"..Wow, this seems so promising,"� Matt said sarcasm dripping from her mouth like venom.� She didn't even flinch when the dragon tried to scare them.�
Chris jabbed her lightly in the rib, growling "Be respectfu!"� She smirked. "Right, right..."� She said, looking around.
"I hope there aren't gonig to be any jerks around here.� I'm in a fighting mood..."� She muttered, ignoring the grimace she recieved from Cris. "What?� Like I said, I'm not oging to be cheery, Christopher.� I can't believe you've bounced back so quickly when mom died,"� She said lowly.
"I cannot physically or mentally get attached to anything, remember?� On a secodn note, your just pissed, because out of all your healing abilities, you couldn't save her.� Now please don't be so annoying for the rest of your first day of school here,"� He said quietly.