7:37am Jul 6 2011
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[[ Hrm, I'll start this soon, after my classes end :u I'll rMail everyone but you guys, since you're the only active bunch here :D ]]
3:15pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Please, Tld's school, please finish soon. Please.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:21pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Jeez, Tld. o.o When does your schooling end?))
4:42pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Err, this is summer school o_o I'm not dumb either :c It's a smart-people school xD ]]
4:51pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((LOL!! I have summer school too. But mine is for the math impaired. :D))
4:58pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Herp, rMails sent :x Can Ari later have a crush on Lyle, Shay? Jack x Joker romance xD ]] "Are we all here?" Marco said as he leaned against a comfy chair. A majority of the club Magyk members had arrived. Well, it was easy to tell, since a selected few of Summerset High are in the club. Arana was as quiet as ever, sitting on a chair across from Marco with her arms crossed. She was staring blankly out of the windows of the green house, not paying much attention to him. With a sigh, Marco stared at the entrance, waiting for the others to arrive. --- Ari was in the auditorium, bored out of her mind. She and Nate were the first few to arrive for the meeting. Flaming birds shot out of her hand, circling her. Nate was giving her uncomfortable looks which Ari ignored. She didn't care what others thought, these birds could only harm humans.
5:13pm Jul 6 2011
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((Yes she can! :D)) Lyle walked into the room right as Marco started to speak. "Eh, I'm here, and that's all that counts!" He said, raising his hand as if he were innocent. Lyle laughed at himself, which he did commonly, and plopped down on the ground. Sure there were open seats, but he preferred the ground. It... Soothed him. "You look aggrivated, Marco," He then pointed out casually, looking at his nails in the process. Lyle could be such a girl at times.
Kory walked into the auditorium, no emotions displayed on her face. Sure, it was her first meeting, and she wasn't really sure what she was supposed to be doing. But, hey, she'd learn. The teen walked towards the other members and sat a few seats behind, and over, from them. She didn't like socializing. Then, without warning, the stage disappeared, in her eyes, and she could see the club next door. A scored laugh escaped the girl's lips then. She hated photography, so she didn't see why there was a club for it. ((Sorry for my fails. xD ... I'm tired, okay?? >U))
11:05am Jul 7 2011
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Shay was nervous about this whole thing about powers and clubs and stuff. I mean... what was Club Magyk going to be like? Will the people there like her or despise her? Would she ever be kicked out? Was she useless? So many thoughts and questions and ideas, no matter how bizarre, swirled around in her head. Standing outside of a greenhouse with human figures in it, she knew this was the spot. The place where they met. Taking a deeeeeeeeep breath, Shay entered and seemed to freeze in her spot as she scanned the room. But she took a seat after a moment and shyly stared down at the floor, trying to avoid too much eye contact with these people she barely knew. --- Cole stood atop the stage in the theatre, his arms crossed. He had put on his brave face. He always had to when he got to Club Oathbreak. This boy knew that Club Magyk was better, but to use his powers, this was pretty good... right? That question always rung up and nagged him every day. But nonetheless, he couldn't leave now. That would be betrayal. Everybody from the club would hate him, shame him, shun him. 'Oh, what a wonderful life that would be!~' YEAH RIGHT.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:45pm Jul 7 2011
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"I'm not aggravated!" Marco protested, snickering when Lyle checked his fingernails. He looked up when he heard the door open. Shay was obviously nervous, well, they always were on the first day. In an attempt to make her feel more at home, Marco gave Shay an easy smile. Arana didn't even look back at the door, and continued gazing out the window, head rested on her hand. "So, Shay, you found your way! I'm glad." Marco grinned. --- Ari gave Kory a weird look when the normally quiet girl laughed at what seemed to be nothing. She shifted a few inches away from Kory, then continued watching her flaming birds dart through the air, circling each other.
4:31pm Jul 7 2011
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"Ofcourse not Marco, you seem juuust fine." Jake said sarcastically with a smile. He turned his head to the entrance as they new girl, Shay, found her way in. "Hey Shay. Glad you could make it. I was starting to wonder when somebody I could actually talk to would get here." He smiled invitingly, always up for a good time and never one to make someone feel uncomfortable.A shiver ran up his spine and his head whipped around trying to find her. He knew she was there, but where was she? "Marco, I will be right back. Don't start anything without me." He said, standing to his feet and rushing past Shay. Once outside of the room, he looked around starting to doubt what he had felt. Until he felt it. He looked down and saw a shadowy snake wrapping around his body. "What do you want Jade?" He growled, watching as she stepped out of the shadows. "Nice to see you too brother." Jade snapped, annoyed with his confident attitude. "Alright, seeing as this won't be a nice brother to sister chat... How about a rival to rival chat. I need to speak with Marco. Now." She hissed, the snake tightening with her frustration. Her silver hair sparked with a deep purple, almost black, energy and her eyes just as fierce. "Not a chance. He doesn't have time to deal with an Oathbreak Member." Jake responded, staring straight ahead and not bother to look at his sister. "Oh, dear brother. That's what I came about. I'm no longer just a member, I have made it to the rank of Queen. Just thought your worthless King ought to know what he is missing out on. But you won't get him so I'll leave the message with you. Good bye." She said, in a creepy sing song like voice. She slunk back into the shadows, the snake fading from around her brother. She watched as he let out a sigh of reliefe before she took off towards the Oathbreak's meeting place. She walked up to the stage to find one of the members still standing out there. "Planning on going in or standing out here like an idiot?" She smirked, brushing past him and into the room. Ari, Kory and Dante were all ready in the room when she arrived and she nodded a hello to Dante as she walked past him. Taking her seat she closed her eyes and rested for a moment after her use of power. It was small but it still left her heart beating pretty quickly. "Where have you been, Jade?" Dante asked, not looking over at the silver haired girl. He already knew the answer but he asked anyway. He found it amusing the fact that both the silver haired twins made it into rival groups. Obviously she had been taunting him with the fact of her position in the group. He thought the tension between them would make for an intriguing argument. "To see brother." She replied in a monotone voice, not displaying any emotion to Dante. Nor did she say anymore. ~~~ Jake reentered the space, his usually happy attitude evaporated. He sat down and massaged his temples, his whole body racked up with stress. He wasn't sure if anybody else knew of this predicament but Marco and he was hoping it would stay that way. ((Fail))
9:24pm Jul 7 2011
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Cole narrowed his eyes at Jade, but he knew better in his mind. After all, she was Queen. Already, her shadow left a long stream after her from the bright stage light. Bending it to his will, after Jade was gone, her shadow stood before him. Shadow-Jade seemed to stare him down. "Be gone with you," Cole muttered. With a wave of his hand, Shadow-Jade disintegrated into nothingness. Those stupid shadows. If you left them be they could cause chaos, especially if their humans they came from where already chaotic enough. --- Shay smiled. "Yeah, it was pretty easy.." she said, looking up at Marco. This was their King, right? The big boss? "Oh, hi. You arrrreeee...... Jake, right? Nice to meet you," the girl said in a sort of upbeat tone. Things felt better now. Hm... who would be her mentor now? How come she hadn't thought of this before? It was such a simple and also nagging question! It should have occured before... Didn't it? No, Shay didn't recall that it did.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:57pm Jul 7 2011
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Marco sighed when Jade entered. "I don't want to talk to her either, Jake." He said, crossing his legs. "Next time we need to put up protective spells to prevent the Oathbreak members. We wouldn't want them learning even more about us..." Marco sighed. "And my name's Marco, Shay." He smiled again, though the enthusiasm was gone. Settling back down into his comfortable chair, Marco sighed. His intent for the club was just like the previous King's; to prevent the gifted from feeling alone, left out. Why would Oathbreak want to destroy the dreams and sense of unity for the powered?
10:33am Jul 10 2011
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"Hi, Marco," Shay said. The feeling in the room was done ever since somebody named Jade came. Was Jade a rival? But Jake was her sister. How could it be? Shaking her head, things felt so confusing. Yet if it was explained it would sound really simple afterward. Oh well... it'll get smoothed out later. But then a recurring thought sprouted once more. When will I practice my powers? Shay was really really really really really really really really[etc.] excited about using her powers. It sounded so cool.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:44pm Jul 10 2011
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"Can we get this show on the road now, Marco?" Lyle finally asked, waiting for the room to go silent before he did so. He was ready to do something! Ready to scare some people, or something. Lyle wanted to show off his powers, as he always did to the new members, and how his own, graduated, mentor did to him. It gave his confidence a boost everytime he did. "Because I'm bored of sitting here and just waiting." Yes, Lyle was definately not afraid to speak his mind.
Kory watched as a girl sitting next to her scooted away from her. She should have expected it; Kory was nomally silent, and now she was laughing at what seemed to be nothing! "Sorry," She mumbled meaninglessly to Ari, not actually feeling sorry about everything. Then, Jade walked in. What Kory knew, Jade was their 'Queen' and her twin brother was in the -good- powered club. Hah. They didn't accept her, she didn't care about that group anyways. None-the-less Jade's stupid twin brother. Kory kept her trap shut though, she knew she would... Just about die if she talked bad about Jade's brother... They were still family.
10:21am Jul 13 2011
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( bump ono )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:17pm Jul 13 2011
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((... Bump~ c:))