9:01am Jun 23 2010
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Taika looked at the strange group before her. They all seemed confused. The guy-- Sock?-- appeared to be surprised by the fact that he was called "younger". "Excuse me?" he said. "I wasn't paying attention." Taika realized she hadn't talked yet at all. "I-I'm s-sorry I was, umm," she started babbling like an idiot, feeling completely shy, "running away." She hardly even knew what she was saying. At this, Recca (aka: Mark) looked harder at Taika. "From who?" he questioned. Taika swallowed nervously. Oops. She looked around and-- well, there was Rachel the Saint on the other side of the street, about to cross over. "Her," she said, pointing. "All these crazy Saints are after me and I have no clue why."
11:56am Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 11:57am Jun 23 2010)
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"Ah, Saints are not crazy, my dear girl, just a bit power mad, mmmhmmm!" He smiled and laughed slightly, walking over the an average sized, grey-silver car. Opening the pas.senger door, he pointed a finger at Taika and said, "Well, if you want to get away, you'd better get in quick. Odds are that Rachel is following close behind, girlie." He left the door open and swung into the backseat, humming a slight, upbeat tune. "And Sock, I've gotten my liscense revoked last week, after nearly hitting a standard issue Saint. I couldn't see the red light through the glare on the windshield." Darcius leaned forwards and tapped the thick shield. "Sock, I didn't do anyhting to your nose, you're just short." Darcy said, climbing out of the car and smacking Sock lightly on the top of the head with a road map, rolling his eyes. "By the way, young lady, I'm Darcius, this is Mark, and the man you bumped into is Sock." The saint scratched his slightly pointed ears, tuggin on a beaded string hanging from one of them.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:17pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 3:18pm Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 853
Do not get into a strangers car. Do not, ever, get into a strangers car. Sock repeated this in his head a few times. It was one of the many things his Mother had told him, and only one of the few he actually remembered. He hoped dearly that even though the evil, horrible, awful Saints were following this girl that she wouldn't get in the car with them. Didn't her Mom ever tell her not to hang around with strangers? Three strange boys, and one extra creepy one, asking her to come with them, should have put her "Run Away" meter on "AHH!! NOO! RUN RUN RUN AWAY!!" But of course, he would be there to protect her. Yes. Watch Fancy-Pants try something funny with a girl and he would punch him. He narrowed his eyes silently as he thought about Darcy's punishment, and then blinked in surprise as he was hit with the road map. "Ugh." Sock said, in response. He was actually a bit disappointed. His nose was ugly with a capital Ug. His Mom said it gave him character. What did that even mean? "Am I going to need that?" He asked, grabbing for the road map. "I don't even know where the train station is." He said, frowning. "I guess... errhgh." He continued to mumble nonsense to himself as he went around to the drivers side door. Sock sat in the front seat, checked everything, made sure his seat was in a comfortable position and moved the steering wheel. Then he adjusted his seat belt. "Buckles." He grunted, before turning the ignition key.

10:00am Jun 24 2010
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As Sock climbed into the car, Taika learned that the guy doing the most talking was named Darcius, the one about to drive Sock, and the last one Mark. Weird people. But she needed to get away from the freak-Saint-girl-Rachel. She sighed and hopped into the car reluctantly. The boy Mark got in after her. She saw Rachel getting closer and she hoped dearly that "Darcius" would hurry up and get in the car. "The name's Taika," she said once seated, her voice obviously showing now that was was nice; just shy and tense at the moment. She sure hoped Sock could drive-- no offense to him but he didn't look like he would be able to get the car out of park. As "Mark" got in the car, a bunch of wind seemed to follow him. Taika started to feel extremely uneasy. I don't even know these people. Part of her also said: They're a heck of a ton nicer than that Saint that's chasing you. Little did she know that her emotions were a bit contagious. Recca (aka: Mark) started feeling uneasy as well. Which was weird. He was never uneasy. Never. He looked over at Taika to see her stressed out face. What had she said? A Saint was following her for some reason. That sounded suspicious. She could be hiding the fact that she's Gifted he thought. Then again, he realized she had done a way better job of hiding it than he ever had.
2:16pm Jun 25 2010
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OOC: Bump~
1:35pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 853
[[Sorry for not posting. I don't know if Ferro told you but she's gonna be gone for like, three weeks. Don't wanna leave her too far behind. Wish we could get some more people to start posting.]]
9:40pm Jun 26 2010
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OOC: Oohhh okay... Well... All we can do is wait for her return. I think it just became us three... O.o
4:24pm Jun 28 2010
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OOC: Bump...
7:56am Jul 2 2010
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OOC: Bump...
4:24pm Jul 15 2010
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"Well Sock, if you don't know where the train station is, then yes, I would as.sume you need a map." Darcius rolled his eyes and swung into the car, yawning. "Nice to meet you, Taika." How long have you been hiding?" He asked, smiling slightly, although his smile never reached his eyes, and just kind of sat there on his face. He sighed and looked out the door, waving to the woman whose groceries he had carried. "Ah, Mrs. Killian. What a nice woman. Although she tends to forget where she's going." Darcy leaned over to Sock and pointed to the train station on the map. "Take Damien street, then take a left onto King, kay?" Alyx said, tracing his finger over the route. "Should take about ten minutes, and the trains leave every half hour. We should make it." He tugged on his long, brown-black hair, and pulled his skull out from a hidden pocket, blowing into the eye sockets and releasing a cloud of dust. "Man, magic makes this thing dirty," He muttered, tapping the dome of the device absently, producing a hollow tapping in a rythm.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:15pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 853
[[And Sock immediately drives them into a building. The end! No but seriously, good to have you back~. I was missing this roleplay.]] Sock muttered a grunt in response to Taika, a friendly one though, he was just a bit distracted. This was followed by a less friendly grunt as he examined the map. He nodded slowly, he did know where that as. Never had a reason to go that way though. "Put your seatbelt on. Mrs. Killian, huh?" He knew a woman with the first name Killian, or at least, he thought he did. The nice woman who lent them the car was not the one he knew. The one he knew was a bit scary, actually. "Why would she let you use her car?" Abraham asked, not really expecting an answer, as the car was pulled into drive and he slo--owly started to drive down the street. He wasn't going to make it difficult for other drivers, but he wasn't gonna go faster than the speed limit. Safety first. He wondered if they were just giving the girl Taika a ride, or if they were taking her with wherever it was... they were going. He never said where they were going, did he? Oh well.

6:26pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
(( Does Sock even have a liscense?)) "Yup." Darcy said, buckling the seatbelt as the car set off, moving at the speed of a snail on crutches. "Sock! You're only going the speed limit! Go!" He said, rolling up the road map and smacking him in the side of the head. "No one goes the speed limit. Go at least five over." Darcius rolled his eyes, putting his feet on the dashboard. "As for why we have the car, I mask her kids from the other Saints. Two of 'em are Gifted." Darcius groaned, making a large bird out of the map, and flapping the wings in Sock's face. "You're driving slower than Mrs. Killian." Looking out the window, he noticed the girl he had hugged before, Heather, trotting alongside them. "Darce, why are you going so slow?" She laughed, keeping up easily with the car. "My little bro's driving." Alyx said, leaning back to give Heather a veiw of Sock hunched over the wheel. "I'll pick you up at eight tonight, okay?" He said, waving as the girl let the car pas.s her.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:42pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: FERRO!! YOU'RE BACCKK!!! -tackles- Oh good. ^_^ I was afraid this roleplay would die. I'll post, I promise, soon, but I don't think I can tonight. Hahaha I have no clue if Sock has a license. xD
12:51pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
How long have I been hiding? What does he mean? Taika kept thinking over and over again, missing most of the rest of the action and conversing trying to figure out what Darcius actually meant. He can't think that I'm one of those... Those "Gifted" people? "Why would she let you use her car?" Sock's voice snapped Taika back into reality again. She looked about, confused, then decided not to think about what he had just said. She looked towards Darcius. "If you mean from those Saints," she said, answering his question finally, "I haven't been hiding from them. And I'm not Gifted." There. That was straightened out. Recca highly doubted Taika's answer. But maybe, just maybe she just didn't know she was Gifted? Hmm...
2:34pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 853
[[Yeah, he has a license. xD He even lives in his truck. He just hasn't been driving it very much.]] "Do you want me to turn around? If you hit me with that again I will make you walk." He pushed up the speed a bit, but only because there weren't any other drivers around. Darcy still hadn't put his seatbelt on. Well, if he had to slam on the breaks and he flew through the windshield, that was on him and Sock would not feel guilty about it. He wasn't going to look up at the girl and his "big brother" crisizing his driving, either. People died in car related incidents all the time. He was in full control of their lives at the moment. Sock was aware he could kill them. Hey, he could even run over brothers princess back there. "No respect." he muttered. None at all. He flicked on the turn signal, waited for some cars to go by, and turned on to King street. At this point he had tuned out what they were talking about, but absently his mind registered that Taika was not Gifted. He looked ahead and made note of the public parking area for the train station. Look at them doubting him, ten minutes, pah, and trying to force him to speed! It hadn't taken that long at all, even going the speed limit. He easily pulled in to the parking lot, found a free space, and parked. The train station was an enormous piece of architecture, and hard to miss. A bit gaudier decorated than he thought it would be. "Well, here we are. What do we do now?" He was a bit concerned as to how they were going to get Neil's trust being a bunch of strangers. Personally, he didn't really want Neil trusting them. Because that would be stupid. His idea was going in, as himself, and saying "Hi". But Darcy probably had a plan he thought would be "better" and would throw a tantrum if he didn't get his way.

6:52pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: -waits for Ferro to post-
12:57am Jul 18 2010
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Alyx snickered at Taika's refusal. "That's not what he says." He waggled the skull in her face creaking the jaw open a bit, creating a vacuum for Taika to feel. "You got any magic, you'll feel that." He snapped the jaw of the skull shut and set it on the dashboard, looking out the window. "Hmm. Hadn't thought that far. I suppose we just go in and ask him to come with us." He said, stepping out of the car. "This place needs to be toned down. Gaudy peice of-" He muttered ducking inside and spotting the Gifted boy sitting alone on a bench, his nose in a book. Thumping down next to Neil, Alyx turned to him and said, "Where ya' headed?" Darcius's hair receded, turning a voilent shade of red, and winked his scarred, yellow eye at the boy gently closing his book. "I'm not going to hurt you, or drain you. I've got Sock waiting in the car and two more Gifted in the back seat." He stood, offering a hand to Neil. "You can skip town and keep hiding, or come with me and live in a saffehouse."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:21am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 1:23am Jul 19 2010)
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Posts: 853
"Well, maybe we--" Sock watched Alyx jump out of the car and take off for the station. "Uh. Fine. Glad we thought this through together." He looked over his shoulder at the other two. He didn't say anything, since he wasn't sure what to say. Finally, he shrugged, and got out of the car.
Neil visibly jumped when Alyx sat down. "I do-d-d--oooh noo..." For a moment, he was slightly calm. Then his book dropped through his hands and into the floor. Looking a little more transparent than usual, Neil continued to sit, staring flabbergasted at the offered hand. Sock? What Sock? Abraham? Neil naturally didn't believe him. There's no such thing as a safehouse. It sounded more like he was taking them to a slaughterhouse. "With you? In a "safehouse". How stupid do you think I am? Why should I believe you?!" Not waiting for a response, he leaned forward to pick up his book, but quickly got frustrated because he could not. Literally. His exterior was calm but he was inwardly quite shaken. This resulted in that pesky defense mechanism of disappearing.
Sock, at this point, was standing behind Alyx and wondering why Mr. Darcy thought this plan would work. In fact, he thought they'd have more luck getting him to agree to their little scheme if Alyx had not gone all creepy again. He was a bit more trusting in his other skin. Abraham was also sure that given those two choices, he would rather skip town and keep hiding. He stooped and picked up the book Neil's hand kept phasing through. "It'll be okay. He's still a creeper... but... hm. I bet the four of us could beat him up if he tried anything funny." he said, nodding to himself. He went to pick up the bag Neil had sitting beside him, and almost doubled over into the floor. Did he have a body in there or something?!
That nose could be recognized on any face, as unrecognizable as the face was. "Abraham? What-- what happened to your face? What happened to his face? Why was he... someone else... and then..." Gifted? Well, he was special all right, but a Gifted masquerading as a Saint? He stared at Alyx, face set in a frown, and then stood. He shooed Abraham away from his bag and picked it up without effort. He didn't want to sound mean, but, Sock could be gulliable and very stupid. Someone taking advantage of his gullible stupid friend needed a good talking to. A public place was not the place to do that. "Where are we going?"

3:45pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
"That's not what he says," Darcius snickered. "You got any magic, you'll feel that." Recca edged as far away from Taika's seat as Alyx opened the jaws of the skull a tiny bit. Instantly he could feel the tug of magic flowing into that Device. He watched closely at Taika's reaction. She didn't do anything. He sighed. Well, maybe she wasn't after all... That is, then he saw her face slowly grow pale and her tense up. As soon as Alyx closed the jaws of the skull, Taika relaxed; however, the pale face remained. Alyx stepped out of the car. He was going to go persuade Neil. Recca felt sympathy towards Taika. However, that feeling nearly washed away when he started feeling suddenly.. confused and panic-y. It was coming from her. "Stop doing that," he said, his voice annoyed. Taika jerked her head toward's Recca's direction. "What?" "Messing with my emotions," Recca said. "Oh.. Sorry," she said apologetically in a small, shy voice. Recca sighed. "Come on. Let's get out." He slid to the side and got out the car door; Taika followed in pursuit. "By the way," Recca said, "he isn't Darcius. His name is actually Alyx... The guy who drove us here. And I'm not Mark. The name's Recca." Taika suddenly felt like her brain was on overload; it was trying to process too many things at one time. But she would not let her feelings leak out and start toying with other people's emotions. That was just... Too weird. OOC: Ferro, I am interested in where you're going with this. xD
4:52pm Jul 20 2010
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"I dunno where you're goin', but I'm going to go home, Neil. You can just dissapear and spend the rest of your life in hiding, when I have to report your escape to the baord of Saints. And as to what happened to Sock's face, same thing that happened to Recca." Alyx said languidly, leaning back against the wall on the bench. "Here he comes. I picked him up after you flew to the train station on your magical rainbow of fun." Sai pointed to the changed Recca and Taika walking towards Neil, Sock, and Alyx. "And as to why you should trust me, if I wanted to drain you, wouldn't I have done it, instead of walking up and starting a conversation?" Alyx raised an eyebrow, his hair returning to Darcy's, and yawned loudly. Throughout the time he had been talking, Neil's hair turned a voilent shade of blue, and his eyes turned dark yellow, and Alyx and pointed to Neil's hair and said, "Although you might want to come if you ever want that hair to be it's actual color."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."