--Dunn dunn dunnn >:3 Now first I must say, I am doing many Rp's that die, then get active when I join like 3 others before they are storming with posts. So please dont blame me if I dont post for a while :)--
Plot: In a Canadian forest that was home to a million of animals there is now cities getting built, so the pack will have to survive roads, cars, animal control, and many other things. Rouges will have even a worse time, but the rouges will group up and make their own pack and survive easily by breaking most wolf rules. The pack is jealous by the rouges living easily. You think the pack and rouges can just run outside of the city, but no. The city is one of the picky ones that dont like cars just coming right in, so they made a fence around their city and it is way to high and there is cement on the bottom so there is no way to dig it out. And the way the rouges are easily surviving is because they have less mouths to feed and its easier to keep track of everyone and they can sneak around easier.
1. No insta mates
2. All Res rules count
3. No way I accept Gary/Mary Sues, I will check
4. Use some kind of Ooc
5. Post at least 5 sentences, we need some sense in posts.
6. Post Tree! to join
7. Be nice in Ooc, I will kick.
8. If someone's wolf is acting way too fantasy like, I will warn you. And if you don't stop doing FW (Fantasy wolf) I will either: 1. Remove the wolf 2. Ask you nicely to stop 3. IMA FIRE MY LAZEH BWAAAAAHHHHH!
9. On second thought post skunks rock instead :)
10. If you make a male, make a female. I want it to be close to even.
Alpha: Taro (Turtle)
Alphaness:Adolpha (Otter)
Beta Male: Sal (Shadow) Beta Female: Jazz (Merceh)
Med. Wolf: Alysaa (Mercy)
Members: Dillchu (Turtle) Cadman (Otter) Jet (Thalia)
Mothers: Feather (Thalia)
Royal Pups: Jacy (Otter) Angel (Mercy)
Guards: (Only two) Aliin (Turtle) Acanit (Otter)
Rouges(We will start once we have 3 or more): Milo (Turtle)Quillian (Otter) Rauzelin "Slinky" (Shadow)
The Form:
Pack or rouge:
My wolves:
Name: Taro
Gender: Male
Rank: Leader
Pack or rouge: Pack
Personality: Taro is harsh sometimes but when calmed down by someone close, he is quite sweet but he doesnt seem that nice because of his looks.
Cursh/Mate: Mate is Adolpha

Other: None
Name: Dillchu
Gender: Female
Rank: Member
Pack or rouge: Pack
Personality: Dillchu is very sweet and nice, but she is small and bad at fighting but she is great with speed. She doesn't like talking much, but if she has to she will.
Cursh/Mate: Open

Other: Nah
Name: Aliin
Gender: Female
Rank: Guard
Pack or rouge: Pack
Personality: She is harsh and mean and never smiles, but if she does she has a soft spot for you but thats rare. She has no care for anybody except a care that she has to guard and protect her pack. She has a sweet and sensitive personality inside but she hasn't found the right person to let it out on.
Cursh/Mate: Open

Other: She got caught by humans and got fixed so she cant have pups which is why she is always mean. She just needs someone who accepts not having pups.
Name: Milo
Gender: Male
Rank: Rougeh (He is most likely to be leader of the rougue pack)
Pack or rouge: Rouge
Personality: Milo is quiet, barely talks, but if he does he has a soft smooth voice, he has tons of muscle but he cant run fast due to a hard fight he had as a pup
Cursh/Mate: O-P-E-N

Other: Nonzers