4:02pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 4:30pm Jun 18 2010)
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"Are you ready?" The words were simple, yet fear crawled into my belly, settling in and weighing down my tongue. "Yes." I answered after I reclaimed my tongue from the terrible nervousness. "Then we shall begin." I nodded, looking at the array of stones before me. Each one held the spirit of an animal within. I was to choose the one that called to me; I was to be the first. I didn't know which ones where what, but I knew that whichever one I picked would change my life forever. Animals of all shapes and sizes sat within these tiny stones. The decision was hard. I swallowed, and then shakily lifted a finger towards a small, smooth stone. Immediately, it began to glow, then a spirit-hawk burst from within its stony cage, freed. My vision clouded until all I could see was it rushing towards me. Then, the vision faded, and I was filled with warmth. "Very good." the voice that had been instructing me for my entire journey was beginning to fade. But one thing that remained in my mind, the one thing I would remember for my entire life, had been spoken to me by this voice: I was the first. Every year, seven candidates are chosen and contacted by the Vyne tribe to come and visit them. Unbeknownst to them, they have a possibility of joining their rankings as a trainee. The Vyne tribe is a very special one. If their candidates become trainees, their journey begins. When a candidate becomes a trainee, they begin a vigorous training that teaches them patience, strength, and physicial ability among toher things. After their training as mortals is finished, they take part in a sacred ceremony known as the Vaasryn. This is where they choose their spirit animal (example above). After their spirit animal is chosen, aging ceases. This process is called "freezing." They then have three days to recover from the tiring ceremony before their training resumes, but this time, they train with their spirit animal. This training forms a connection with their spirit animal, who will eventually become one with their host's soul. On rare moments of extreme emotion or intense focus, this spirit animal can come out. When that training is complete, after many long days of work, they become Vyne warriors. Rules 1. No powerplaying or godmoding 2. I'd like to try and keep this a literate roleplayer. Yiu may only join if you are literate. 3. No one-liners. 4. No wings, powers, ect. 5. Ask before using a spirit animal that is a mythical creature. 6. No chatspeak. 7. No posting extensively without Lola. 8. Seven characters are allowed to be candidates. Ask before claiming one. 9. Ask before claiming a rank higher than a Vyne warrior 10. Romance, drama, action, ect. are allowed, but please keep it PG-13. 11. Ask before joining. 12. Have fun! *Rules are subject to change, be added,ect.* Character Sheet Name: [What are they called? Full name.] Gender: [Are they male or female?] Age: [How old are they? Young, old, ancient, 27?]
Personality: [How do they act? What calms them down? What gets them angry? Be deive!]
Ranking: [Where are they working in the Vyne tribe. What do they do?]
Likes: [What do they love? Cotton candy? Trees? Kites?]
Dislikes: [Do they hate insects? What about water?]
Weaknesses/Flaws: [Because nobody's perfect.]
Talents/Strengths: [What are they good at? Climbing? Swimming?] Crush/Lover: [Do they absolutely adore someone? Who? Do they have a secret crush, or are they in a relationship?] Looks: [What do they look like? Post a picture of them at the top of their character sheet and delete this, or describe what they look like here.]
Spirit Animal: [What animal connects with their soul? Only one!]
Weapon(s) of Choice: [Pickup to three weapons thattheylove to use, or can't live without!]
Pet: [Do they have an animal companion? Only one. Optional.]
Other: [Is there anything else that we should know about them?] Delete brackets before filling out, please. Rankings Leader: Kalanon Beridion Vintoni (lolalover6) Second in Command: Sais Hardwicke (SerenitySorrow)
Third in Command: Militar: Allison "Venom" Caldwell (lolalover6)
Trainers: Toni Hails (lolalover6)
Healers: Karienne Jackson (SerenitySorrow)
Warriors: Animal Spirit Trainees: Angel Sanchez (Kink), Aven Hardwicke (Serenity Sorrow), Regalis Blood (WolfMoon96)
Mortal Trainees: Candidates: Christian Aiden Kingsbury (lolalover6)
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:16pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((May I join? :3 And by animal spirit that trains with them, is it an actual animal, or what? Sorry for the stupid question... xD I get easily confused at times.))
4:17pm May 8 2010
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((Not a stupid question at all. xD Sorry about that, I'll go edit it to make it a bit less confusing. They don't actually train wtih the animal, but rather, with their spirit. To form a connection and whatnot. o3o' And that reminds me. I'm going to add a few more things on, but feel free to join. <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:18pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( this looks awesomesauce ^^ *may join*))
4:18pm May 8 2010
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((Alrighty, thank you. xD That cleared things up for me. :3 And I'll post my bio in a bit... o-o It somehow takes me quite some time to make them. xD))
4:23pm May 8 2010
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((Take your time. xD <3 Zozane: This is a literate roleplay. If you can correct your post, and reply literately, you may join.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:36pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Jun 17 2010)
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Name: Kalanon Beridion Vintoni (Kal)
Gender: Male Age: Was frozen between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-two. Only he knows the true number. Personality: Secretive and strong, Kalanon has always been ambituous. He is calm in the face of danger, and tends to hide his raging emotions. With a fiery temper to aid him, Kal demands the respect of his fellow tribemates. Slightly antisocial as well, Kalanon gets easily annoyed with those are fool, persistent, or whom he simply finds irritating. He seeks tranquility in quiet places, and loves forests and wildernesses. He is known to disappear when he is angry or unsure of his emotions, and will come back calm and orderly. Lastly, Kalanon Beridion Vintoni is a good leader, and he honors, loyalty, honor, and justice. Ranking: Leader
Likes: Calm, tranquil places, being alone, and strength
Dislikes: Fools, thieves, those without honor, crowds, loud places, irritating people
Weaknesses/Flaws: Kalanon is unsure about where he stands in the affairs of love. His hearts has been broken several times, and he has broken several hearts. The thought of loving again scares him. He is also afraid to show emotion, thinking that itwill be his downfall. Crowds scare him terribly as well.
Talents/Strengths: Kal is usually good at staying calm, but sometimes he isn't/ He is also a wise and strong leader, and physically capable. Crush/Lover: None. Looks: Sandy hair that is a little bit long usually falls over his blue-green eyes. Kal is tall, at about six-foot-four, with strong limbs. He is also lean, with several scars littering his tanned skin. Hedoesn't have any freckles, but when he is in the sun for a long time, he gets them.
Spirit Animal: The mountain lion.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Kalanon is skilled with a whip, and he always carries a small silver dagger engraved with elfish runes with him. He is also an excellent bowsman. Pet: None.
Other: Supposedly comes from a dark past.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:38pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm May 8 2010)
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Name: Angel Sanchez Gender: Female Age: Around about 24 Personality: Angel hates fighting, but she does it anyways. Angel is the loyal type who, even if she disagrees, will do anything to protect her friends and tribe. She gets rather annoyed by people who ask stupid questions and she freaks out when she tries to explain something and the person doesn't get it. Angel loves it when people commpliment her ability, and hates it when other people brag about theirs. Ranking: Animal Spirit Trainee Likes: Angel likes compliments, the sound of running water, star watching, and fighting. Dislikes: Angel hates it when people brag, the sound of the wind (I hate it too. o3o), and chickens. Weaknesses/Flaws: Angel isn't very fast, quick, and she's somewhat clumsy. Talents/Strengths: Angel's good at her wits, like smarts, and she's a real good swimmer. Crush/Lover: Ahaha. No. o-o She's open though. :3 Looks: Angel is rather average for height, about 5' 5", and she has an athletic build. Her skin is rather pale, but she tans, not burns. Angel has freckles across the bridge of her nose, amplifying her dark green eyes. Her hair is rather long, middle of her back, but is usually kept in a braided pony tail. She keeps a leather weapon holder on her right leg, and it holds her poison shanks and her small dagger. Oh, and she's pretty curvy in 'all the right places'. xD Spirit Animal: Wolf? Weapon(s) of Choice: Bow and Arrow, her short dagger, and she has a poison shank that she never uses but always has. Pet: Eh, nope. Other: Nope, not that I can think of... ((Accepted? :D))
4:43pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((That's great. <33 I'll add her, and a few more characters of my own.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:43pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Thank you. :3 I was thinking of making one more... Not sure though. xD Kyle... He's a bit of an idiot though... o-o Probably not... xD))
5:02pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 5:50pm May 8 2010)
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Name: Toni Hails
Gender: Female Age: Twenty-two years old (Frozen)
Personality: Toni is a bit quick to anger, and very pas.sionate. She is loyal to the Vyne tribe, and strives to do the best that she can. Agressive, as.sertive, and sharp-tongued, she also gets herself into trouble on a regular basis. Around the Vyne tribe, she has a reputation for be fierce and snappy. When she wants to be, Toni can be very flirty. She treasures freedom and independance, and treats those who don't with disdain. Ranking: Trainer Likes: Toni loves a little action, adventure, and thrill, and loves being a part of it. Dislikes: Toni highly dislikes those who are too independent, give up easily, and men who automatically as.sume that females are depentdent beings.
Weaknesses/Flaws: Toni hates taking help from others, andoften leaps into situations without thoroughly thinking it through.
Talents/Strengths: Toni is a skilled fighter, and is very athletic. She is also a quick learner and catches onto concepts quickly. Crush/Lover: None (Open!).
Looks: Toni has short dark brown hair that is styled in a sleek, slanting-forward style. A golden strip of hair runs through it, though. She has bright green eyes and tanned skin. A few dark freckles spatter the bridge of her nose, spanning onto her cheecks. She is small and lean, and her size doesn't give any hint to her strength.
Spirit Animal: Hawk. Weapon(s) of Choice: Toni favors whips,a nd always carries around a small leather one with her. She is rather clumsy with big swords, but good with daggers.
Pet: None.
Other: None.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:24pm May 8 2010
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Name: Allison "Venom" Caldwell
Gender: Female Age: Frozen at twenty-three years old
Personality: Icy, calm, and sometimes cruel, Allison is a force to be feared. She is ambitious and a perfectionist, and despises all weakness and flaws. Allison has worked hard for her position, and often feels like she has to prove herself. She is cold and shows no emtion whatsoever, ecxcept for cool disdain and anger. Ranking: Militar
Likes: Besides being alone, not much.
Dislikes: Weakness, men, flaws, mistakes, and disloyalty.
Weaknesses/Flaws: Allison was abused by someone she trusted, and now fears men. She has workedhard to earn her position as Militar, one that most women don't usually get, and fears showing emotion will cost her her position. Fear is her greatest weakness.
Talents/Strengths: Allison is good atkeeping her cool, and is a strict but good teacher.
Crush/Lover: None.
Looks: With long blonde hair that is silky and straight, Allison is a naturally beauty. Her violet eyes aer dark against her pale skin, but something about their seemingly eternal iciness scares most who dare to meet her gaze. She is tall and thin, with a strong build. Spirit Animal: A rare violet dragon. Weapon(s) of Choice: A set oftwo silver daggers, one short and one long, and a beautifully carved sword usually ahngs at her hips.
Pet: None.
Other: None.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:31pm May 8 2010
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((Bump. <33 ))
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7:44pm May 8 2010
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Name: Christian Aidan Kingsbury
Gender: Male Age: Seventeen years old
Personality: Though usually calm and docile, Christian isthe typeof person to fight for what he believes in. Christian is a fast learner, but likes to do things his way. Because of this, he is stubborn, and rarely gives in. He only does what he thinks is right, even if others disagree. Christian is also not afraid to speak his opinion, and is a loyal and devoted person to the things he cherishes. Christian is also friendly and outgoing at most times, and is very social. If someone in mean to him, though, he spits fire and makes for a formidable enemy.
Ranking: Candidate.
Likes: Christian is a lover of art, beauty, and music. He admires nature and loves to be out in the wilderness. He is very social,though, and likes companionship. He's not afraid to be close to someone, whether it is physically or emotionally.
Dislikes: Being alone, those who are unneccissarily rude or cold, and small spaces.
Weaknesses/Flaws: Christian, as it just so happens, is claustrophobic. This is only in small rooms and such, though, since he is perfectly fine with being in close quarters with someone else.
Talents/Strengths: Christian is what some would call a social butterfly. He's good at persuasion, and learns things fast.
Crush/Lover: None yet. Open.
Looks: Christian has pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He's average in height, but not very strong. His fair skin burns easily, and rarely tans.
Spirit Animal: Siberian Tiger (May change later.).
Weapon(s) of Choice: Christian is rather clumsy with mose weapons, but shows potential with the bow and arrow.
Pet: A small white-blonde cat followes him around but is not dependent on him for food and care. He calls her "Blossom." Other: None.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:35pm May 8 2010
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((Bump. o-O'; <33 ))
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6:44pm May 12 2010
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((OMGBUMP. <33 Seriously.))
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8:02pm May 16 2010
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((Bump. .________________________________________. ))
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8:24pm Jun 14 2010
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((Bump! <3 ))
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6:08pm Jun 15 2010
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((Hey Lola, may I possibly join. This sounds cool. But I have a question, the spirit animal can it be anything? And its not a legit animal they train with right? Its like inside them? Sorry if i sound stupid.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:22pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 8:10pm Jun 17 2010)
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((The spirit animal can be almost anything, but I'd prefer to stick with realstic animals, without dragons and unicorns and fairies and such I am such a bonehead. Fantasy animals are okay, but try not to make them too common, as it's a rare sprit animal to have.. xD The spirit animal is, for the most part, just an addition to their soul, but in times or intense focus or extremely strong emotion, it can come out. And, no, it's not stupid-sounding at all. I'm sorry I didn't explain it very well. <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.