10:39am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; I still can't tell what gender River is. Their bio says one thing and their personality says another.
10:40am Aug 2 2010
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((I thought I put Female?))
 <-- Click me
10:42am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; personality say "he" and her name isn't Rivertio on your scroll, its Son of Firetnei :/
10:44am Aug 2 2010
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(Lol, I know, I didn't know she was female when I named her. I*ll change that name. That was what I wanted to name her. -goes to fix-))
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10:48am Aug 2 2010
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OoC; Lol, yeah. That's why I always wait til they mature :P But the scroll name is for what they're called on your scroll, then your Nickname can be a shortened version of it or something else.
12:02pm Aug 2 2010
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http://dragcave.net/user/Dragonstar09 Character Bios: Scroll/Full Name: Larine Lyte Nickname: Larine Age: Two years Stage: Adult Gender: Female Species: Water Walker Personality: Larine is shy and mostly quiet. She prefers to wander around alone, not wanting to see any other dragons that could possibly be nearby. Larine never strays far from the water. Sure, Larine can talk though she usually likes the peace that silence somewhat brings her. History: Larine was born alone, with no family around. She was left to walk off and find a place in the world for her beside the water. All the while she traveling, she didn't stop to speak to any other dragons. She still does now. Larine settled near a small pond. Looks: Larine is small with long webbed toes like the rest of her kind. She looks somewhat delicate and fragile by the way she moves so slowly and carefully. A scar runs down her left foreleg from an encounter with an angry dragon when she was young. Mate/Crush: None Hatchlings/Eggs: None Family: None that is known Other: None
12:19pm Aug 2 2010
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OoC; accepted Wolf ^^
6:34pm Aug 2 2010
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Lume leaned back to sit on her hind legs, sill watching the dragonling before her. Something loud behind her caught her attention, making her neck crane around to survey the source of the racket. Something the color of a setting sun was tangled in between the binds of gravity and the branches of tree's. She could sense his intentions where not of hostility, but still. She didn't have a knack for a room full of dragons. She hissed, the sound slithering out from her fathoms. Looking from the dragon to the sky, her wings instinctively spread. Flapping them once, all of the shining stars and blue matter filled the black space of her body. Soon enough, her powerful wings lifted her light frame from the earth, letting her fly freely over the tree tops.
10:55pm Aug 2 2010
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Seisyl watched as the night-sky dragon lifted up into the sky. 'Strange dragon.' He thought, half-expecting the dragon to dive down and attack him from above. Seisyl thought it would be smart to keep both of his attention on the large dragon and the little dragon. Instinctively, he lifted up and into another tree, quickly finding a tree with thicker and sturdy branches that were guarenteed to not snap.
11:14pm Aug 2 2010
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Nohi stared as another dragon, looking a lot like the sky had several hours previously, light down nearby. At first he didn't really know what to think, especially when the other dragon took off and seemed to leave. He couldn't decided whether to frown in confusion, or be thankful his meal was safe. He decided on first as soon as the sunset dragon flew off but still stayed in a tree where Nohi could see him. His dinner forgotten, the young red sat up on his hind paws and watched the dragon in the tree, waiting for it to do something interesting. OoC; Everyone can post their intros now o_o;;
11:18pm Aug 2 2010
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[[I'm going to change Laz, if that's okay. I don't want to have the exact same dragons as Rika -.-'']] Seisyl watched the little red dragon. His stomach growled again. The sunset dragon sighed, wondering if this dragon would fly off like the night-sky dragon so he could feast on the half-eaten cow. Siesyl sighed and started to carefully lie down on the tree branches, supported by only four branches, leaving his belly exposed. "I won't hurt you." Seisyl said, his tone had a slight trace of exasperation in it. Did he really look like a dragon that would kill?
11:28pm Aug 2 2010
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OoC; Lol, alright xD It's still funny cuz I'm pretty sure it was a coincidence o3o BiC; Nohi blinked, cocking his head in a way that could suggest many things. After another moment of staring he went back over to the cow and bit down on one of its legs--which still had a great deal of meat on it. However, instead of tearing off the meat and eating it, the red started tugging on the leg. It looked rather odd, the little dragon jerkily tugging on something of that size--the leg itself was at least two times bigger than him--but he finally managed to dislodge the leg from the rest of the cow's body, dragging it over near the tree the sunset was in. Nohi glanced up at him before scrambling back over to the cow and beginning to eat again like he was alone.
11:36pm Aug 2 2010
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[[I know XD What are ze odds O.o]] Siesyl was quite surprised by the actions of the little red dragon. He eyed the dragon suspiciously, but hunger won over. The sunset dragon silently descended from the tree, and sniffed the leg of the cow. He took a test bite, tearing off very little meat. Seisyl gave himself a mental shrug, since he thought this dragon could do no harm. He quickly devoured the leg, until it was half finished. Seisyl looked from from the leg, and nodded at the red dragon. "Thank you." He said, his voice more of a whisper.
11:42pm Aug 2 2010
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OoC; Not sure 0_o' I guess it's just luck of the draw... or not xD BiC; Nohi continued to act as if the dragon wasn't there, focusing on tugging off a bit of fat that refused to detach from the cow's bone. However, his golden gaze did momentarily flick to the dragon and he blinked, almost as if saying "you're welcome." The look only lasted about a second, because the next moment he was tumbling backwards thanks to the fat snapping off. He landed on his head again and curled up into a ball, rubbing at the spot with his paws, something that seemed to be quickly becoming a habit.
12:54am Aug 3 2010
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[[Nyeh, whatever :p I'll go post Fog's intro.]] Seisyl walked over to the dragon and sat right next to the little ball that was the little red dragon. "Are you okay?" Seisyl asked, not very used to talking to other dragons. Not many hunted at night, and the ones that did were usually the hostile ones that would attack anything that resembled a threat. --- Gold Fog was sitting by a stream, watching herself and the reflection of the moon. It was rare for her to venture out at night, as her species were usually day dragons that preferred the warm heat and brightness of the sun. But Fog was used to doing things that her own mother would discourage, since she was an inquisitive dragon. [[Ehhh, short posts.]]
8:57am Aug 3 2010
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OcC; *squee* I finally got a Vampire egg ^w^ And I also found a Magi and Water egg so hopefully those'll hatch into separate genders :3 BiC; Nohi uncoiled from his ball and looked up at the larger dragon with large eyes, one paw still on his head. "I am okay." he said after a moment in a rather childish voice, cocking his head to the side, staring at the dragon. Nohi hadn't really had many conversations in his life, so he wasn't too good at it either. OoC; kinda a failpost >_> Braindead...
11:22am Aug 3 2010
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[[GAH. Lucky >.> I've been searching for a Magi egg, and I'm pretty sure there was a species that came from an Air dragon and something else... Y'know. Those cyan dragons with fins that fly o.o]] Seisyl copied the little dragon and tilted his head in the opposite direction. "What is your name, red dragon?" He asked. "I am Seisyl, a nocturnal Sunset dragon." He swished his tai proudly, happy to be a Sunset dragon. Although his species were rather secretive, Seisyl liked his life just the way it was. Not so cluttered up, and nothing to hold him back, like whining little hatchlings of his own.
12:42pm Aug 3 2010
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River crept along the outside of his den, pacing and thinking about her chldhood. She couldn't remember much, she had been frozen for quite a long time. She sighed, nothing was coming back to her, when her growth had been stunted, she had lost her memory. Her mother had tried to describe what had hapened, but she had thought it was all just her trying to make her feel better. So she had run away.River flicked a stone away from her and flapped her fiery wings, stilll wondering why they had orange fire like the males..
 <-- Click me
2:25pm Aug 3 2010
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Larine Lyte was beside her pond, her toes upon the ground that was moist when water splashed at the pond's sides. Her blue eyes were gazing at the smooth, almost glas.sy surface of the pond. Faint ripples ran along the water. Larine narrowed her eyes and stepped onto the water. She carefully used the sails that were located on her back to propel herself to the other side of the pond. Thrill shot through her as she propelled to opposite side. Larine glanced once more at the water. A life on the water was quite comfortable for her.
2:26pm Aug 3 2010
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((Im dropping out of this rp...sorry..))
