5:08pm Jun 16 2010
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OOC: Will post...
8:40pm Jun 17 2010 (last edited on 8:42pm Jun 17 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Sock: *Drops box on Alyx's head and walks away*]] “ . . .” He was trying to remain calm. Really. He wanted to hurt and apologize to the “boy” at the same time. Why did crying always make him feel so bad? A boy his age should man up and not cry like a fragile girl! In public no less! But he couldn’t help but feel guilty, even though he didn’t do anything wrong. “Stop it. Get off me.” Sock wasn’t going to cave in yet, however, and he toed at Alyx with the tip of his boot, trying to nudge him off. People were asking him questions, and he merely shrugged, and didn’t respond to them. “You are an overreacting stupid.” Sock told Alyx. He would pry him off, but he didn’t want to touch him. Unless he was touching him repeatedly in the face with his fist. But it was too much for him to take, and so his voice dropped down into a pleading, almost whiny tone. “I already said I would go, so please stop!”
9:39pm Jun 17 2010
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When Sock had refused to go, Recca had expected Sai to somehow force Sock into submission-- he just seemed like that type of person to him somehow. He was completely blown away when Sai grabbed onto Sock's leg and started sobbing, making people p*censored*ying by to turn and stare [something that Recca didn't want]. So he didn't blame Sock for finally giving in and saying, "I already said I would go, so please stop!" OOC: I think I'm gonna add onto my post in the morning. Bear with me here.
9:57pm Jun 17 2010
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(( Aww. You're so mean.)) Alyx sniffled and scooted back, stading up and giving a wet smile. "Okay, Sock. I just didn't want you to die or your legs and arms to be torn off." He wiped his large, wet eyes, and turned, the tears gone and a slight smile on his face. Ducking into the alley, he returned to his normal form, his red hair hanging in his eyes, so he took out a small clips and pinned the long bangs back. "Sorry, Sock, but it works every time." He smiled slightly, turning Socks hair back to it's normal state. "If you got picked up, I'd have an even harder time getting Neil to come. Oh yeah, this is Recca." Alyx added, pointing to Recca next to him.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:59pm Jun 17 2010 (last edited on 11:03pm Jun 17 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Neil going anywhere regardless of who is on the team = nigh impossible. May be able to lure him out of hiding and into a non-frightened state of mind by bribing him with a limited edition hard cover. And some cocoa. And sorry Night if we're ruining your plans to expand your post... by posting. Is it writers block or are ya just busy?]] How grim. You shouldn’t here such things coming out of a childs mouth. He didn’t want to imagine missing his legs or arms, and absently rubbed his arm- which resulted in the box almost toppling to the ground. And at this point... well, he wasn’t going to be taking it to the diner now, would he? He followed the transmogrifying man into the alley, and sat his box down against the wall of the building. Sock grunted in response, a sour frown on his face. On the inside he was happy to have his hair back to normal. “Picked up, by who, the "bad guys"? And what about Neil?" He asked, frown deepening. “What are you up to?” He turned away to give Recca his attention, and nodded slowly. “Hullo. I’m Sock. But you probably already know that if you’re his... accomp... accompolice?” He stared intently at the wall for a second. Something sounded off about that word. But he thought it was right. Sock nodded to himself. Then he turned back to Alyx. Because he demanded answers!

12:14pm Jun 19 2010
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OOC: No, scatch out what I said. xD -is being fickle suddenly- I was actually going to do something and then I decided against it. I was actually on vacation all week so I didn't roleplay as much. Sorry. :3
12:39pm Jun 21 2010
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OOC: Bump~
1:05pm Jun 21 2010
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"Yes, by the real saints." Alyx answered, tugging on the ends of his long red hair. "And Recca isn't my accompilce, he's just someone I picked up, like I tried to pick up Neil and you." He yawned and turned towards the end of the alley. "And as for Neil, I'd as.sume he's at home, hiding from the rest of the Saints, possibly hopping town as we speak. Probably never see him agian unless it's for for burial." Alyx bent to the ground and picked up a small rock, tossing it from hand to hand. "And really, you're lucky I found you guys before anyone else. I'm about the one other person in this city that won't suck you dry, although I still could if you want to. SOme people chose to do it in peace rather than running. You wanna, Recca?" He asked, coughing slightly, his sharp teeth flashing in the dim light. "Look, we gotta get goin', and unless you wanna get destroyed, I'll need to cchange both of you. Whatchu want?"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:38pm Jun 21 2010
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It was one of those rare moment where Recca decided to yield to a Saint. What choices did he have, anyway? Sai was right. He could suck him dry right now if he wanted to. Recca decided to seize the chance not to get his magic sucked out of him today. "Do whatever you want, then, Sai," Recca said, sighing. -x-x-x- Rachel cursed as the Gifted person she had been hunting got away from her. How could she have let that person get away? She knew that she could do better than that. It made her grow angry. By chance as she was walking around, she spotted a strangely familiar looking little kid sobbing and grabbing someone's leg. Hmm... She couldn't remember anyone who looked like that. Not at all. But still, the shape of the eyes seemed familiar... Then a face streaked across her memory. But it couldn't be. No way. Not him. Still.. She'd better confront Alyx later. Just in case. -x-x-x- Damien looked out over the city. His city. It was amazing. All the latest technology, everything was perfect. Except for those-- those Gifted. They always got away with everything. They were so puny, not even knowing how to reach the fullest extent of their powers or how to use them to take control. They were pitiful. Besides... There was also his secret. Which is why he had come up with the Saints. They would forever stand loyal to him. For I reward generously he thought to himself. He was standing in the tallest tower that overlooked Kismet. It had a round top and gl*censored* walls [except on the certain part of the wall where there was a door on which an elevator was located which took one all the way down to ground level]. The floor was carpeted. In the middle of the room sat a single desk. This was his own room where he could plan. Damien had gotten up from his desk and was looking out, seeing farther than anybody else could in any other tower.
2:16pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 2:20pm Jun 21 2010)
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"Woo!" Sai said, clapping his hands before concentrating. "You know, it's always so much fun to do it to someone else, because for the strangest reason, I can't change my eyes. Ah well." Saika muttered, looking up at Recca's messy, light hair. Recca's hair shivered and lay flat, curling up in the back to forn spikes, while the front fell over one eye and darkened, shooting through with black and raven blue. Humming tunelessly, Sai yawned while Recca's skin darkened to an olive color, and the boy grew a few inches, becoming level with Sai. His hair stilled, long in the front, spiralling out in spikes on the back of his head. Sai moved his attention to Recca's eyes, lightening them to a bright gold, although one was hidden by hair. Recca would barely be recognized, except for the clothes, which stayed the same on his altered form. "Oh. I did a good job." Alyx nodded to himself, sizing Recca up. "Here, take a look." He tossed a mirror to the unrecognizable boy, then turned to Sock. "I do belive I'll make you taller, alright Sock? I won't change you as much as I did Recca, because you've lived here for a while and aren't a gifted. Now, where would we find Neil, if we were to go rescue him. Would he be hiding or be in the process of skipping town?" Alyx steepled his fingers, looking down at Sock.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:54pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 3:56pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
Sock clenched his fists, and his teeth as he stared at Mr. Fancy-Pants-Magician-... Guy. "Ya'know, if you weren't such an eccentric... stupid person, Neil wouldn'a poofed off like he did. Trying to "rescue" people by being a creep is a very poor... thing to do." He hadn't liked what he had said about "burial", too, and if anyone died he would blame Mr. Sai. He looked at Recca, or at least, the person who was Recca that was now... not, but still was Recca. How was he going to come out of this without being severly damaged? He was confused enough in the head as it was. "I don't wanna be taller. You just said I'm a regular, don't go drawing attention to me. And how should I know? We weren't exactly "friends", okay? He's that weird nice guy that everyone likes, always does what he's told... real quiet, kept to himself..." Kinda the serial killer type, now that he thought about it. And how would they know which direction he went? If a library was in the direction of wherever Neil was heading, it would be quite possible to find him there... his life at risk or not. Neil was weird. Sock had no idea what he saw in those books he's always reading. "I doubt he's the type to huddle around in his basement and wait for the enevitable, to answer your question. He seems more of the "run away" kind of person. I mean, he disappears... kinda obvious, I think. What's the quickest way out of this place? That's probably his first idea." Sock nodded, pleased with his keen thinking skills.

8:42pm Jun 21 2010
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((Wow. Nice nickname Sock. You made my day with that, Gray.)) "That would be the trains, Sock." ALyx answered, then said in reply, "You know, I do need to change you a little so I won't be questioned as to what I'm doing with someone *censored*ociated with a saint, as I'm obviously not going out as Alyxander, right Sock?" Alyx took a much needed breath, then changed his own appearence to that of a rather ordinary teenaged boy, with light brown hair that reached to the middle of his back, and swiftly pulled it up into a hairtie, his skin darkening to a shade close to Recca's. "We should look related, right?"ALyx said, darkening Sock's skin as well, and making one eye a hazel color, and the other the same bright gold as the other boy's. "Please, let me change that rag you call hair, Sock." Alyx begged, his hair swinging around. While he talked, he removed his cloak to reaveal a white button down shirt, black jeans, and a bow tied at his neck. "You take the cloak Recca, it should fit." He added, tossing the cloth at Recca. "It just needs some adjustment, I'll change it back, Abraham." Alyx said, darting up and tugging on a lock of Sock's hair. "A nice dirty blonde or black possibly."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:18pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Aw, I'm glad. Sock is so much fun. He is so witty and smart. =D]] “The trains, then.” Sock agreed. He hadn’t known they had trains. He didn’t pay much attention to that kind of thing. In fact, going down to pick up deliveries was the first time he’d been more than two blocks away from the diner since... well, quite awhile. He didn’t see a problem with not ever going anywhere, even though his original goal was to travel around. Sock made a childish, whining noise as he watched his skin change. “Wasn’t I tan enough?” He asked, stubbornly, and rubbed his knuckles, voice dropping to a mumble. “Make me look like a big orange thing...” He wished everyone would stop changing on him. It was something like this that... well, what if you forgot who you really were? How long had he been doing this? And a rag? How rude, his hair was not a rag. It was rough, manly and unbrushed. Completely different. He raised his hands protectively over his hair, letting go once to swat Alyx’s hand away. Sock was realizing just what this Alyxander Sai person really was...something more frightening than anything he could ever have earlier imagined... a hair stylist. Or something of that nature. “No blonde.” He said gruffly. Definitely not. He wasn’t keen on black either, but the man was not going to let the hair thing go because he was a cruel individual. "And it stays short."

11:09pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Gyahaha! When I read that, I laughed so hard my mother asked me if I was having an asthma attack.)) "Not orange, olive, actually." Sai corrected withdrwaing his hands. "Black then." He nodded, watching Sock's hair sink into the depths of black, looking tempted to change it further but shaking his head. As a final touch, he pulled a pair of square glas.ses from his pocket and put them on smiling widely. His hair hadn't gottne any longer, actually, it had shortened to about buzz-cut length. "A little to short..." Alyx mused, tapping his chin with a few fingers. "And you know, if you keep it short Sock, it won't look like you have a drowned rat recovering on your head. Or, you know, you could brush it." He added with a small smile. Walking out into the street, he turned and beckoned to the two in the alley. "Come on guys, we're going to be late!" His long ponytial whipped around as he looked back and forth. "We need to get going Mark." He beckoned to Recca.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:45pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Most of the time Sock and Sai were conversing with each other, Recca was staring in complete shock at his now completely changed looks. He was short for one. He was used to being so tall, this was a huge difference. He felt like he was stuck in somebody else's body- a feeling he hated. The air around him seemed to suddenly feel static-y... He forced it down. Sai tossed him a cloak, which he caught automatically, not because he had really been paying any attention whatsoever. "Come on guys, we're going to be late!" Sai said, making Recca come out of his horrified trance. He looked to Recca. "We need to get going, Mark." Mark?! Recca liked his name thank you very much. But all he could do was act like he was in a terrible mood and follow. "Whatever," he said and followed Sai's lead.
3:54pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I'm adding a new character. ^_^ Cause' I feel like it. Name|| Taika Age|| 17 Gender|| Female Gifted, human, Saint|| Human [or so she thinks] Power|| Though she doesn’t know it, Taika can change people’s moods. It can be extremely powerful in some cases. However, since she doesn’t know she is Gifted at all. Deion|| Taika is quite pretty. All the guys seem to fall head over heals for her. She is short for her age and stands at 5"2. Her skin complexion is very fair. She doesn't tan at all; she only gets sunburns. Her eyes are a shocking, deep blue that often catch people's eyes since they contrast her fair skin tone so much. Her hair is as black as a raven's wing and is very long and perfectly straight; it hangs at about her mid-back. She has a super curvy body figure. She wears a short black mini-skirt and a loose but form fitting black t-shirt over it. She wears knee-highs that are [you guessed it] black, and wears fancy school shoes. In other words, it's the typical anime character look. Also, Taika wears dangly sterling silver dagger earrings. Personality|| I'll put a bit of Taika's personality here. ^_^ Taika, though she may not seem like it at first, is shy. She wears black [and only black], not because she's goth, but because she knows that she won't necessarily be stared at or teased if she wears black. It's a sensible colour that goes with everything. And she actually does kind of like it, anyways. Sometimes she'll come off as cold; mainly because she tries to hide herself behind a fake personality, and the other part being she has trouble socializing well. Oh yeah-- Taika hates heat. History|| Zilch… Other|| Notta
6:42pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[I can only think that Sock would like Taika a lot. Haahah. The poor ugly doofus.]] Sock was just as disappointed with Recca's new name as Recca was. He followed after the two of them, hating every minute of it because he didn't like how he looked. He didn't want to know what his name was going to be. Probably just "Abraham" because he had made it clear how much he disliked the name. He decided to come up with something for Sai, and was stuck on whether to call him Darcy or Gertrude. Neil had paid for his ticket, and was sitting inconspicuously on a bench inside the station. Twenty minutes until departure. He hated having to wait, but, there was nothing he could do. He watched the people for a few minutes, but the itch to grab a book finally took over and he ended up pulling one at random out of his bag. Rad just a little bit, maybe a few pages... he was completely out of the station after a few sentences. Now he was miles away, years ago. He was thinking, that if another boy started calling him "Daisy" for being so nice, he would absolutely not put up with it.

7:12pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Awws. But that would be cute, almost. xD Sock is such an awesome, adorkable character. ^_^ Taika made her way through the cobblestone streets of Kismet. She looked wearily around at the Saints. She didn't know why, but often one would look at her suspiciously as though they thought she was one of those Gifted people. She didn't like the Saints at all for that reason. She wasn't sure about the Gifted. They were always portrayed as bad by Damien. And Damien seemed nice. And he spoke well. Still, she decided in the end that some leaders had their flaws and that Damien probably had a bad experience with a Gifted person and decided they were bad news. Deep down inside, she knew she was just re*censored*uring herself. But this part of herself she refused to listen to. Suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist. "Hey," a female voice whispered in her ear, "it smells a lot like magic around here, doesn't it?" Taika looked around and faced-- well whaddya know-- a Saint. "I'm Rachel, by the way. Pleased to meet you," the Saint said. Taika jerked away from her grip. She wanted to say something more intelligent sounding, but instead, due to her shyness, she said, "Leave me alone." Rachel thought this highly amusing. Taika could tell. She felt herself grow angry. She wished that this Rachel girl would simply suddenly feel soft towards her for this one time and leave her be... "Nuh uh. I know what you're hiding, you see--" Rachel broke off. She suddenly felt bad. What if this person really was innocent? "My mistake," she said in the rudest possible tone she could muster and walked away. Taika was left standing alone. Good riddance. Part of Taika also felt that she had had some measure of control over that Saint girl. And she didn't like it. After all, she didn't want to suddenly be one of them-- that group of people she hardly knew anything about. She walked away, trying extremely hard to simply not think about it at all. She was Taika Velmaska, 100% human shy girl. She was paying so much attention to trying not to think about the Gifted people that she ran into a guy with a black hair cut and gl*censored*es [aka: Sock xD]. However, Taika was so embaras-sed and so shy that she didn't say a word and just stood there with an ex pression one might mistake as the I-am-being-a-cold-hearted-jerk look that she often accidentally gave people.
9:29pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 9:33pm Jun 22 2010)
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((Now I have to call him Darcy. Darcius, actually.)) Alyx walked down the streeet, waving kindly at pas.sing families, and reciving many smiles and waves in return. "What, Sock, are you moping about?" He turned back, brushing his fingers through his long brown hair. "And Mark, your other name is on the records. If I'm recorded saying it, we could get in a lot of trouble." He nearly collided with a tall, pretty girl, and leaned down, giving her a hug. "See you later, Heather." The girl smiled and waved, returning with, "You too, Darcius." Darcius laughed, turning back. "For you see, that is my name when I am like this." He explained, walking backwards. "I have several different names." A woman carrying an armful of groceries and followed by a line of kids. Darcius trotted over and conversed with the woman, which ended in him dissapearing for a few minutes, then darting back with a pair of car keys. "Let's go, Sock." He smiled, tossing him the car keys. He smiled as he saw the girl that had bumped int ohim. "Why, hello." He smiled, brushing a few strands of loose hair back into his lwo ponytail. "I see you've met Sock and Mark, my younger brothers."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:00pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 853
Abraham mumbled. He wasn't going to explain why he was moping. Darcius? Darcy? Sock wondered what his guessing meant... what was that sense thing? The sixth one? Huh. "I'm sure you do, Darcy." He said, somehow smug. In fact, he found that extremely funny, and grinned. The grin didn't last long, because someone bumped into him. He stared down at the pretty girl, and blinked. There was a moment of silence as he bent down to pick up the keys, which he failed to catch. "Younger?" He gave Alyx a shrewd look. Did he really look younger than him, really? People even thought Neil was older than he was... what was up with that. Maybe it was the old person hair. Oh wait. The transmogrifying... right. 'Did he mess with my nose?' Sock wondered, raising a hand to scratch the said nose quizzically. "Um." Sock said, looking from "Mark" to "Darcy" and then back to the girl. "Excuse me?" He said, as an apology. "I wasn't paying attention." He stepped a bit away from her, as if to get out of her way. He wondered for a moment if Sai expected him to drive- he could drive, but, it was a bit odd for someone to trust him with something like that. Being able to do it was completely different from being able to do it well.
