5:24pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 853
". . ." Magical rainbow of fun? More like magical rainbow of terror! And why is it a rainbow?! Offended, Neil stared blankly at Taika and Recca. Gifted? "Good day." He said to them. Cronies, more like. "Well, if I was a Saint, I wouldn't be very keen on just jumping people in public. Seems more like your type to lead them off somewhere first. Saints are all about pretending to be the "good guy" before ripping your soul out." He wasn't really speaking from experience, he was just too fond of being melodramatic. Neil watched him change, again, and suddenly wondered. Is this how he knew their names before? They had spoken to him before, perhaps, only he would have been wearing a different face. This left Neil feeling very unsettled, but he didn't let that show outwardly. Neil gave him an odd look and picked at his hair. "Blue?" he asked, in a somewhat disappointed voice. He almost sneered. Was he really threatening him with that? Neil liked it when people didn't recognize him. Was everyone under the impression that he liked that ridiculous hair color? "White". It stood out too much. But then, so did blue. What was wrong with brown? He wondered what this Saint could do about scars... not that those really bugged him either. "Let's make this clear. I don't trust you, and I don't like you, and your actions are not helping your case. But you have my stupid friend here," Neil didn't have to point out that he was talking about Sock. "And frankly, Saints are dirty players. If you don't get your way you might hurt him, and Abraham really doesn't deserve it." Sock looked disapprovingly at Neil's blue hair. Whatever was being said about him he was not registering, as he was too busy criticizing Alyx's color choices. And those eyes? Yellow was creepy. "You know, if Neil can evaporate... he essentially puts himself back together again afterwords. Would your "magic" work on him still?" He hoped not. "It's really rude that you mess with peoples appearance to get your way. I'm sure Neil already decided he was coming, because, after all, I'm going." Abraham nodded, for he was very smart. And still under the impression that he was stronger than Neil, even though Sock could barely lift the bag full of Neil's books. Which was quite pathetic. He didn't think Neil was in any danger, but he had a feeling that Neil was under the impression that he was. He didn't understand why Darcy didn't want to just let him be. The warnings were thin, at best, as hiding from Saints today was no different than yesterday, Sock as.sumed. And it would be no different tomorrow. Unless he knew something they didn't. Still suspicious, if you asked him.

12:09am Jul 22 2010
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((It is a rainbow because Neil is so sunny and agreeable.)) "Would you believe I would be thanked for killing or draining a Gifted in public? Damiens' inspired so much fear in Gifted that these civilians would stab you through the hear tas soon as they would talk to you. All I have to do is announce that you are one, and doesn't matter where you go, however many times you dissapear, you'll be found and hunted down." Alyx said all this with a wide smile, then turned to Sock and said, "Yes, it will. That is his hair. Ain't coming out, it's blue from his natural roots the the greasy tips of that mop, just like yours is." Alyx gestured vaugly to Neil's hair. "And don't think I can't see you doubting the colors, but your own eyes are similar, you know." To prove his point, he pulled a mirror from somehwere on his person and held it up, showing Sock his dark gold eyes. "I've been partial to gold ever since I joined the Saints." Stretching with a yawn, his limbs shaking as he extended them. "By the way, where were you planning to go?" He combed his fingers through his now-brown hair, looking around and waving to people as they pas.sed. The same girl from the journey there was trotting towards them, waving madley. "Now do you see how slow you were driving? Heather wears three inch heels." He stood and opened his arms as the tall girl practically vaulted into them,resting her chin on his shoulder. "Who's your little friend, Dar?" She said, pointing to Recca with a long fingernail, painted the same shade as his hair. "Hmm? Oh, that's Neil. And Sock, Mark, and Taika." He said, jerking his chin towards each of them in turn. "He's sooo keeeey-yoooote!" Heather squealed, pulling herself away from Darcy and plopping all five feet, eight inches of her, in a sequined miniskirt and midriff shirt into his lap, her long, naturally red hair flying all over. Heather wrapped her arms around Neils neck and said loudly, "Neil! You're positivly adorable, young man! I'm Heather, Dar's girlfriend." Squeling again, she waved her legs, bright blue stillettos bound to poke someone's eye out. She smelt strongly of maple syrup as she popped up, wrapping her arms around Sock as well. "And you, Sock, are almost as delicious!" Heather bounced up and down, her ample chest nearly hitting Sock in the face. She gave Sock a peck on the forehead and moved to Recca, running her hands through his black, shaggy hair, looking at him with wide green eyes. "Are you related, Dar?" She asked, nearly poking Recca's eye out with a long nail as she pointed. "Good eye, Heather. Little bro." "OhmahGAWD!" Heather screamed, nearly knocking Recca over as she pressed herself against him. "That's why you and Sock are so ah-DORable!" "But don't worry Neil, you're a close third. Sock and Recca are tied, since they're related to number one!" She let go of the boys and jumped into Darcy's arms, nuzzling her nose into the nape of his neck. "This is Heather, my girlfriend, guys." ((I do believe Neil's signature ex pression would work in this situation too.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:22am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 1,943
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:50am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 853
[[Yes. I think it would. Heather is going to give Sock a heart-attack though.]] Hunt? Him? Neil was not fond of arrogance but he snorted at that threat. "Whatever." He remarked. He could stay up there forever if he felt like it. And sometimes he did. The only thing keeping him down here was the promise of books and cocoa. 'Gold is dumb. You're dumb. Isn't he likely to explode from using so much of his fancy magic? He's probably an old creepy man who makes himself look like a young man.' "I don't know. I was taking the first train out of this dump." He'd tell him that the only reason he didn't just go somewhere by the power of magical rainbows was because he wanted to take his books. But he didn't want them in any danger. If they threatened his books he wasn't sure what he would do. And then there was a girl in his lap. It always seemed to happen that way, he'd be minding his own business, listening to idle chatter and then they'd just all of a sudden throw themselves at you. He didn't understand it. And despite his adamant reply to the blush creeping up his neck, it slipped into his face anyway. Neil turned his head uncomfortably at Heather shouting in his ear. Being ugly would certainly improve his life, he reflected. "I... see. Charmed." He visibly relaxed when she threw herself on Sock, and he was about to comment on her... enthusiastic disregard for others personal space, but instead busted out laughing. Because she really was too bubbly. But the nice cute ones were always evil, weren't they? That had been his experience so far, anyway. Socrates wasn't prepared for the sudden appearance of Darcy's girlfriend. It was a bit hard to concentrate on arguing and telling everybody to get along when she pranced onto the scene. She was the one from earlier, criticizing his driving? Welll, he supposed he was going a bit slow. Maybe he could forgive her. He was very jealous when she hugged Neil. So jealous, in fact, he could have shoved the bookworm down a flight of stairs. And thrown his books at him. But that feeling only lasted for a second before he felt very bad for thinking of it, and then that feeling disappeared when Heather jumped on him. It happened too quickly that he didn't have proper time to react. It was like there was a blank spot in his memory, and when he came back to the land of the living, he was blushing furiously and watching her squeal and giggle over Recca. Neil was laughing at him. Instead of telling him to shut up and stop being stupid, Sock merely mumbled something about pancakes and stood there flushing. Neil was positive that was the first time a girl got within five feet of Sock and thought it was an adorable reaction. Also very sad and he took amusement to that, hence his laughing at him. "Dear, you can drop me to the bottom of your list and I wouldn't mind." Neil said, conversationally to Heather as he adjusted his sweater. "And I'm not saying that because you're not gorgeous, but because you're going to make "Dar" jealous." Should be making him jealous anyway. She might be disappointed if he isn't. Now what had they been doing again? She'd gone and derailed their conversation. Something about trains and stabbing, Neil decided. Yes. And the whole safehouse thing which Darcy failed to explain. Thick-headed boy, it wouldn't surprise him if he wasn't jealous.

5:19pm Jul 22 2010 (last edited on 11:22am Jul 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,943
Name: Heather Juno Age: 18 Gender: Female Gifted, Human, Saint?: Saint If Gifted or Saint what device/Power?: Her long, electric blue nails. Deion/picture: (But with green eyes) Heather Personality: Bubbly, energetic, and satanic when it comes to pretty girls. Other: She stands at five feet and eight inches, and is Alyx's girlfriend. Heather giggled at Neil's words, and Darcius said with a slight laugh, "It doesn't bug me, that's just the way Heather is." Heather nodded enthusiastically, skipping over to Sock and wrapping his arms around his neck again, draping herself over him. "Socky, that blush is so cute. Lighten up, sweetheart." Getting up, she reseated herself in Neil's lap, putting her milky-white hands on either side of his face, searching his face with her bright green eyes. "You know Neil, I could go for a guy like you, if you would cheer up. Love the hair, by-the-way." She laughed and gave Neil a brief kiss on the mouth, before letting herself slide off of his lap, and went over to inspect Taika, giving no comment expet a loud snort. "Well, Neil." Darcius said, sitting down beside Neil and smiling wickedly. "I'd say your chances of surviving on your own just went down. Heathers a Saint, but one more on the side of the Gifted, expecially the male ones. Her nails will suck you dry, and considering those same nails were resting on either side of your fool little head, you're not going to last very long." Heather had moved on from Taika, and was in the process of running her fingers through Recca's hair, hugging his head to herslef, and curling strands of black hair around her fingers. "Mmm, you smell like a thunderstorm." She remarked, inhaling deeply.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:55pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 853
[[*applies thread CPR* Will post... but it might result in Neil punching Darcy in the face.]]