10:24am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 854
Mythical expiriments are alloud. Scientists have been taking teens off the street for torturing expiriments...but for all the world knows is that this ia a myth.But is startlingly true...the scientists are the overlords of the entire world...so where can they go?Thora ofcourse.An Ancient planet said to not exist but every million years a portal will open to one specific creature born...or created by science.They cannot go and open this portal until 3 other creatures are made. I will not say which creatures or who they are. But keep in mind we need expiriments that are on the scientists team and hunt down the escapees.Bio:Name:Gender:Age:Mutation/DNA creature:Looks:Crush/Mate:Other:
10:59am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Saber/Wolf and Dragon/Wolf? oUo))
1:26pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 854
1:33pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Averik Hunter Gender: Male Age: 19 Personality: He's pretty laid back and mellow. ouo Crush/Lover: Open Animal DNAs: Dragon/Wolf Animal Alternate From (Picture or deion): (He dyed his hair blue. ouo Crazy mix, huh?And ignore the weird halo thing. P:)
 Alliance (Which side of the "Race" your character is on): Free charries. Oyes. Looks:
 Other: Make his eyes blue. ono -too lazy to type long deions today lol- Name: Raisha Ailin Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: Fierce and protective, but very loyal. Crush/Lover: Open Animal DNAs: Smillodon (Sabertoothed Tiger/Wolf The Saber DNA is more dominant. ono Animal Alternate From (Picture or deion):
 Alliance (Which side of the "Race" your character is on): Freedom is wonderful. Free ones. P: Looks:
 Other: Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, EVER, EVER GET HER MAD AT YOU. If so...well....good luck, dude. ono
1:38pm Apr 17 2010
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Bio:Name: Kowagara (Gara) -means Frighten in japanese- Gender: Female Age: 17Mutation/DNA creature: Wolf Looks: Crush/Mate: Averik? Other: She's completely blind and can control the wind. she also has large white and ice blue wings in both forms
1:40pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Averik finally has someone crushin' on him. xDDD))
1:43pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Why? Is he so dislikable?))
1:45pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 1:46pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((This looks interest...XD)) Bio:Name:Aurora Hawk/ Katherine(Kitty) Hawk/ Ash Griffin/ Hunter Prettyman(Lol. This is one of my friends lasts names...I can't stop teasing him about it.XD) Gender:female/female/ male/ male Age:17/ 18/ 19/ 19 Mutation/DNA creature:Arctic wolf, eagle/ Panther, owl/ Lion, wolf/ Bear, wolf Looks:coming...Crush/Mate:None/ Nope/ none/ nope Other:She has a very, very bad temper. Once you get on her bad side her whole life is about distroying you. She has a big oppinion and shares it even if someone begs her not to./ She is very shy at first but then she is funny and loyal after you know her for a little while./ He is always joking around. He doesn't take anything or anyone serious./ He is very friendly. He doesn't like to kill or hurtunless someone threatens his friends or family.
5:14pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 854
Detneth-plz fix your bio it's stretching the page... Name:KiaGender:FAge:17Mutation/DNA creature:Swan,Dog,Lion,Tiger,Horse,BearLooks:Creature-Wings of a swan,legs of a dog,front claws of a lion,back hooves of a horse,and the body of a Tiger,and the fur of a bear...her fur design and color are that of a tiger,exception to the wings.Human-long silky black hair,Rainbow eyes(cause of the expiriment),caucasion,wears a cloak to hide easlily in a crowd or dark places.Crush/Mate:OpenOther:was brutally mixed with many different creatures....
6:03pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 3,141
This looks fun. But the internet is down at my house so I can only get on at the library. Hopefully thats not a problem :/ Name: SinGender: MaleAge: 19Mutation/DNA creature: Owl/Raccoon/Ferret/Arctic FoxLooks:Creature- Sin has dark grey owl wings with lighter flecks and a dark grey fox's body with white patches and a black stripe going from his wings down to his tail, which is banded like a Raccoons. His body is slightly longer and wiry than a usual fox's and his front paws are talons. Feathers stretch down from his wing to his talons, covering them. He has a dark grey mask stretching across his face, which resembles a Raccoons.Human- Sin is scrawny and about average height. He has layered dark grey hair with black streaks, light grey eyes, and pale skin. He wears a striped dark grey-light grey hooded jacket with a white long-sleeved shirt under it, black jeans, black fingerless gloves, and white tennis shoes. If he covers up his hair with his hood, he blends in well with a crowd. Crush/Mate: Open Other: Sin works for the scientist where he has a deal that, if he follows their orders and never turns on them, they will give him anything he desires.
6:20pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 854
((Wanna start with me Zombie?)) Kia realized her place was to escape now...it was her last chance forever.Hopefully Sin or one of the others weren't watching...although she'd need a diversion.Becaus ethey were tightening security aroudn the building...
6:27pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 854
6:34pm Apr 19 2010
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((Sure, I gotta go in about an hour though. Library closes at 7:30 Res time)) Sin leaned against the railing of the second story of the building and let out a sigh. The experiments had been rowdy today, like they could sense something was up, and had been hard to contain. He rubbed his wrist, where he had gotten an nasty bite from one. Sighing again, he leaned back even farther until he was leaning over the railing completely and looking rather silly. He blinked when he spotted Kia and smiled, figuring she was due for some haras-sment. "Hey, Kia!" he shouted, waving his arms to get her attention but being careful not to loose his balance.
6:45pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 854
((ok)) "What?," Kia snapped she was just in the middle of planning out her escape.She knew she was the last of the ones to leave and it had to be soon.She came closer to see what Sin wanted."what do you want?," in a calmer tone.She lifted back her hood revealing the newest addition of her now rainbow eyes the mix of DNA had altered her eyes into the hypnotizing colors they were now.
6:53pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin smirked. "Just thought I'd bother you for your time." he said. He had nothing to do and he rather bother someone else then submit to boredom. He stared into Kia's eyes. "You're quite beautiful, you know. The scientists spare no expense when it comes to your looks." He said, trying to be charming. He dropped from the banister and did a flip in the air, landing in front of Kia and giving her a smile.
7:03pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 854
Kia growled"Thanks,now i have more important things to attend to if you don't mind,".She pretended to blush and then after turning away the colored flooded from her face and raising her hood walk calmly to a switch no one has dared to touch...the animal release switch.She yanked hard on it and the animals flooded out of the escape.Alarms sounded loud enough to deafen a person...a normal person anyways.Leaping apon the back of a lion she escaped with them.Sin would catch on and probly chase after her with the rest of the group,hunting her until she was returned or in her grave for that matter.
7:15pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin jumped back in fright as he was nearly trampled by the m*censored* of animals. "Kia!!! What did you--OW!!" he shouted as he was pecked in the back of the head by a ticked off ostrich. "Back off!" he snapped, turning on it and causing it to run off in fright. He willed his heart to stop pounding and once he had, he looked around. Kia has disappeared. "Shoot!" he muttered, dashing after the direction the animals had gone. He wouldn't allow Kia to get far as long as he was responsible for her. "Dang you, Kia, why cant you attempt to escape on someone else's shift!?" ((Sorry, last post for today. I gotta go.))
7:17pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,966
{I'd join, but I'm a bit confused on the plot. )x}
7:25pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 854
Kia howled with excitement leaping from the lions back to the ground prancing around like a dog who is overjoyed for a treat.She yelled"Try to capture me now Sin!,".Then suddenly things got very quiet...she realized all bu the lion she was alone.... ((aww!Bye.The Lion BTW to everyone was one of the animals used for Kias DNA mix,his name is Hiten and is purely black,one of the rarest color lions in existence.)) Hiten rubbed against Kia comforting the girl,now alone. Kia cried they didn't wait for her...those were probly the screams she heard from the lab...the removal of the escapees... ((Scientist Sol)) Sol yelled in anger"you idiots!Kia is the key to everything we live for!Get her back and find Sin tell him he is to lead the others and get Kia imediately!!!She shall not leave so easily,".the frightend expiriment knodded and scurried off to carry out his duty.
7:40pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((One last post, but my mom is too impatient to wait any longer >_>)) Sin leaned against a tree, gasping for breath. He had ran so far at such a fast pace and he was simply no match for a lion. He growled and continued to follow the direction he knew Kia had gone. He wondered how far away the rest of his troop was. No doubt they weren't far. Kia was the most important experiment the scientist had created. A fact that alway got under Sin's skin. He continued to walk until he spotted Kia and ducked behind a tree. He needed to know the situation before he acted.