10:52pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((D| -sighs and types- NOW. What exactly is going on? >O<))
10:55pm May 7 2010
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((Kia burned Ian with fire in the forest.))
10:57pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((..... I mean what's happened since I last replied? What's happened since my characters ganged up on Sin? I need to know everything that's happened, and I don't feel like sifting through that many pages at midnight. D|))
11:02pm May 7 2010
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((Kia got to Sin and Ian showed up,Kia ran off to her mom and got a powerful book,and Ian grabbed Kia's chin so she burned him.))
11:17pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((.... NOt very detailed. e.o -sigh-))
11:52pm May 7 2010
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((me is horrible to explain with full detail...i thought i'd make it simpler so there's less reading.))
3:53pm May 10 2010
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6:37pm May 10 2010
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((*takes deep breath* Kia took Sin and threw him into a dungeon in her castle where she showed him that she can open a portal into a magical land (that i forgot the name of) and thats why Sol and the other Scientist want her so bad. Sin was able to make the portal as well but they couldn't make it big enough to actually travel through because they're missing an important key. They had a semi-romantic moment when Ian (who works for the scientists and is Sin's troop member and best friend) shows up and ruins the moment. Sin confronts him and ends up being knocked out. Kia leaves and two days later visits her mother where she tells he about a prophecy about her and Sin and "love". Kia then tracks down Sin and Ian, who are hiding out from the scientists and experiments that are now on high alert. Sin is now depressed because he feels like he has to choose between Kia, who is determined to screw up Sol's plans, and Ian, who is still loyal to Sol. Ian is mad at Kia for screwing with Sin's head (he calls it "black magic") and he tries to intimidate Kia which ends in her burning him and Sin getting upset at Kia. Kia, who feels hurt, threatens to leave. And that's the story thus far :D Don't quit though D: I can make another character that will stay away from the others and only interact with your characters at your pace. (That was kinda Ian's job, but that backfired -_-; ) ))
8:51pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((that totally backfired for Ian.lawl.))
3:58pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((So. Where should my charries come in? And thank you for explaining so well. ;U;))
4:09pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Umm, how about they are out in the forest when they encounter one of the experiments from the lab (I'll make another one) and they could... I dunno... capture him? or something... And you're welcome. In reading cl*censored* everyone always uses me to cheat on their reading by making me give them summaries >_> I've gotten pretty good at it. ))
4:14pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Lol. People use me to cheat off of in every clas-s. And mine are free experiments. o:))
4:23pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Lol, same with me. But I do my fair share of cheating too XD And I know. They seem like the type to take a prisoner ._. ))
4:29pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Not really. xDDD Well. Raisha is. >w>))
4:32pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Lol, so do you want me to make another experiment to interact with you? You can decide later of you want to take him prisoner or not ))
5:14pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm May 11 2010)
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((Makes another expiriment.)) Name:Goliath Ark Gender:M Age:21 Looks:(real looks) (his common disguise)< DNA:Werewolf(Wolf mixed with a bear but can only stand on two feet and not on all fours he's 6"5)) Other:Sol's secret expiriment and also his own flesh and blood(His son if that's more clear.)He gave in and was the first expiriment ever although he can never retain human form he has the ability to shift into a human figure.Kia is his prey and he's her weakness.Sol is sending him after Kia because he worries she is more trouble than thought,also only his most trusted know about his son.
5:28pm May 12 2010
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Goliath howled into the night his senses inhanced because of how long he had been shut from sunlight ofcourse he could stand in it but why risk it?Kia was now his mission...oh how long her longed to have her for himself.When they were kids and their fathers were away with work they'd stay together and make mud pies or other strange things like mess with bugs when they were little...hopefully she remembered him... Kia sniffed and her pupils shrunk"Goliath," was all she could say and her knees shook and she collapsed to the ground.Her childhood memories flooding her head like she'd just been struck by lightning and now a genius.
5:36pm May 12 2010
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5:44pm May 12 2010
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Ian and Sin exchanged a glance. They had both heard rumors about Goliath, none of them made him seem like the type of person you wanted to be near. "What about Goliath?" Ian asked, any hatred of Kia had been pushed to the back of his mind.
5:47pm May 12 2010
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"He was my best friend and i've known him since i was a child...but to get to it Goliath is in the forest," Ace said no fear to her voice. Hiten purred in agreement. Goliath started walking to the clearing but before entering he changed his appearance to that of which he usually did."Kia it has been a long time...," he said in sort of a coarse whiper.