask. He was trying not to think of how little symmetry there was in the number nine. Jake just smiled. "Hey, who cares what the mission is and who is going. As long as we aren't in Stein's clas.s."
3:56pm Jul 9 2011
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Soul nudged Jake. " So very true." he laughed. Spirit laughed at Maka. " My only favorite~" he chuckled, then looked back at the children. He looked back at Angel. " Oh. There's the other one. Anyways, Lord Death told me to give you all this mission. So, that's why he picked so many, I guess...." he said, smiling. Liz and Patti yawned. Taro was stroking his fake beard once more. (( What's the mission?))
4:55pm Jul 9 2011
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((Mirror magically appears on the wall. XD)) "Too bad Black Star and Tsubaki are missing out." Jake said, looking around half expecting to see Black Star come crashing in. A mirror on the wall caught his attention, the ob ject glowing slightly. "Hey guys, look there." Maka walked over and smiled. "Hey Lord Death." She said cheerfully with a slight wave of her hand. "Hiya, Hey, What's up, Thanks for coming." He replied, his voice loud and clear. He was deffinately in his normal, good mood self. "Oh good, you are all here. I have a special as.signment for you nine. A large group of souls has been stolen and is on it's way to a remote island. I suspect that the theif is transporting the souls to someone well on their way to becoming a Kishin. What makes this so dangerous is the amount of witches that protect the place. So far, there has been a count of at least five witches but those are the ones without Soul Protect on. I have sent Black Star and Tsubaki ahead of you guys and you will meet up with them later on. Spirit will acompany you for protection and extra help if needed. Do you think you can handle it?" Lord Death said, his tone becoming more and more serious as he explained the mission to the kids. It had been a last minute decision to send Spirit but he thought it was for the best, despite all the issues he had with his own daughter. Maka groaned inside but kept a perfect disguise. "All good here, sir." She said, looking over at Soul. Jade and Kid nodded, almost in unison, and turned to their weapon. Jade glanced over at Spirit, a Death Scythe. She figured that she would have to be the one to use him, since her brother had problems with unbalanced weapons and it would be difficult for any of the others to match Soul wavelengths. "Understood sir." She said, her excited manner evaporating into that of a serious one. "Sounds cool to me." Jake said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
5:56pm Jul 9 2011
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Spirit smiled. He bounced with excitement. Angel was a little worried. She was curious as to see Tsubaki and Black Starr again. Taro nodded. Liz and Patti were off in space once more. Soul took it seriously. (( ONE LINERS ARE FAIL I AM SORRY.))
9:02pm Jul 9 2011
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((Lols, it's all cool. All weapons please report to weapon form, Meisters prepare for lift off. :P -suuuugar-)) "Alrighty then. Be careful and have fun. Byyyye." Lord Death said, the mirror going blank once more. Jade turned to the group, a serious ex pression taking over. "Alright, I want all weapons to be in your other form now. It will make travel faster and on the off chance we get attacked, we will already be armed. Ok?" She said, looking at each person in the face. She wasn't much for being a learder but when things turned serious, she knew exactly how to handle a situation. If the island they were headed for was truly infested with as many witches as predicted, she had to make sure everyone was prepared. A slight detour into the desert would be needed. Jake nodded, his body turning into a little swirl of light before reappearing in his meister's hand as a ninja blade. "All ready to go." He said, his face flashing in the metal blade. Maka looked at Jade then her own father. "What about him?" She asked, glaring at him. Jade shook her head, looking at her own partner. "I will have Angel strapped to my back in her weapon form and carry Spirit. I'll need to adjust to his wavelength anyway and that might take me a bit of time. Kid and I will ride ahead, you guys just worry about keeping up." She said, the purple energy sparking around her feet. Kid already had his skateboard out and was mounted. "Let's go."
9:12pm Jul 9 2011
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Angel shifted to her weapon forn. The design crawling up the scythe's shaft. Her eyes glowed in the blade. Her hair fell in front of one of them, covering the violet gaze. Soul flashed into his form. He was a scythe aswell. " Hmph, too many scythes here...." Tro gripped his weapon. " ready." Liz and Patti were set.
Spirit shifted into his Death Scythe form.
9:24pm Jul 9 2011
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"What getting jealous, Soul?" Jade laughed, catching Angel and attaching the scythe to her back. Then she caught Spirit, his weight alot more than she had expected. Almost at once she began to feel him lighten but she knew there was a bit of ways more to go until they were perfectly matched. For now she would have to deal with the heaviness of the blade. "Kid, you go ahead. Make your way towards the center of the desert, and scout out anything that would attack us." She said, deciding that she would have to hang back with the group. Her entire form lifted about a foot in the air, the energy below her concentrated to the point she could stand on it. Kid nodded, gripping the twin pistols so that his pinky were resting upon the triggers. Without another word to the group, he was off and headed out of the academy towards the directed destination. Maka laughed at Soul's comment, gripping the shaft tightly and expertly. "All set? Let's go." She said, leaning her weight one direction so that she could push off of the ground and get a good momentum going. "Let the games begin." Jake said, the blade flashing and his face no longer visible.
9:44pm Jul 9 2011
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Taro leaped up into the air. " Hell yeah. Ninja with beard and mustache!" he laughed. He started hopping from hill to hill. Angel's face was no longer zisible. Liz and Patti stayed content?
Soul growled. " No, I mean that there's like 3 scythes here. And one of them is your dad." he laughed, and gave her a signal to go. Spirit was remaining silent as he concentrated.
6:27pm Jul 10 2011
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(( 100th post bump~))