12:43pm Feb 26 2010
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ooc; Bump o.O
1:02pm Feb 26 2010
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ooc; Bump~
1:09pm Feb 26 2010
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(Drakon Riders) Name: Matilda Nickname: Matt Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks: Will post hwen she get's on computer. DX Personality: Short-tempered, quick to fight, is fairly fearless due to her abiltiy to heal her own wounds including others, with a downside. She is caring towards her friends, and has a goofy side. Other: She can heal her own wounds, and other peoples wounds, but it has a downside. Her dream pet is a black Wyvern with gold streaks ______ Name: Christopher Nickname: Chris Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks: Will post hwen she get's on computer. DX Personality: He is a lot more cool-headed and mature than his older sister, and even seems to be the peace-maker. It's hard for him to loose his cool, and he is never afraid to stick his neck out for a friend. He can sometimes be a little to trusting, but on the other hand is a genious on some levels... Other: Meh...Let's just say all the mimes are jelous of him. Also, his dream pet is a Black Zuzeca
Isn't this fun?
1:11pm Feb 26 2010
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ooc; Ok Devil ^.^ You can start your intro now if you want. We haven't posted much. XD
1:19pm Feb 26 2010
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(Okay, thanks!) "Matt, don't you think we should be, oh I don't know, leavign the house?" The blonde male asked the red-head with black streaks in her hair, ask she lay on the couch, staring at him. "Why? Idon't see why," She said lazily. "Look, I'd really like to stay in bed all day too, but just because mom's dead, doesn't mean we have to mope. I think playign hookie is a bad thign as well," Chris said, crossing his arms, green eyes gazing out the window. It was a beautiful day out. "I don't want to! What, I can only have three days to be sad abouyt mom?!" She growled, stanfin up, emerald eyes glaring at her younger brother,. She was shorter than he way, you wouldn't be surprised if Chris was the older sibling. She was wearign black jeans and a black tank-top, unlike her brother who was wearign a blue pair of jeans, and a red tee shirt. "I'm not sayign that, Matt....I'm just saying, we need to live with it, as painful as it sounds...." He said to her with a sigh. "You and mom never were close, were you?" Matt asked, standing up finnaly. "Not really. We cope, though," He said, goign for the door. "Now finish breakfast, and let's go. Your not going to get a black and gold Wyvern just sittign on your butt, are ya?" She smirked. "Mom had a Wyvern....A gold one..Theyr cool!"
Isn't this fun?
1:22pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 1:26pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Can you edit it? I'm not always sure who's speaking in the post... Never mind that >.<
1:26pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Oh can I join!?! Drakon Riders! Sorry the colors don't work but it is suppose to be in dark purple.XD))
1:27pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Ssather!!! *tackles* sure ^.^ Just join. If you have a rider older than 18, they already have a drakon :D
1:32pm Feb 26 2010
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Name:Aurora Hawk Nickname:Um...Jayfeather!XD Age:15 almost 16 Gender:female Looks:coming... Personality:She can get snappy and doesn't ike to be told what to do. She doesn't like it when others treat her differently and thinks that she can do anything that anyone else can do when she can't. Other:She is blind...If that is okay?
1:34pm Feb 26 2010
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ooc; XD, ok. Maybe she can have a 'seeing eye' dragon XD Post your intro then. ^.^
1:40pm Feb 26 2010
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((Okay! I don't know what is going on and I feel to lazy to read it all so I will just like...Pop in.XD)) Aurora stuffed some clothes in her bag. She had packed a lot of things but most of them where just useless things like books and snacks. She grabbed a jacket and headed out the door waiting for her mother to come out. She tapped her toe impatiently and finally the door opened. She let out a sigh opening the door of the 'family' car and hopped in the p*censored*enger seat. She closed her eyes and listened to the car as it started. She dozed off into sleep.
1:41pm Feb 26 2010
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ooc; ok ssather...you lazy bum >.< Kaia looked up as a car pulled into the gravel driveway of the Academy. She walked closer, hoping to get a look at the new arrival.
1:48pm Feb 26 2010
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((Lol.)) Aurora felt someone poke her. She woke up,"Are we here?" She asked yawning. "Yes." Her mother said opening the door and helping Aurora out. She walked over to the back of the car and grabbed Aurora's bags handing Aurora one. "Okay." Aurora said taking the bag and starting to walk towards the enterance of the camp slowly making sure she didn't trip. She kissed and hugged her mother and took the other bag not turning around as her mom drove away.
1:51pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia looked at the new girl. "Hi!" she said, walking up to her. "I am Kaia. You are?" she asked curiously. The sun was setting and the brilliant red light turned her hair and fiery red.
1:57pm Feb 26 2010
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"I am Aurora, but you can just call me Jayfeather." Aurora said in a friendly voice. She listened to the people talking her ears starting to hurt from all the loud noises.
2:06pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia looked blankly at her. "um...ok Jayfeather. I'm Kaia Sarantos. I just got here a while ago. Have you heard about dragons yet?" ooc; New Charrie :D Name: Danarra Attis Nickname: Dawn Age: 19 Gender: Female Looks: She has black hair that reaches her lower back and she usually wears in a braid. She has tanned skin and nice, almond shaped blue eyes. She typically wears skinny jeans and a hoodie over a plain tank-top. Personality: She is very friendly to newcomers and is the one in charge of the Dragon Ceremony because of her natural matureness. Other: She has a Dragon called Ochros Name: Ochros Nickname: Nope Age: 19 Gender: Male Looks: He is a european dragon with pale, cream scales that shimmer slightly. He is around 35ft long and has a row of spikes lining his back. Personality: He is calm and understanding, very patient with dragonlets and new humans. Other: He is Danarra's Dragon
2:10pm Feb 26 2010
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Aurora smiled,"Dragons? The sounds...Different. I don't think I have heard of them." She said in a confused voice. Last time she checked dragons were in the fiction area. She finally plugged her ears when the noise got too loud, "It is never this loud where I live!" She exclaimed frowning.
2:12pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
I have absolutely no idea what to do. :/)
Isn't this fun?
2:13pm Feb 26 2010
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Danarra flew over the gathering of new students and mind-spoke with Ochros. Land here Ochros, I am going to meet the new students. Ochros adjusted his wings, gliding closer to the new people, causing some to scatter in panic. Ochros grumbled his amusement. Those ones should expect a dragon at Flame Academy. They run like frightened little rabbits! Danarra smiled, Don't be mean, they are new and most have never even met a dragon. What could you expect from them? Ochros landed with a thump that sent up a cloud of dust. Danarra jumped off smoothly. As she headed towards the new students she kicked Ochros in the knee. "You were not supposed to frighten them smart one." she hissed.
2:16pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia grinned. "You don't know? This is flame Academy, a place for humans to bond and ride with dragons! It is a wonderful place to be!" she said, nudging Aurora. Danarra walked up to the two girls. "Hello there. I am Danarra, head of the Dragon Ceremony and greeter of new students. Who are you two?" she asked curiously. Kaia looked up. "I'm Kaia Sarantos." she mumured.