1:59am Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 11:41pm Jun 14 2011)
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Co-owner Spot: Open Introduction ...Hmmmf. Welcome to Club Magyk, I suppose you were recommended by Ari, huh? You seem new here in Summerset High. My name is Marco, head of the club. We seem to have noticed that you display... promise. Don't get too excited. Come on, follow me. We're going to... er, a room. No worries, it's a friendly room. My friends and I will decide whether or not you can stay in Club Magyk. Before you enter this room, though, you've gotta do something. You promise you won't break it? Swear an oath that you will never tell anyone else what happens inside the room. Plot Club Magyk is a very special club in high school. They meet usually during lunchtimes, or after school. Summerset high looks like it has ordinary, regular students. But Club Magyk is special, y'see. It's members aren't all what they look like. They have powers. Of course, there are in-trainings and leaders, but you'll find out soon. Recently, a few rejected members of Club Magyk have forced out their powers, but it's more likely that the hatred towards the club manifested itself as dark magic. They're forming a new group, Club Oathbreak. They plan to expose Club Magyk to everyone else, while Club Magyk seems to be very aware of it. System The King, Queen and Jack of Club Magyk are usually seniors and juniors (17 and 18 year olds). NO EXCEPTIONS. They have two powers, or are very good at one. The members are just regular people who have one power. They can vary from freshman to sophomores. The trainees are new, and just found out their powers a few weeks to half a year ago. Members and sometimes the King, Queen and Jack (royals) help them train. The King and Queen are like the leaders, while the Jack recruits people that show potential to have powers. Club Oathbreak has a King, Queen and Joker. The same rules apply, but they do not have powers of light/elemental. They are usually dark-as-sociated. The members are few, and the trainees are fewer. The King and Queen are like the leaders, while the Joker scavenges around for people who have been rejected by Club Magyk. They are also now looking for any new people to join, racing Club Magyk to reach them first. Setting Summerset High is a boarding schooll. The students vary, you know, the usual crowd. Summerset High School is not fancy, not dingy. It's not bad, in fact. Club Magyk usually meets in the gardens of Summerset High, behind the school. Club Oathbreak has arranged plans to meet in the school theatre, located near the girl's dormitories. It is the winter holidays right now, so classes are off owo Rulesrulesrules -No having more than 2 characters in important positions -No same character romance -No 'special' characters that have sob stories/are severely handicapped -No gays/lesbians/bisexuals, sorry D: -No Mary/Gary Sues. I will check. -I will only accept your bio when it is completed and follows the rules. -For every female, make a male. If you want to join with 1 or 2 males, go ahead. -Club Magyk/Oathbreak ratios EVEN. If you join with two members in Club Magyk, you MUST join with one in Oathbreak. Same thing applies if you join with two members in Oathbreak. -Romance and violence are encouraged! But don't get too mushy/gory. -Post 'rain' if you read the rules. -Only important members will have two powers/very good at one power -PLEASE BE ACTIVE, or I will hunt you down. -Please respect my decisions and my co-owner's. -Do not post 'yoyo' if you read the rules. -I can add as many rules as I want later on. -LOOKING FOR CO-OWNER. Bios Name: [First and last] Gender: Age: Appearance: [anime pictures preferred, but no art theft] Personality: [not optional] Power: Club: Rank: Crush: Other: [Pets are not allowed]

2:00am Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 7:55am Jun 23 2011)
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Characters Magyk King: Marco Valone - Tld Queen: Akari Dannavin - Turtle121 Jack: Lyle Dawson - Shaste Members: Jake Katanna - Emeraldwing Arana Venus - Tld Trainees: Shay Peyel - Iceheart46 Oathbreak King: Queen: Jade Katanna - Emeraldwing Joker: Ari Tallion - Tld Members: Kage Dannavin - Turtle121 Nate Sterling - Tld Cole Mearas - Iceheart46 Trainees: Kory Jones - Shaste
1:54pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 7:47pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 1,338
((Tld! I see rain over here! D; Join as Jack of Magyk, trainee of Oathbreak and just a normal member of Magyk? Sorry, I can never Rp three characters. xD -Fail-)) Name: Lyle Dawson Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Hair is black, eyes are Hazel Green-Brown, no tattoo. (Credit goes to Peanutbutta302 off of Photobucket.) Personality: Lyle is a coc.ky little one. He, because of his powers, have him at an important rank. He only developed his latter one in the last year. He is slowly becoming stronger and stronger at it, making him feel like he's invisible. He finds himself flirting ALL of the time, he doesn't have an off button. And neither does his chattering. People have a hard time being around him for long periods of time, because he never shuts up. He will talk about anything random, and irrelevant to the conversation. It takes a whole lot to put up with Lyle, but it's worth it. Power: Lyle can, obviously, sense when others have any powers in them. He can see what powers they will get, and if they are good or bad. This is why he's the Jack. He can also duplicate himself. As in, make several of himself. He is limited to making 3 though. (When one duplicate gets injured, it will disappear only the original Lyle will be in sight.) Club: Magyk. Rank: Jack. :3 Crush: None. Open. ;D Other: Eh, none really. ~~ Name: Kory Jones Gender: Female (Yes, Kory is female.) Age: 15 Appearance: Dirty Blonde hair, pale skin, chocolate-brown eyes. (Credit goes to beckyiss25 at Photobucket) Personality: Kory is... quite bland. She doesn't have any definite personality. She isn't too fun, she doesn't get crazy, she's not loud, she's not much of a speaker really. When she does speak, Kory talks in snips of sentences. She isn't extremely rude to people, but she isn't nice either. Kory is the corner of the room. No one really notices her, because she is the boring, silent, type. She doesn't stick herself in crowds, and is scared of many things, though she would never admit it. Power: Kory has the slight advantage of eyesight. She can see in the night, like nocturnal animals, and can see through solid objects. She doesn't have control of the latter idea of it. She will randomly look through something and not even notice it. She doesn't trust herself with her powers as well. Club: Oathbreak Rank: Trainee Crush: Hah. No. Other: She's a night-owl, so she's ALWAYS tired at school.
3:55am Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Yesh, Shaste :3 ]] My bios shall go here.
1:55pm Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 1:55pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 567
((Mm, that Co-owner spot looks yummy, smells like rain :D Anyways, can I join as the queen in Magyk and a member in Oathbreak?))
6:34am Jun 14 2011
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[[ Yurp owo I'm glad people are joining 8D This is a remake of my very first RP idea x3 ]]
12:36pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 736
(( 0.0 Oh my geezus, I remember this.))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
3:00pm Jun 14 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Jun 17 2011)
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Posts: 567
((Okey dokie :D Doin' some bios! NONE OF THE ART IS MINE, ALL CREDIT TO THE ARTIST)) Name: Akari Dannavin Gender: Female :D Age: 17 Appearance: Personality: Akari is shy and tends to keep things to herself, although she is very bright and happy to her club and friends. When Akari gets sad or mad, which is rare, she usually stays quiet so she doesn't hurt any feelings, or anyone. Akari has a tendency to fight if she or a friend gets insulted, or if she is being taunted. Akari wins at times, due to her quick dodges, but she can get hurt easily. She doesn't punch, or kick, or anything that physical. She's a master of gymnastics and is very flexible. (Blargit) History: (Psh.) Power: Speed, and air :3 Rank: Queen of Magyk Crush: None at the time. But open Other: Her brother is Kage. Name: Kage Dannavin Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: Personality: Kage is extremely quiet and usually never talks, he enjoys being ordered and never being a high rank. He has a grudge against his sister(In history) . He is a tall and lean guy, but is very strong at times. (Derp, much shorter then Akari's xD) History: Kage had tried to get into Club Magyk with his sister but he didn't, for they wanted him to be strong when he wanted to. He grew a grudge, that is still going, against his sister for not standing up for him and letting him stay. He never gets near her, or anybody else, he tends to stay in empty and quiet spots due to his jealousy of most people. Kage had always wanted to have a 'Loving Family', he did have one but he hated his sister. Power: He's stronger then most people at random times (???)
Rank: Member Crush: Not yet. Open
Other: His sister is Akari.
3:00pm Jun 14 2011 (last edited on 3:01pm Jun 14 2011)
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Posts: 567
((Derp double post.))
3:58pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Hmm, I like the rain. ;) How about the Queen of Oathbreak and regular of Magyk? You know you luv me Tld. XD Jk))
4:08pm Jun 14 2011 (last edited on 12:58pm Jun 15 2011)
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Name: Jade Katanna Gender: Female Age: 17 Junior Appearance:  Personality: She is cold and unforgiving. Having grown up in the shadow of her twin brother, she has grown to resent him. She used to be kind and loving until her wish to join Magyk with her brother had been rejected. Now she walks the hallways like a nightmare you can't wake up from. She finds joy in messing with the Freshman class and has her heart set on revealing the rival club. Power: She can maniupulate shadows to her will. Club: Oathbreak Rank: Queen Crush: Open Other: Jake is her brother. ~~~ Name: Jake Katanna Gender: Male Age: 17 Junior Appearance:  Personality: Jake is the exact opposite of his sister. They used to be close but they grew apart and now he resents her decision to try and reveal his and his friends' secrets. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and is a very kind person. Usualy you will find him in the midst of Jade's destructive aftermath, trying to help other's feel better. Power: He can bend space around him, but only for a short time and none of it is permanent. Club: Magyk Rank: Member Crush: Open Other: Jade is his sister. ((NONE OF THE ART IS MINE! Credit to artists))
7:37pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 567
11:45pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Sorry guys, pets are no longer allowed. ]] Name: Ari Tallion Gender: Female Age: 16, Junior Appearance: Credits to Aka-Shiro @ DeviantArt Personality: Ari is confident and energetic. She's got willpower and is very stubborn and headstrong. Ari hides her empathetic feelings. When someone insults her, she usually brushes it off, hiding her hurt. She's a bit sensitive, and rather hot-headed. History: N/A Power: Ari can control fire and has power over birds. She's developed a favorite technique, to send a fiery bird at enemies. Rank: Joker Club: Oathbreak Crush: Open Other: None --- Name: Marco Valone Gender: Male Age: 17, Junior Appearance: Credits to original artist Personality: Marco is a very playful, energetic and childish boy. He can be found laughing over corny jokes, and grinning widely. Marco is clumsy, though, and doesn't really pay attention to his surroundings. He's creative, but not logical, or serious. History: N/A Power: Marco can communicate to animals, and has a unique power called 'empathy'. He can influence the feelings of people, no matter what powers or strengths. Rank: King of Magyk Crush: Open Other: None. --- Name: Arana Venus Gender: Female Age: 17, Junior Appearance: Credits to Aka-Shiro @ DeviantArt Personality: Arana is very quiet, giving off a mysterious aura. However, beneath the icy exterior, she's a very short-tempered and sharp-eyed girl. Arana, despite her looks, is very hardy and hard to hurt. She's only her true self around friends, and rarely loses her temper now. She doesn't really like freshmen and sophomores, considers them childish. Power: She has power over ice, as her appearance suggests xD Rank: Member of Magyk Crush: Open Other: None. --- Name: Nathaniel [ Nate ] Sterling Gender: Male Power: Has the power to shift his body into two animals; crow and cat Personality: Nate's a quiet guy. He doesn't care much about the people around him, and rarely contributes to the conversation. He's sweet, though, and doesn't mind lending a helping hand. He dislikes hyper and loud people, and prefers a quiet place where he can study and such. He's slow to rile, though he does snap at random times. [Derp, he's a new character, RP the rest out ono] Appearance: Credits to aiki-aime @ DeviantArt Club: Oathbreak Rank: Member Other: None

11:49pm Jun 14 2011 (last edited on 11:50pm Jun 14 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
((Can I be the king of Oathbreak and a member in Magyk? ouo; And you know, we need some rain over here, THe gardens are drying up. ;c))
11:54am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Oook... Hey Tld, you never said if I could have the Queen of Oathbreak and a regular Magyk member... O.o))
7:29pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 3,950
( I like the smell after it rains. ^^ Join as Magyk Trainee and Oathbreak Member? Y'know what's weird... I had a dream last night.. and it involved this plot. o_o I can tell all about it if ya want :D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:27pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Yes, you guys can be whatever you want ^^'' Just post the bios? o3o ]]
1:04pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Thanks Tld ;) Bios posted ^^))
6:12pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Name: Shay Peyel Gender: Female Age: 14 [Freshman] Appearance:  Personality: Shay is typically nice, kind and caring. But when you get her angry she will lash out verbally and/or physically. Every once in a while, she acts like a kid, though. Power: Has the power of light. Light can be created and manipulated. She can use it to do various things. But she has to be taught how to do those things first otherwise she's a fail. xD Club: Club Magyk Rank: Trainee Crush: None for now. Developed later? Other: Nope. c: Name: Cole Mearas Gender: Male Age: 15 [Sophomore] Appearance:  Personality: Cole doesn't like to fight at all unless it's for his life. Club Oathbreak has pretty much broken him. He is always typically quiet besides speaking a small sentence or two at a time. At Club Oathbreak, though, he's been taught to be more violent and aggressive with his powers when times come to fight. Plus, Cole is more talkative there, but still not too much. Power: He can manipulate shadows and make them "come alive" and be controlled by him. But this is weakest when in broad daylight, except it still works.. to some extent. Club: Club Oathbreak Rank: Member Crush: None. Developed later? Other: Noopz. <3
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:50pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Bios up. :3))