10:41pm Jun 1 2010 (last edited on 10:43pm Jun 1 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[I'll try my best! Like I said, I'm not on much either.]]
Abraham almost kept walking, unaware the man was talking to them. And then he did stop and he stared blankly at the figure. A Saint? Weird that he could smell the coffee from all of the other smells on the street today. He opened his mouth, to explain they were doing deliveries, but stopped and looked at Neil. "Do we know this person?" he asked. He couldn't exactly see, the boxes were in the way. Neil looked a bit bristled, Sock thought, though he didn't think that was the right word. "He's been at the diner before." Neil answered, quietly. "Oh." Sock said, moving his arms so he could better see the stranger. He wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about, or how he could remember their names so well, but he shook the box a bit anyway. "Fresh coffee beans. We're doing errands today." He explained. 'Nose like a dog...' Sock thought. Neil was bristling, it was pretty obvious, as his shoulders had been pulled up defensively and he was holding the box as if it was a shield. His ex pression was that of pleasant surprise, however. 'A Saint? How could he know?' He'd have to run. But where? They'd be able to quell his ability to hide like he wants to and do who knows what. Why couldn't he be left alone? 'Don't ruin this for me.' He thought, glaring mentally at this stupid Saint that wanted to ruin his already disappointing day. He was too afraid to show a negative emotion for real, so thinking about it would have to do. "Must have been the coffee. He's been spilling." Neil said, poking a bony elbow out at Abraham. To this, Sock looked a little sheepish, but he jumped right back to normal. "Yep, after we drop this off we get the rest of the day off." He said. Sock wasn't sure what he was going to do with almost a whole free day.

8:39am Jun 2 2010
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Alyxander carefully watched the boys. Abraham seemed to stupid to be a Gifted, and Neil seemed to be using his box of strongly smelling coffee beans as a sort of shield. "Hmm." He said simply, placing his mask over his face. "I'm still concerned, Neil. The magic in the air smells exeptionally of coffee." Alyxander's german accent was somehow amplified in the hollow mask, and his red eye glowed through the eye sockets. The skull over his face seemed to be smiling in anticipation, although the jaws had not creaked open yet, Alxander could still taste the coffee tinted magic. "Now, before I suck every drop of illegal magic out of your scrawny bones, do you have any last words, Neil?" Alyxaner asked, still breathing in the completly rank smell of coffee and magic, which, at this point was about to make him gag. He gazed at the scrawny Neil, as the wind blew softly, pushing his hood down, revealing a shock of red hair and surprsingly, slightly pointed ears covered in peircings. Alyxander pulled back and jerked his hood over his srtange ears, then resumed his glare on Neil and Sock.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:53pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 1,943
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:58am Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 2:06am Jun 3 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Sorry. I don't want to leave everyone behind. D: ]]
Abraham blinked, wide eyed and surprised. He looked at this stranger, and then at Neil. 'A Gifted?' He wondered. He'd never seen him do anything out of the ordinary. Maybe this man was confused. Sock was more interested in the funny looking ears the stranger had, rather than the sudden news of his coworker being a Gifted. He did however, return the glare. This funny sounding man and his threats were upsetting him, and if it wasn't for the fact that he was still surprised and still holding the boxes, he might have told him to go away.
Many emotions flooded Neil's mind. Surprise, fear, shame... and anger. Gifted. Illegal magic he didn't want. He wished he could level a city block. In fact, maybe not just a city block, maybe everything. Destroy everything, and everyone, so that he could finally have his peace. 'You know, that's why they're so afraid of you.' Said a voice in his head, which could only be his own, stupid, rational voice. But Neil was upset, so he decided to be stubborn with himself. 'Afraid of me?!' He retorted, only angrier still. Not that there was anything he could do with that anger. The wind was to his advantage - if it was blowing the other way. A risk was a risk. The more depressed and sad part of him he keeps locked in a box in his mind would prefer to let his magic be taken away. But that part of him was locked in a box for a reason. He didn't have any last words, that would be stupid move. If he had spoken up his words would have been. 'He who hesitates is a fool.', because after one second he was there - and then he was not. The box fell to the ground with a thud and packages of coffee beans spilled onto the ground. Quite literally, he disappeared. Sure, a Saint might be able to still get him, but he doubted any of them could fly. And they would have to. It was always strange, being scattered, not having a physical body, but keeping his thoughts. And they were no longer angry thoughts, but those of sadness. He'd just float on down to the next town, and the next... He was thankful he didn't have eyes anymore, because he was certain there would be tears. And if there was anything more he hated than being himself, it was being weak.
Sock stared at the box and the coffee beans littering the ground. His own boxes tumbled to the ground, and he rounded on Alyxander. "What did you do?!"

8:18am Jun 3 2010
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Alyxander reaered back in surprise as Neil dissapeared, his nosrtils flaring as he cast about for any magic, and not catching a whiff of any, whirling on Sock. "Unfortunatly, I didn't do anything Abraham." His voice was a threatening hiss as he looked through the grinning skull, his hands emerging fully from his cloak for the first time. The long, thin fingers were tipped with long, claw-like nails, and were hooked into what could be clas.sified as an illeagal weapon. "He seems to have the ability to evaporate, because I can't catch any whiff of magic anymore." Alyxander redoubled his glare, his red eye narrowing into a slit, while his clouded eye remained in a slight ex pression of surprise. "Although, I'm surprised that your friend was so quick to run away. He's smarter than I thought. Certainly, smarter than you,"Sock."" He spat, removing his mask and stowing it inside his cloak. "And I'd hate to see what your employers will think when they see this mess." ((Phail.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:19pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 694
((Not trying to be a downer here, but is it fair that Saints can smell magic? That makes it too easy for them))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:25am Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 1:29am Jun 5 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Well, we currently have 7 Gifted. (though not all of them have posted yet) Saints and Normal People combined makes 6. So. There's more Gifted. But I do find it a little unfair. It makes me want to make a Gifted that's actually a threat. Heh. But I think we have too many Gifted already.]]
Abraham sneered. "Good. I'm glad. You Saints and Gifted make a mess of everything." Sock did not like this man. Threatening his sort-of-friend and then making vanish like some magician was one thing, belittling his intelligence (which he new was somewhat lacking) was another. He stood up at his full height (an unimpressive 5'7") and returned his glare. "I may not be that smart, stranger. But it's better than bein' someone like you. And if you think acting the way you do intimidates me, well, I'm just too dumb to realize I'm supposed to be afraid." He said, and even cracked a smile. "And at least I'm smart enough to know not to draw attention to myself in a crowded street." The smile was gone, and he was speaking in a voice he didn't like to use - the mean one. The conversation hadn't caught very much attention, but the disappearing act had. Sock was a plain man. Alyxander was not, and Sock was pretty sure those people weren't looking at himself. He stooped to pick up the fallen boxes. "I want nothin' to do with you and your spats with people you don't understand. But I ask you, what is it he did? Huh? So he can... evaporate? That what you said? What's he gonna do with that? Except hide from you people?" He was picking up the bags of coffee that hadn't burst, and was sticking them in the box. "You're more of a threat than he'll ever be." Abraham said, standing back up with a box. "Maybe someone should hunt you. Cut your claws."

10:19am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 694
((Yeah, I want to make a Gifted that actually has a usable power. :P Do you think it would be okay cause I already made a Saint and a Human, so its equal?
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
11:02am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((-Clears throat.- I seem to have made a mistake. How Alyx can "smell" magic is that his opens the jaw of his device very slightly to sense any magic coming in, and then tracks it to the source.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:59pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I'm back! Will post as soon as I can. But right now I'm fried. I went to this cool thing where I actually got to meet my friends. You see, I go to an online school. So I made tons of friends and at the end of the year we all meet up in PN. So... Now that I'm back I won't be able to see them for either a) ever again or b) next year. O.o And so I'm depressed.
10:08pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I'm a bit confused. So just help me here-- Currently, whom is nearby who and whom is talking to whom? O.o Sorry. >.<
3:47pm Jun 9 2010 (last edited on 3:48pm Jun 9 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Everyone is still where they last were. =| You have not interacted with my characters so I don't think they're location is relevant but Neil is gone, and Sock is talking to Alyx. Really, since you have been gone, the only ones posting anything were Ferro and I. But that's probably because everyone else was waiting for your return.]]
9:15pm Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 9:16pm Jun 11 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yeah, you can, Sea. Go for it. ^_^ Sorry, I was confused. Very confused. I'm going to write a post since I really don't want this thread to die and if there's anything wrong in it [which there probably will be] then just tell me and I'll edit. I still don’t know about Rachel; she was interacting with Malechai but.. Somehow that messed up. So I’ll just post about Recca. BiC: Recca gasped. He'd been noticed. He felt a strange other-sort of wind. A sucking kind of wind, sucking all the magic from around him. He hadn't been expecting it, therefore making it harder to fight back. Stop it! Recca screamed to himself. He could barely make out what was going on, for the pull on his magic strengthened. And then, almost as quickly as it did so, it weakened again. The Saint was focusing his attention on somebody else. Too bad for whoever else he was now targeting, much better for Recca. He pulled away with all his strength; finally he was free and felt no more pull trying to steal his magic. “What did you do?!” a voice yelled. A crash as boxes (and surprisingly, the smell of coffee) went everywhere. “I didn’t do anything, Abraham,” came the smooth reply. The Saint. Recca felt rage boiling up inside of him. “He seems to have the ability to evaporate, because I can’t catch a whiff of his magic anymore.” Good for him, whoever he is Recca thought bitterly. At least he could get away. Recca’s “Gifts” on the other hand, were extremely hard to control and made him an easy-to-spot Gifted person. He even admitted the fact to himself; he stuck out everywhere he went. Saints would always find him. Sucks to be me he thought, still annoyed and angry at everything that was happening. Guess I’ll have to deal with it, though. No sense in wishing that his “Gift” (or curse, more like) was different. Wishing brought people nowhere. Actions, however, did. Recca felt a rush of appreciation towards Abraham and—Sock, was it? Weird name. But all the same, he was grateful towards him. It was nice to know that at least to these people he wasn’t a “monster”. Well, what now? He thought to himself. He could run for it, or he could stand his ground and fight for a while, though he’d probably end up running anyway… Ah, heck. He’d fight. He was angry and was in the mood for it. Of course this was a bit reckless of him… Okay, very reckless. But still… “Maybe someone should hunt you. Cut your claws.” Recca stepped forward. “Agreed,” he said.
10:53pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((There's nothing wrong with that, Night.)) Alyx widened his one eye at the sound of Recca's voice. "I've almost forgoten about you." He mused, turning slowly on his heel. The cloak swished across the pavement, and suddenly Alander rushed forwards, his hand shooting out and wrapping around Recca;s throat, earing him into a side street, with Alyx smiling wickledly. ((Before I go on, Can I add a plot twist, Night? -Wags Tail-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:28am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 853
[[SOCK ANGRY. SOCK SMASH. I will resist his urge to hit Alyx with his box. That would just be silly. And this is very serious. Also I won't move in on your plotting. >_> Must wait... yesss.]]
12:32am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Nyahaha! I want to pet your siggy! -Pets- Ow! It biteded me.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:37am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 3:04pm Jun 13 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Ryu Anjae Age:17 Gender:Female Gifted, Human, Saint?: Gifted If Gifted or Saint what device/Power?: She is Clairvoyant Deion/picture: Ryu is quite short, even for a human and has tanned, golden skin that seems to glow in the sunlight. She has long, graceful limbs, and stands at only 5.3" tall. She has waist length silver hair and likes to wear black skinny jeans and a light blue tank top, or demin shorts with a violet pullover over a white short-sleeved blouse. Her eyes are a striking blue. Other: Can she have wings? o-o
5:19pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 694
((I cant read the ends of some posts, they are cut off... D: How can I fix this?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
2:59pm Jun 13 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Oh noes Sea D: That doesn't happen with me... O.o I dunno... Do you mean the page is stretching for you or something? And sure, go ahead and add a plot twist, Ferro. I'm all for plot twists. Accepted, Detneth.
3:02pm Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 3:05pm Jun 13 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
{I know this seems wierd but I completely edited my BIO...sorry about that but could you check it again?}