4:40pm Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 4:40pm Jun 13 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[It might have been Typo's (Detneth) bio that was causing the stretching. I noticed the older one she had was stretching the page a little bit (Think it might have been the links). It's better for me now though. Gah I want to post but I want to post as a new gifted. And we have too many! Must wait.]]
6:29pm Jun 13 2010
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{Eh sorry, but I changed the charrie and the new one has an actual deion *uneasy laugh* so yeah...xD}
7:21pm Jun 13 2010
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Alyx widened his one eye at the sound of Recca's voice. "I've almost forgoten about you." He mused, turning slowly on his heel. The cloak swished across the pavement, and suddenly Alander rushed forwards, his hand shooting out and wrapping around Recca;s throat, carrying him into a side street, with Alyx smiling wickledly. Alyx stopped suddenly and released Recca, slapping a hand over Recca's mouth instead. "Please be quiet." He said, his voice soft and smooth, a world away from the rough, vicious sound before. "I'm not going to hurt you, just please be quiet." He begged, looking around. His faded eye blinked and stayed stationary, as his good eye looked around. "My name is Alyx Saika, but you can call me Sai." Alyx's hand was smooth and the long nails somehow avoided any contact with Recca's skin as it was clamped over his mouth. The skull was still in place, but the jaw shut tight and as Alyx took it off, it was like looking at a different person. His face was softer, and seemed a lot younger than it had when a hard as a stone. His eyes were large, not narrow and ghastly. Alyx's eyes were actually very expressive and soft as he looked at Recca. "I'm going to let go now, so please do not scream." Now that ALyx was not fuming or ranting, his acent was stronger, and it became clear that he had only learned english very recently.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:00pm Jun 13 2010
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OOC: I have no idea where the plot is going but sounds good so far ^_^ BiC: The Saint let go of Recca. ??? And then suddenly he slapped a hand over Recca's mouth. Wha?! "Please be quiet." It's not like I have a choice Recca thought bitterly. "I'm not going to hurt you, just please be quiet." Weird... Recca decided then and there he would cooperate-- for now. "My name is Alyx Saika, but you can call me Sai." Recca was drowning in a sea of confusion. Why this? Why did this guy seem like he knew him? Why be so... friendly, almost? Then Alyx took off that creepy mask and revealed a much more pleasant looking face. This too blew Recca away. Who was this guy? Then the Saint looked at him, his ex pression strange, and said, "I'm going to let go now, so please do not scream." Not a chance now that you got me curious. Alyx seemed to have a strange accent. Recca stood awkwardly there for a second. A bit of wind picked up around the two. "So..." he began and trailed off. "Sai. Do you know me or.. something?"
9:36pm Jun 13 2010
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"No, but you're so obvious if I dodn't get you off the streets you would have been sucked faster by a Saint than a milkshake by a fat kid." Sai said, running his hands through his messy red hair. He had a slightly nervous smile on his face, revealing unaturally sharp teeth. "And could you stop the wind, please?" Sai leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. His wide eyes looked constantly around the alley. "Could you go get Sock please?" He asked politly, pointing to the street. "Actually, wait." He said, walking closer to Recca. Staring hard at Recca's ridiculous hair, he blinked slowly, and said, "I need to change it before you go out. What's your favorite color?" Sai's cloak blew open in the breeze, and a long chain made of thin loops clinked in the alley, two dog tags hitting each other, one stamped with a big 28 and the other with the word Saika. "Sock's gong to get picked up for as.sociation soon, too."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:55pm Jun 13 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{What's going on? o-o}
12:22am Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 12:34am Jun 14 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Strangeness.]] “What are you-?” Sock stared in disbilief, harras.sing another one, was he? Stupid man. He hesitated a moment, but followed them into the alley, still clutching the box. He didn’t hear what was being said, except for the “don’t scream” part and something about socks. One of those weird ones, this Saint. He was about to say something, probably about how confused and angry he was, when he heard something about himself and “as.sociation”. Crazy funny sounding man. He didn't trust him at all. “‘Sociated with what?” He asked, eyes narrowed. He didn’t know if he’d gone far enough away- he couldn’t bring himself to leave yet... There were so many books in his house and he needed to pick them up. They kept him sane, but it was very foolish to go get them. Oh well, everything comes with a price. Neil reformed, in his own living-room, and he was moving for the makeshift bookcase while he was still a little wispy, but pulled himself together quick enough. “Books... bag, ah, okay. Food? No... maybe grab an apple.” He was disappointed in the fact he didn’t have any instant hot chocolate left, but got over it as he began stuffing things in the bag. Where to go next? Were there trains running? He retrieved his small stash of saved up funds from his pillowcase (best place to hide it, he figured), and then headed out the door. He locked it. It was a funny habit. Not like he'd be coming back here. Neil took a breathe and then started down the street. He regretted not being able to leave any notices.

12:25am Jun 14 2010
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{That's no help T.T}
12:34am Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 853
[[I know, I'm sorry. =P]]
8:14am Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Well, basically, Det everyone is in the city of Kismet, the largest city in Evesesca. It would help if you skimmed the posts. ;3 BiC: "No, but you're so obvious if I don't get you off the streets you would have been sucked by a Saint faster than a milkshake by a fat kid," Sai answered. Recca wondered why, then, this Saint had saved him. He was a Saint himself! "And could you stop the wind please?" Sai leaned againsty the wall and took a deep breath. What is wrong with this guy? Recca thought. Well, he was grateful towards him right now anyway. "Could you get Sock, please?" Recca was about to do so when-- "Actually, wait." When he turned around, Sai's gaze was on his hair. "I need to change it before you go out." No. Way. "What's your favourite colour?" Recca really didn't want his hair to be messed with. He was about to express this when Sai said, "Sock's going to get picked up for as.sociation soon, too." As-sociation? "I would try and stop the wind if it weren't so stubborn," Recca muttered after a pause of silence. He tried to make the wind stop blowing around the two. Well, it halfway worked. Now Sai was spared but it wouldn't die down completely around Recca. "My favourite colour is green. Or blue. Doesn't matter. Don't do anything weird to my hair," he said firmly. "And what is this 'As-sociation' thing?"
6:50pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 694
((I can't really do much untill the twin gifted girls, Naaya and Saaya, post....))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
9:18pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: If they don't post, I'll rmail em'.
10:16pm Jun 14 2010
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Alyx shrugged and said, "As.sociation is basically when a person has become too close with a Gifted, we pick them up so they don't tell anyone else about how the Saints operate. They're usually killed or disabled." Alyx seemed unfazed by the news and added, "It's a shame you won't let me change your hair. It would have looked nice." Alyx winked and the roots of his hair slowly turned white, spreading as his hair twisted and fell over one eye, spiking in the back. His eye reamined the same, but the shape of his face changed, shortening to make him appear younger, and his hair shot through with green and purple as he stood before Recca, several inches shorter and younger looking. "Nice to meetcha, by the way." Alyx addede, flicking the hood over his white hair. Poking his head out into the street, he walked up to Sock and tapped him on the shoulder. "We're here to pick you up, Abraham." He smiled, his young face looking straight at Sock.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:30pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
As-sociation. It sounded bad to Recca. Wait-- Sock wouldn't be killed or disabled, would he? Recca decided to wait for a second, to see if anything happened. He would take action when he needed to. "It's a shame you won't let me change your hair. It would have looked nice." Recca watched as Sai's hair slowly turned white. The shape of his face changed as well, becoming much younger looking, his hair shot through with green and purple. He was now shorter and younger. Recca's eyes widened. "Nice to meetcha by the way." Then Sai walked over to Sock and said, "We're here to pick you up, Abraham." "Wait," Recca said. "How did you do that? And... What are you going to do to Abraham?"
3:35pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~}Sorry if I sound lazy, but all I need to know is how many people are in one place ^^ Then I can pop in and freak them out ;O {~}
9:48pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 9:51pm Jun 15 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[asdfghjkl. You can't even read... that Alyx and Recca are in an alley and then Alyx transmogrifies and then skips out and pokes Sock who is just outside the alley? My Neil is off by himself somewhere. Anywhere. He's just running around. You can startle him.]] "Pick up? Uh, sorry but I'm not... wait." Sock paused, eyes narrowing as he shifted the box in his hands. It was unsettling to be looking down and seeing those creepy eyes. He was not impressed. The man was a magician. Hypocrite. "You are a freak. I'm not going anywhere but back to the diner. Don't want anythin' to do with anythin' other than pouring coffee." Today was awful. He wanted to just go home, and rest. Sock glanced at the other Gifted kid. Wait hadn't he just? But then why was...? He looked okay, though a little concerned. Why drag this one into an alley and not try to eat his brains or whatever it was those Saints did? Why let this one go? Besides he couldn't trust anyone who would go and make a nice guy like Neil disappear. Neil even wouldn't even hurt a spider, and everyone hates spiders. "And stop calling me Abraham, I hate that name. It's Sock."

10:15pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx's small face lost it's smile, and said to Sock, one finger in front of Abraham's nose, "I'm not a freak, I'm Alyxander Saika." His white hair blew across his small face as he turned to Recca in the alley. "Stay there for a second, please." Turning back to Sock, he said, with a puzzled ex pression on his small face, "But Abraham is your name, is it? And if you do the same thing your entire life, you will never move up in the world, no?" Alyx stared hard at Sock, and from the roots out, it grew longer and exactly the same shade as Alyx's previous hair, until it looked like Sock was wearing the top of Alyx's head. "If you go back to pourng coffee, you will be dead or very hurt within the week." Alyx's small, 11 or 12 year-old face formed an innocent smile, with closed eyes and tight lips.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:23pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Ryu wandered around the streets, her hands in the pockets of her black denim shorts. She shivered slightly when the wind blew over her bare arms, raising goosebumps where it touched her skin. She turned a corner and stopped nervously when she sensed another presence, taking her hands out of her pockets and grasping the small dagger she kept in case she was ever attacked.
11:40pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 11:45pm Jun 15 2010)
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Posts: 853
Freak. Freak freak freak. It was a bit childish to keep repeating it in his mind, but he doubted this weirdo was a mindreader. "No, it's the name I let people I like call me. I do not like you." Sock was going to explain his like of advancement, when he started, almost taking a step back. He wasn't afraid of this...thing. "W-what, what did you do?" He asked, his voice slowly turning into a whisper. "I'll say it again, you are very poor at the "not bringing attention to yourself" thing." His nose wrinkled into an unsavory ex pression- and for a moment he was afraid. Not of being killed or hurt- but of not looking like himself. The real reason he was so afraid confused him, and he chose to ignore it. If he was going to die, which would likely happen regardless of what he decided, he'd want to die looking like himself. "If I go, you're not gonna use any more of your unexplained voodoo m-a-g-i-c on me." He said, flatly. Sock had never wanted to punch a little kid before, and was upset about it even though he knew this wasn't a kid. He was sure hitting him might make him feel a bit better though.

11:52pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx gave a small smile, then his eyes got large and he started sniffling, tears welling in his young eyes. When they started streming down his face, he started sobbing, his hands to his face. This got Sock more than a few dirty looks from p*censored*ers-by, as Alyx continued to sob. "P-please, Sock, if you die, I'll be so sad, a-and, and-" Alyx wailed even louder, sitting down on Sock's feet and huggin one of his legs. "I dodn't d-do ANYTHING!" Alyx wailed the last word, attracting a few strangers who asked Sock what was wrong with the 11 year old sobbing on his feet. "P-please, Sock, you have to come! I'll fix your hair, but if you don't, I'll change your face so much your own Mother won't recognize you.."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."