9:12pm Jul 22 2010
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Dusk's blind eyes flashed as she stared sightlessly at the Flame Pack alpha. How dare you accuse me of stealing you food!" She screeched at the other wolf, her tail whipping back and forth angrily. Her hackles rose and her sharp, needle like claws, dug into the ground. She narrowed her purple orbs. "Just because you can't find it, doesn't mean its gone." She hissed. "You flame pack, always so quick to accuse" She bared her teeth and her ears lay flat on her head... --------------------------------------------------- ((p coming))
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9:18pm Jul 22 2010
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"We have proof!" growled the alpha. "There was a trail of seaweed from where we keep our food to where you vermins live." His stood his ground, not to be swayed. He knew that the Wave Pack could not be trusted.
9:21pm Jul 22 2010
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"I hate seeweed and you know that. It wasn't us." she insisted. She hated being wrongly accused. She snarled and snapped at the air. "Look at your own members before you accuse us. Maybe one of them ate it all." She hissed. She felt as one of the flame pack members backed up and she smiled, wolves were scared of her. She felt someone come up to the other alpha, a pup. ------------------------------------- "Daddy, can we go back now?" Rel asked the alpha with a frown, "I*m tired and mom says its getting late." He whimpered slightly, seeing the female alpha growling at his daddy... ((I hope this is okay.))
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9:22pm Jul 22 2010
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Ana stood at the Alpha males side. She tried not to look as angry as him. She was a calm wolf and didn't really like to quarrel but this time Wavepack had gone to far. She was very angry but tried to keep a calm face. "He's right! And your scent was all over the prey around it!" she said in a half calm voice. "now will you just admit that you stole the game and can we be done with this?" she asked dusk
9:24pm Jul 22 2010
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"Stay out of this Ana!" she snarled at the younger pack member of the Flame pack. "Go home where you belong." She again snapped, her powerful jaws closing around a floating leaf. She spit it in the pup's eyes, not on purpose, and he yowled in pain...
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9:30pm Jul 22 2010 (last edited on 9:32pm Jul 22 2010)
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Ana turned on dusk "NO!" she growled. she was angry now. she had no right to tell the alpha female what to do. "I WILL NOT STAY OUT OF THIS! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO THIS FIGHT AS YOU DO!" she growled angerly
9:30pm Jul 22 2010
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"Ana take Rel home, I'll take care of this." Kvior said harshly. "I know you did it, just confess. How else could your scent get all over it? Tell me that, eh? And don't you dare ever hurt my boy again!" he stalked away, joining his Pack. "We will settle this tomorrrow. By that time you better confess or we will show no mercy."
9:33pm Jul 22 2010
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((Dusk was saying that to Ana, not some other wolf :) )) "Fine and then you'll see that we didn't do it!" Dusk leapt into the river and swam back to her pack. She slipped into a trance as she reached her den and fell asleep, how dare Flame pack accuse her. ((Could food get stolen from Wave pack to, so they both think the other did it in revenge?))
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9:35pm Jul 22 2010
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Ana looked at Kvior "fine" she growled angirly "come rel." she barked sweetly as possible to the pup. "it's time to go home" she smiled. she picked up the pup by his scruff and trotted off muttering things to herself.
9:35pm Jul 22 2010
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((yea, later on when you don't confess))
9:35pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((yeah i just realized that))
9:36pm Jul 22 2010
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Kvior padded next to his mate. "I'm sorry for growling at you. I just get so mad when they lie right to my face. . .as if they don't respect me and my pack. . ." he trailed off looking at the ground.
9:39pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila woke up. She padded over to Kvoir. "What's going on?"She asked. She looked at the other wolf. She looked up at Kvoir.
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9:39pm Jul 22 2010
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Rel glanced up at his father and winced, if he said the wrong thing, he could get hurt. "Daddy, what if they weren't lying?" He asked, creeping away from his father's paw reach...
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9:41pm Jul 22 2010
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"The Wave Pack stole all of the game we have been storing and now they deny it. But their scent is all over it!" Kvior replied to the she-wolf. He growled, "I can't stand creatures that lie to me. They will get their revenge."
9:42pm Jul 22 2010
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He turned to his pup,"How could their scent get there if they didn't do it, eh?" he asked Rel in the calmest voice he could manage.
9:43pm Jul 22 2010
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Akila growled. She didn't like people lying to the Flame Pack. Her eyes were wonderinng off.
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9:45pm Jul 22 2010
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"What if someone framed them." Rel stared at the ground, afraid of what Kvior would do to him...
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9:47pm Jul 22 2010
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Kvoir looked at him hard, trying to see what the young pup was thinking. "Rel, do you know something we don't?" he asked in a soft voice, trying not to scare his son.
9:48pm Jul 22 2010
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Akila looked at Rel, then at Kvoir. "Rel's right."
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