5:03am Aug 2 2010
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[[I am? o~o Cool XD I was just... RP board wandering bleh. Oya, I did? I shall go edit my bio right away! :d]]
5:06am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; LOL Nohi & Slaughter just made me think of Spyro & Cynder. :B I love tiny dwagons. Yay, another roleplayer. :D
ic; Slaughter stopped eating and stared into the forest, a suspicious look in his eyes. Was that a noise he had heard? Or was it just the wind? Shrugging off the thoughts, he resumed eating. The cow was almost finished and the gr*censored* around him stained crimson with blood. He sat unmoving for a time before getting back to his feet. He stretched his wings and sniffed the air once again. Craning his neck, he looked straight at Nohi’s hiding spot, but was unable to see the small red dragon. Slaughter gazed up at the cold sky, as if to look for other dragons, before he began to stalk towards the trees in search of water.
5:20am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; Blah... It's been years since I've played a Spyro game o_0 At least seven now if I remember right. And you can post now, Tld :P BiC; Nohi watched intently as the large dragon lumbered off, waiting a few moments for it to leave before climbing from his hiding place. The mud had apparently worked but he saved those thoughts for later. He wanted to get what he could from the cow before crows started to notice. One crow he could take, a mob would surely kill him. He dashed over to the remains, slowing when he reached the bloody area. To him, it was amazing. The largest thing he'd ever taken on his own was a fox, so it was a rare sight to see this much blood. Even the meat left over from the dragons meal was enough to keep him full for days. He moved over to the cow and began tearing off mouthfuls of meat, chewing slightly, before swallowing, his eyes always on the sky as he watched for any challengers for his meal.
5:26am Aug 2 2010
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[[Bah, too many male dragons x] I shall go add a female, alright? : D]] Seisyl flew over the dark forest, his belly growling whenever the sun disappeared. He scanned the area, hoping to pick up easy prey, such as large, lumbering stupid herbivores. He silently landed on the trees, his red eyes piercing through the darkness. His keen ears picked up the sound of a creature tearing off flesh. Curious, Seisyl lifted off, silently gliding towards the source of the sound. He alighted on another tree, balancing on two sturdy branches. Seisyl saw a small little dragon, hard to tell whether this dragon was a hatchling or adult. The Sunset dragon decided to observe, perhaps this little dragon would soon finish eating the cow and move on, leaving the half-eaten prey open for any other predators. [[Phail x.x Loki, perhaps you should put the time of the day in the first post?]]
5:34am Aug 2 2010
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Lumasi's bird's eye view was very helpful in her glide above the earth. It wasn't long into her flight that a familiar smell flooded the slits on her muzzle, soon registering into her brain as blood. It had been several days since she had ate, so a kill would be something nice. Doing a mid-air swirl, her altitude began to lower closer to the ground. Finally, after several minutes, she was on the ground. Prowling through the shadows of the night cloaked forest, she seemed to be nothing. She perched herself in a lunging position, and on three she lunged from the dark, to pounce on the kill. She scanned her surroundings, seeing nothing but a small dragon. She was more aerodynamic then large, but would take no heed in hurting the small lizard. Lume hooked the creature on her tail and flicked it off into the tree's, resuming to the small remains of the rather fresh kill.
5:49am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; Lol, I don't mind x3 And Lauren did the first post, not me x.x I've been as.suming it's early night because that's when Nebula and Blacks are usually out. BiC; Nohi squeaked in surprise as a dragon appeared, looking much like the sky above. This caused him a bit of confusion, as if his eyes couldn't quite tell where to look, so when he finally did figure out what was going on, he was being flung off his meal and into the nearby forest. He once again tumbled down the hill and did the same maneuver to regain himself, scrambling back up the hill. He lunged back over the root and back into the clearing, skidding to a stop before approaching the strange dragon again cautiously. He let out a low growl and a puff of smoke came out his nostril to show he was angry. That was his meal and he had been there first! What did a grown dragon need to scavenge for?!
6:01am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; Omg. Did you ever see How to train your dragon? Nohi reminds me of the little terrors. >//////<
Lume's attention flickered down to look at the small dragon. For something of his size, he had a lot of courage. She leaned down to his eye level, a hiss scratching through her fathoms. "Wow, you have a lot of courage for someone so small." She said, a half smirk pulling at the side of her muzzle. She leaned upwards once again, pulling back and outstretching her wings. With one action she pushed them forward, creating a powerful gust.. Well, enough to blow the small dragon away for now. Her nostrils flared as she lowered back down to the remains, using her wings much like that of a bat to hold her front torso up, without putting all of the stress on her back legs. Her jaws snapped at the kill, pulling off meat like a razor. Her jaws where not made for crunching bone, more for hooking in prey with no way to escape the backwards facing pegs. Soon after, the remains where downed to mere bones, leaving them to rot in the puddle of drying blood in the muddy surroundings.
6:09am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; No I didn't o3o I'm not really a big "let's go to the movie-theater!" guy. I always intend on going, but I never do >_< So is that a good or bad thing xD BiC; Nohi was once again flung back into the trees and back down the hill. This time he wasn't able to capture himself half-way and ended up landing on his head at the bottom of the hill. He hissed and curled up into a ball, rubbing at the spot on his head where he had landed with his paw. When the pain had ebbed slightly, he looked up at the top of the hill for a moment, glaring at the just-visible root, before scrambling back up it and leaping over the root. He approached the dragon with the same cautiousness as the first time. "Go catch your own prey, meanie!" he hissed, spitting a small puff of fire as he spoke. This one should be able to catch its own cow just like the first one had so why was she taking his food?
6:12am Aug 2 2010
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[[Oh... Then I shall go tell of Lauren XD Sorry x.x HOMG. Someone just asked me if I would trade my 'bino Intes for her Kioka! 8D -acceptacceptaccept-]] Seisyl watched on as another dragon, a large dragon whose scales seemed to reflect the night sky, approached. The little dragon must have been peeved, as it hissed at the larger dragon. Seisyl, forgetting his hungry stomach, settled down on the tree, once again becoming the observer dragon he was. 'What an amusing bunch.' He thought, surpressing the urge to laugh, afraid that he would draw attention to himself.
6:15am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; its a good thing. XD They are these little tiny baby looking dragons that are ruthless in a VERY cute way. >w< Lume turned with attention as the burning sensation touched the lower half of her leg. Growling, a blue light began to fuse in her nostrils, soon turning into flame as it bursted through her fangs and out the mouth, heading right at the youngling. For his sake, she blew out the burst of fire before it could hit him. "Isn't it past your bedtime?" She moaned, sighing through her nose as she eyed the dragon up and down.
6:18am Aug 2 2010
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[[I already know what dragon I want if they ever do discover dragons from that movie XD And it's not a Night Fury o-o]] Seisyl twitched his snout, slightly disappointed by the fact that there wouldn't be a fight. He was hoping that the little dragon would put up some resistance. He grumbled, shifting his position on the tree. 'Oops.' Seisyl thought instantly, as the movement caused the leaves of the tree to shake and rustle. Seisyl rolled his eyes, hoping that the two dragons wouldn't notice and attack him.
6:23am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; Gah! Lucky Tld! No doubt its for Kir >_> I need a blond Intes for him but no way am I giving anyone 4mil. I be Intes egger hunting xD Aw, lol. Yeah, Nohi's kinda like that. >w< I really could imagine him tumbling down that hill twenty more times and running back up it each time xD BiC; Nohi squeaked and ducked down, covering his eyes with his paws as he saw the fire coming at him but surprisingly, no fire hit. As well as not being breathed fire on, the dragon was now talking to him. He peaked at her behind one of his paws, staring up at her with one bright, golden eye. "I don't have a bedtime." he said. Although she was right. It was far past the time he should be retreating to his little stone cave. By now all the foxes and raccoons would be out and they were quite difficult to deal with. But he hadn't eaten for a while and all the best bugs came out at night in this area.
6:37am Aug 2 2010
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[[Actually, the same person came up and offered me and Ezanhi for the exact same Intes a month ago o.o Weiiird. Kir is asking for a Blonde Tesuri. Stupid Kir D< I'd rather have a Blonde Tesuri than one of your stinky points... But I sure want an Ivik x.x Awh, nobody noticed Seisyl rustling leaves. -shakes him off the tree-]] Seisyl breathed in relief as the little dragon continued his conversation with the night-sky dragon. The sunset dragon still eyed the meat that was now unguarded, but was agitated by the presence of the two dragons, especially the larger female one. He was about to lift off and depart, but as he stood up, Seisyl heard one of the branches break. He gulped nervously. Seisyl knew that he was too absorbed in the conversation, and must have not heard the tree branch cracking under his weight. The branch soon snapped before the dragon had a chance to lift off, and Seisyl almost plummeted to the ground along with the stick. He was already in mid-take-off, and alighted with an awkward sense of grace on the ground. [[Eh. Not too experienced in dragon aerodynamics.]]

6:44am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((DOOD. ... I'm joining. >:K -grabs dragons-))
6:50am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 6:51am Aug 2 2010)
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OoC; I want both an Ivik and one of those Robo-pets but I've only got one point so far *shakes fish* I love you, Kir, but you really know how to make me hate you! D< And yeah, Nohi's probably got dirt in his ears from tumbling down that hill three times xD RIKA!!! *chases after you swinging a fish around* Reply to my emails when I send them!!! (And I mean real posts!) >8u But yes... you can join T_T
6:52am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Oh-yesh, those Robo-things. They're cute, but still... I'm not a big fan of robots XD]]
6:55am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((And Loki, Hellfires raised by another dragon can be happy=go=lucky prance-through-flowers. I have one, and I read her species deion. P:))
6:59am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 6:59am Aug 2 2010)
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Posts: 3,141
OoC; Yes well "even tempers" and "mellow dispositions" don't exactly point to the extreme end of the scale xD but I can't really imagine any dragon being like that... well... a seasonal maybe xP Edit; I've somehow turned into a Robot fan, Tld xD Not sure how, but I have ^^
7:14am Aug 2 2010
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Scroll/Full Name: Fialys Nickname: Fialys Age: 200/Adult Stage: Adult Gender: Female Species: Hellfire Wyvern Personality: She's grumpy and has a pretty short temper, but can be nice if you manage to appeal to here good side. History: Pffft. Yeah, right. You want her to fry me? e.o Looks: Her black and blue scales are covered in scars from territorial battles in the past, most of them from losses when she was very young and picking fights with creatures many times her size, Mate/Crush: Open Hatchlings/Eggs: None Family: None Other: Nope. P: Scroll/Full Name: Night of the Setting Sun Nickname: Night Age: 215/Adult Stage: Adult Gender: Male (One of the few I have... >>) Species: Sunset Personality: He's calm, cool, and collected, as well as friendly. He's one of the few dragons willing to do anything to help out a dragon in need. History: Unknown. Looks: He has a long scar across his back from picking a fight with a Hellfire Wyvern a few years back. Mate/Crush: Open Hatchlings/Eggs: None....Well, none that I own, anyways. Haha...LAzy people let them die. ;; Family: Nope. :/ Other: Mmm. No, not really. ((And the link to my scroll that you requested: http://dragcave.net/user/RikaTheFallen THERE. P: I bet the username surprised you. XD))

7:16am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((And I don't really name my dragons...so I'll name them as I use them, lawl. <3))