9:42pm May 29 2010
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((Okay, cool!8D))
10:03pm May 29 2010
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((I think I will make me...I have never played myself before so lets see how this goes.) Name:Summer Rain Sather (I wonder where my username comes from...)) Age:14 Gender:female Gifted, Human, Saint?:Gifted(I can dream.>() If Gifted or Saint what device/Power?: Hm...My power would probably be shapeshifting or talking to animals...Lets go with talking to animals sense I am obsessed with talking cats. Oh and I can also hear super good. I actually can in real life. I sometimes hear things before my dogs do... Deion/picture:I have black hair that goes about an inch past my shoulders. It has a slight wave to it. I usually wear it down but sometimes I with put it up in a ponytail. I like to wear purple a lot. I never wear skirts or anything lacy. I wear jeans and a t-shirt...Sometimes a tank top. I am average height...Not really tall but not really short. Average, like I said. I am thin but not as if I didn't eat. My skin is kind of tan...I spend a lot of time outside. My eyes are very big and they change from green to blue...It depends on what I wear. People always seem to be complimenting me for my eyes. Personality: I am kind of goofy but I can be angered and annoyed easily. I am told that I try to do things the 'easy' way and I kind of think it is true. If I put my mind to it though I can get lots of things done. I love animals...Sometimes I love them more then I love humans...Well more like all the time but I am weird like that. My best friend is more like a sister. We annoy the crap out of each other and then we start to fight. I found out that I am good at annoying people... History:I don't really feel like typing out my life...O_O Other:None

12:33am May 30 2010 (last edited on 12:43pm Jun 20 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Omigosh I just lost the game! Ooo, literate fantasy roleplay. My favorite. =3 Hope my bios are okay. Tweaked the skeleton a little bit. Also, I don't know how active I will be. I'm moving this weekend, and it may take awhile to adjust... but I really wanted to join. <_<]] Name: Abraham “Sock” Grover Age: 24 Gender: Male Gifted, Human, Saint?: Human Skill: Pouring coffee. Deion: A likeable plain face with kind eyes, a lopsided grin, and a long nose that looks like it has been broken before. He’s a bit angular and bulky, and not at all graceful. Most boys grow into their big hands and feet. Sock has not. Though he’s very kind he has the tendency to crush things on accident with his big hands, and he isn’t trusted with weapons. He commonly trips over his own feet. Because of his clumsiness, he has fallen on his face a few times, which has resulted in his knobby nose, and possibly brain damage, as his friends like to say. Sock is currently sporting a dusty tan and unruly dark red hair which is cut a little past his ears. His eyes, which are a plain muddy brown in color, are usually hidden by this hair. Personality: There is only one word to describe Sock: Dopey. He’s a lovable guy, though at times he is very, very dense, which makes him even easier to get along with. He doesn’t like it when people are made fun of – whether they’re "normal" or not. He can be very stubborn, however, and when he makes up his mind about something or decides he doesn't like something, it takes a while to get him to change his mind. History: Sock has lived a pretty sheltered life, and doesn’t know much about history or even what’s going on in the world right now. He merely troops a long every day, accepting his mediocre existence and pouring coffee – it seems it’s all he’s good at besides staying out of trouble. Originally he was from a place called Disturbia, but now he lives in his truck, for some reason he has decided to travel the world and discover things. Of course, he decided to do this three years ago. He hasn’t gotten far. Other: Sock got his nickname for being very... well, stupid. His friends thought it was funny and ironic to call him Socrates, which was shortened to just ‘Sock’. He has introduced himself as such ever since. * * * Name: Neil "Newt" Swanson Age: 19 Gender: Male. Gifted, Human, Saint?: Gifted. Power: Sublimation. He can turn all misty and disappear. He is quite thankful for his gift. Deion: Neil's a tall individual, a bit on the lanky side, seeing as he looks too skinny for someone his size. He's got sharp light blue eyes and long white hair. It's usually very messy and sometimes he doesn't wash it, which results in soft looking yet greasy locks. Underneath the clothes Neil has many disfiguring scars on his back and chest, compliments of the abuse from being "gifted" and falling out of a window. He finds these scars disgusting and therefore is always wearing clothes that keep them completely covered. He's also far-sighted, and is rarely seen without wearing his glas.ses. Personality: He's had a bumpy start at life, and it's molded him into a suspicious, paranoid, yet kind and generous person. He's extremely shy and blushes very easily. History: He started his life normal enough, though after discovering he was “gifted” his Mother agreed all too much that this made him a monster. Though ashamed of her son, she still loved him, and never let anyone else know about her little monster. When he finally moved out and found his own home, he was approached by other “Gifted”’s who thought that because he was “one of them” he should join their cause. He wants nothing to do with it, though, and is trying desperately to avoid any conflict with anyone. He currently works in the same diner as Mr. Grover. Other: Neil is a bookworm. When he was younger his favorite thing to do was read in his Grandmother's extensive library. Now, as he's older, he still loves books. More than people, sometimes. Neil likes books so much he'll quickly use his paycheck on books rather than food - an extremely unhealthy habit.

8:56am May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,966
(Can we start now? Sooo excited! xDD)
1:02pm May 30 2010
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((-Waits for Church to get out-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:54pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 2:54pm May 30 2010)
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OOC: You may join, Grayves! Of course your bios fine! O.O Name: Recca Nikamar
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Gifted, Human, Saint?: Gifted
If Gifted or Saint what device/Power?: Recca can do anything with stormy weather, really [oh aren’t I cl*censored*ic]. Lightning is his specialty. He can make a kind of “lightning bullet” if you want to call it that, and shoot it at high speeds with deadly aim. Other than that he hasn’t completely figured out the extent of his powers. Wind is hard to harness and is rather disobedient and rain, he thinks, is too soft. He’s known to be a bit stormy; his hair is on end and static-y, and often his clothes are tossed around by a wind that only seems to follow him.
Deion/picture: Recca, like I said before, is stormy. He wears a midnight blue t-shirt that makes his grey, grey eyes stand out. They are actually a light grey, completely colourless, which makes him look kind of eerie. Other than that he wears plain jeans with a couple of holes in them [they’re his favourite pair]. He stands fairly tall at 6 foot 4 and has a skinny build. His hair is a light blonde and constantly falls in his face and usually some bits stand on end.
Personality: Roleplaying it out [never can come up with a personality before I roleplay x3]
History: The usual story for a Gifted person; his parents found out he was gifted. They threw him out and left him to fend on his own. D;
Other: Nothin’
OOC: D’you think that I should make another charrie?
3:01pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((We should totally start.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:12pm May 30 2010
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OOC: Okay. Making two more characters. >:3 One of which I probably won't have to roleplay much as in the beginning. Name: Damien Age: 35 Gender: Male Gifted, Human, Saint?: Saint [their leader O.O] If Gifted or Saint what device/Power?: His device is a necklace with a cross at the end of it. Laid in the golden cross is a red gem... Deion/picture: Damien is extremely handsome. He has dark brown eyes that can be piercing or soft when he wants them to be. His voice is bold, smooth, and persuading. He carries a silver, thin sword with him at all times. He has tidy black hair. He wears a tux, most of the time. ;3 Personality: Oh you'll see, you'll see -cackles evilly- History: If I told you I'd have to kill you... Other: He has a v-e-r-y big secret xD Well, you were all expecting that. x3 -x-x-x- Name: Rachel Fountain Age: 19 Gender: Female Gifted, Human, Saint?: Saint }) If Gifted or Saint what device/Power?: Her device is her sterling silver earings that are shaped as daggers with a tiny blue gem laid in each one that is barely visable. Deion/picture: Rachel has pale, pale skin. Her eyes are a dark, shocking blue. Her hair is jet black and completely straight. It falls down to her mid-back. She wears a black t-shirt that fits her curvy figure perfectly and a short black mini-skirt. [Typical anime character look x3] Personality: optional History: optional Other: Weapon wise she wields four throwing daggers and her ever-trusty whip [oh yeah, gotta bring in a whip...] OOC: Okay, okay. Now we can start.
4:20pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I think everything should start in one particular place in Evenesca... How bout' a random city where everyone is? Can't come up with any names of course.. x.x -braindead- Btw, Sea, the power of being unaffected by people's gifts is so fine. Just don't make it Mary-Sue-ish. If it's kind of like the main character from Alice Academy [aka: Gakuen Alice] then it's all right. Like, they're able to nullify power but only if they concentrate... etc...
4:45pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 694
((Yeah, I wasn't going for teh leaping infront of everyone and being all 'Im industructable!" outlook. It is tiring for him, but he practices a lot, and some gifts are harder to withstand than others. However, I forgot to put this in his bio, (actually, I just thought of it), but anyway, He is p*censored*ing as a human to all other humans/saints since he has no visible or dectable magic.))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:46pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Ohh! I have a name. Kismet. I like it. It means "Fate" in Albanian. Random city win.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:09pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,966
(So who's gonna start? o-o I can't start. I'd fail. Epicly.)
5:35pm May 30 2010
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OOC: That's fine then, Sea. And when he concentrates [hard], he can nullify a whole entire room full of magic. ^^ Haha, but please don't do that too much. xD We have a winner! Kismet it is :) Epic win, Ferret. :3 Ssather, I love the idea of you roleplaying as yourself. Omigosh. I need to try that sometime. I suppose I'll start. Gimme a minute or two to write my post.
6:06pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 6:07pm May 30 2010)
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Kismet… Recca looked around at the huge city in awe. It was the biggest he’d ever seen. There were buildings that towered higher than the cumulus clouds that floated overhead in a blue sky. Roads made of cobblestone led to every store; stores that sold amazing things that Recca hadn’t even heard of yet. Some even sold “pretend devices” (the bane of Recca’s existence). It’s not as if the people really know what they actually do… Cars weren’t anywhere. No, instead, everyone wore bracelets that when either tapped or muttered to, they would teleport to the nearest Metro Station. Yes, metros were the mode of travel these days. Of course Recca’d have to be careful here. Kismet was one of the largest cities in Evenesca, and the security was high. Also, it had the most advanced technology. Technology. The word made Recca shudder. It was always science versus magic and probably always would be. And science, currently, seemed to be the “king of the hill”. So, those with magic were shunned and were being oppressed, all the way at the bottom, thrown off the hill. Little did they know that science couldn’t control things. Things like the weather, shadows, people… Nor could science make a person change in appearance. No, magic was not a disease. It was a Gift. Ah, already onto me, eh? His gaze was on two thirty year olds who had on certain things that seemed as though they could be Devices. Get lost in the crowd, fast. Recca joined in with a large group of people. Then he abruptly walked down an alley. He peered out into the streets. He made a mental note where each of the members of the Saints were—oh gosh. Two members standing in front of important building and one member every block or so. It was the highest security Recca had seen in a long time. Why, oh why, had he decided to come here? Even if these particular members of the Saints weren’t that powerful, there were so many. Too many for comfort. Oh well. Recca just had a feeling that, just like him, some rebellious Gifted people would probably want to sneak in this cursed city of technology too.
6:19pm May 30 2010
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Alyxander Sai walked down the street, weaving through the crowds of people going about their day to day lives. The citezens of Kismet parted before him, startled by what seemed to be a canine skeleton resting on the shoulders of a human. Alyx's head moved almost constantly from side to side, making up for the blindness in his right eye, which was currently facing the row of buildings next to him. Coming up on an alley, Alyxander's brows furrowed under the skull, the mouth of his mask opening slightly as he pulled out of the river of pedestrians, his sightless yellow eye peered into the alley, making contact with Recca as Alyxander drew in the scent of magic through the nostrils of the mask, lookign towards the open street, at the mas.sive flow of people rushing about, and at the weak Saints stationed at every entrance. From anyone who was standing in the alley's point of veiw, what they would see was the skeletal snout of a canine, sitting inside a dark hood, a cloak brushing the pavement in the breeze. Alyx's many hanging pericings clanged together, the beads clicking and the feathers brushing against each other. Alyxander turned his head slowly towards the alley, the mouth of the skull creaking open, and a slight pull that was increased with each joint movenent in the mask was felt, sucking magic out of the air and towards the nearly six and one half foot saint.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
6:30pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 694
((Can the Gifted sense devices?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:32pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Saaya and Naaya were walking down a crowded street, there footsteps matching, their pace the same. They looked like one person, as though there was a mirror sparating them. The only differences were their appearances. Saaya walked with a spring to her steps, whereas Naaya walked as though her feet were floating. They each had their long hair flowing out behind them, and their arms linked together. They didn't ift into the crowd easily, and the reason: they seemed almost like animals. Saaya scanned the area around her. She and her sister were near the metro, not wanting to board it, seeing as there would be no where to escape from it. She noted the Saints positionsed in every block, so she decided to tell her sister about it. "Naaya," she hissed, "Saints. Every block. Avoid." She avoided speaking in full sentences, not wanting anyone to be able to understand what she was saying. Or draw attension to herself. [Okay??]
9:01pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 694
((Well, anyway...)) Malachai glanced over his shoulder. There. The man with the skull on his face some kind of an animal, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know what kind. The person everyone seemed to be subcontiously avoiding. He was glad he fit in with the crowd, glad he could pretend to be a normal human, even with all the hardships that came with it. But he was sure that he had just seen others.....yes, there they were. Two girls, walking side by side, matched in step and in the unique animalistic quality about them. He slowly made his way over to them, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. When he reached them, he could tell that they thought he was a real human. Aria looked coldly at the man with the grey eyes and light hair. There was something strange about him....could he be Gifted? She wasn't sure. Even so, she kept her arm up, the ring on her finger ready to suck out magic from everything near it. He looked at her for a second, and glanced away.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
9:06pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,966
The twins fixed their eyes onto the man coming their way. Their eyes held the same icey glare that they fixed on anyone that wasn't gifted. Naaya spoke first, her will to be welcoming overcoming her will to be cold. "Who are you?" She asked the man. She felt Saaya stiffen beside her. Naaya glanced at her sister, noticing how Saaya's eyes where in slits, and in cat form. Naaya elbowed her sister in the ribs, hoping that her sister could appear more friendly.
9:38pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm May 30 2010)
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OOC: No, the Gifted cannot sense Devices. Hrmm... I think I'm gonna make Rachel know Alyxander... If that's all right with you. Maybe more as an aquantance. ^^ I also suggest that after this we wait for Gayvs and Ssather. @_@ Must. Be. Patient. -eye twitch- BiC: Recca caught his breath. A girl-- a Saint-- was watching him. Act natural. He looked away quickly. He walked out of the alley and merged with another crowd. Around him the air literally seemed to crackle with tension. Oh unpredictable, uncontrolable weather. It was this that often gave him away. But hopefully the Saints wouldn't be able to see this unusual characteristic because he was mixed with another crowd. A wind seemed to come out of no where and tug at Recca's clothing. Playfully, almost, as though magic had a soul. Stop it he told himself fiercly, willing his magic to calm down. The wind died down though his hair was left more unruly than ever. -x-x-x- Rachel peered around. Nothing interesting was happening so far; she noted Alyxander wandering around, tailing certain people. She didn't bother help him; she knew that Alyxander had a pretty dang good reputation as the Saints went. She herself knew hers wasn't all that bad either. Much better than these dorks she thought to herself, looking at her purple-painted fingernails. She was thinking about all the weak members of the Saints. They barely were good at any weapon training and often they didn't even know how to wield or disguise their Device yet. Pathetic. She crinkled her nose. It was then that she out one side of hey eyes Recca; on the other side she saw another guy. Behind her she knew Alyxander was, questioning two girls. She watched curiously as she felt a wave of, static, it seemed rolled over her. It was coming from him, she was sure. It died away pretty instantly and she could tell that the boy was trying to mingle with the crowds, but she still noticed. Idiot. You think that's going to fool me? She didn't start up her Device yet though; unlike some Saints, her style was to corner the prey, then steal the magic. She felt it was much more efficient, effective, and caused way less panic from the people. Rachel also kept her eyes on the other boy. She couldn't be in two places at once and she also knew that no weak Saint was going to be able to really stand up to a Gifted person. Freaks that they were, their magic was fairly destructive at times. She went for the boy that wasn't quite as stormy; since he didn't stand out as much, it would be better to go for him first. The other boy was so obviously freakish that he would be spotted soon enough. OOC: -targets Malachai >:3- BiC: She walked up casually but at a brisk pace, as though she were hurrying somewhere. Then she stood by the guy's side. She smiled evilly. Then she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back towards her. "It feels like there's magic in the air around here, doesn't it?" she whispered directly into his ear.