6:34pm Mar 11 2011 (last edited on 6:38pm Mar 11 2011)
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Posts: 567
Taro looked down at his pup and picked her up and brought her under the bunch of fur on his belly along with Jacy to keep them both warm. He yawned and looked over at Adolpha's foot next to his head and licked it, he was grateful for a good mate. And good pups. Aliin sighed, "Just... Not being able to have pups... And I don't really have the thought of it since it's impossible for me." She closed her eyes and sighed and looked back at Ancanit taking a break, Acanit needed it. Aliin was the head guard and she gave Acanit the night off since the Beta offered to take her place. Aliin opened her jaws wide, making a squeaky sound while yawning. "Jazz, do you think there's a male wolf somewhere out there that accepts having no pups? Cause' I sure am not finding him.." She was 'friends' with all the males in the pack but she knew that none of them were like that, atleast thats what she knew.(Hope you dont mind about the guard breaking stuff xD) Milo was standing at the edge of a busy road, he snarled at all the cars that pas.sed. Then when a clearing came he ran across. A car was zooming and almost hit him but they slammed on their brakes. They cursed in human talk and Milo kept on running across. He landed on the other side and in the distance he saw two wolves, one laying and the other one pacing. He narrowed his eyes and one caught his eye, he didn't know why but he got closer and hid. He listened to Aliin talk and overheard the wolf laying down calling the other one Jazz. That must be her name...
6:41pm Mar 11 2011
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Jazz's ear swiveled back to Milo's direction, still looking at Aliin. " You could adopt...Some mothers die in birth..." she said, shrugging.Her ear pulled her back to Milo's direction, and saw his eyes. Her tail slowly wagged." I'll... be back." she said, to Aliin, but not looking at her. The wolf in the bushes was stunning. She slowly padded towards him." Hi." she said, smiling.
6:47pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 567
Milo lost where Jazz had gone and jumped at her sudden approach, "... Uh hi..." He said backing up a bit and smiled a bit. "I'm M-Milo..." He was such a sucker around females. His eyes were wide, no wolf ever made a friendly approach to him for a long time. His tail swayed, seeming to get ready to wag a bit. Aliin shrugged, "Possibly... But I doubt there will be any pups around here that have no mothers..." She watched as Jazz walked out of the pipe, Aliin wondered why, she was going past where Taro said to not go past. Taro was good at giving orders and finding good spots, he marked half way between the pipe and the busy road so nobody crossed and got hit by a car.
6:53pm Mar 11 2011
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Jazz smiled." Jazz." she said, smiling. " Are from around here?" JAzz's tail swayed back and forth.Her eyes sparkled." Hmm.. Humans?" she said, get a whiss of him from a gust of wind. Angel followed her father, stumbling, then her eyes met Aliin. She yipped, and tumbled over to her.She rubbed her head against the older wolf's leg.Her sweet scent dancing on Aliin's pelt.
10:29pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 567
Milo smiled a nervous smile, "No.. I have no pack... But I'm looking to start one!" His eyes lit up, hoping if he got to know this wolf she could help him run it. He felt like he was going to fast but he had a sudden connection with this female. "I heard humans say jazz, but I think they meant it as music. But I can't read human talk anymore." He wished he never said anymore. Aliin looked over and tilted her head at the pup, she looked over to Taro who was smiling and he nodded. Aliin licked the pups head, letting her tongue warm the pups head for a few moments. She smiled at Angel, "Hey Angel... You excited to get your first mouse soon?" Aliin wanted to keep Angels hopes up, even though catching a mouse was hard.
2:19pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 567
(Bump bump bump)
2:37pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Um, why were you guys planning out the RP? Where's the fun and surprise in that? xD Working on introooos.
3:58pm Mar 12 2011
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Jazz smiled. " Well... I could start one with you...if you like." she said, smiling." I don't really like this pack's rules.. I was a loner myself, I can understand hints of human language. I didn't have a name, and when I heard the music, that's what I named myself." she said, smiling. Angel nodded, bouncing and yipping. She was determined to be the best hunter ever, and possibly walk in her father large footsteps.Angel dreamed to be alphess.
6:19pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 6:20pm Mar 12 2011)
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Posts: 567
"R-really?" He seemed happy, his tail wagged quickly but then stopped and he seemed sad again. "But it's wrong to run away from your pack. Anyway a rouge doesn't deserve a pack anyway." He saw a van pull over, the dog catchers. "Hurry go to the pipe where you came from and don't come back! I will meet you here tomorrow!" He ran off across the street almost getting hit by cars. (Eh Shadow, we felt like it xD) Aliin yawned and licked the pups ear, Taro was her step brother so Angel was sort of like a niece. She looked at the pup watching it wobble, "Maybe you can beat your brother into being alphaness." She said and then scoffed, but she wasn't serious. Who knows Jacy could become leader or he could not.
6:26pm Mar 12 2011
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Jazz nodded. " See ya!" she said, quickly escaping into the darkness of the pipe. She saw Aliin. She smiled. Aliin looked so happy with pups. Angel nodded. " I will!" she said, giggling a bit. Angel's tail wagged as she ran around in circles. Before you knew it, she had tripped over her own two legs and had her tail, dagling in front of her. "Oof!" she yelped, half embarra.ssed, half suprised.
6:32pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 567
Aliin laughed, "Your own legs are turning against you." She saw Jazz come back, "Well what took you so long? Meet a handsome male out there?" She was joking but she didn't know it was true, but it looked like she was joking. Taro barked to Angel to come sleep, "Angel it's time to sleep, you need to rest since were going to do some hard working things tomorrow." He looked at Angel then at Jacy, Jacy was so cute curled up in a ball. Angel was just Taro's favorite little girl, and Jacy was his favorite little boy.
6:34pm Mar 12 2011
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Angel nodded." Okay, daddy!" she said, stumbling over to her father. She curled next to Taro.She smiled. Jazz chuckled. "Had some buisness to attend to." she said, smiling.
7:53pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Is Jazz the beta? o.o
8:18pm Mar 12 2011
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Slinky lurched her way through the cold waters of a fog-concealed lake. Her paws were continually being sucked down by the mud at the bottom of the lake, but at least the rest of her was clean. She had allowed dirt to accumulate on her body for the past few days and was in dire need of a wash, it was no wonder as to why she refused to groom herself with her tongue like most wolves. Once Slinky had reached the more shallow waters of the lake her fur was nearly as white and clean as a cloud. Beads of water snaked down her slick fur and onto the forest floor as she headed for the trees. Slowly the water evaporated into the air and her fur was fluffed out. Slinky reached the side of a busy human highway. On the other side of the asphalt snake was a large concrete wall. Slinky’s gaze traveled upwards to see how high the wall reached and her ears flattened against her head in a hostile manner. Humans messing up our forest.. her mind growled. She turned away and headed deeper into the forest, trying to catch the scent of prey through the thick, harsh stench the cars emitted. Just being close to the highway and smelling that filthy smell made Slinky feel more dirty than usual. (I'll post Sal's intro later)
10:46pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 10:48pm Mar 12 2011)
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Posts: 567
Milo had been running so fast that he didn't see Slinky, he bumped into her landing on his behind. "Oh sorry I didn't see you!" He got up and smiled, he was in a good mood. "I'm Milo." He looked the wolf over, she seemed like a rouge. "Excuse me but are you a rouge? Me and a wolf in a pack, which I think she may be leaving the pack, are starting a small pack. Would you like to join?" He just noticed that he was going into things too fast. He sighed, "Heh.. Sorry I'm just excited." His tail went between his legs and his ears went down. (Yeah Jazz is the female beta) "Jazz have you ever felt like you don't fit in?" Aliin asked seeming almost asleep, she had been awake for the past 5 nights guarding the pack. She needed sleep badly, she was saying something else to Jazz but her eyes had closed and she fell asleep. Taro picked up Angel and cuddled with her and Jacy.
2:58pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 567
((Great, this board died. Just the thing I wanna happen to my board T.T))