8:24am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 8:33am Apr 20 2010)
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Posts: 854
((lol ok,She likes Sin jut won't admit it heh heh. Kia:do not!*pouts* hey would it be a good idea if she got captured once and got away again?tellin everyone the truth of the scientists!)) Hiten spoke to Kia comfortingly humming tunes of his homeland from which he was taken. Kia decided it was time to try her wings and practice battle moves and defense to make sure of her escape that she was deathly and hard to catch.No one had ever seen her new form no one at all."ok lets try this...," she whispered.She came to her knees and wings emerged making her look angelic then the other mutations set in.She roared with the fierceness of no creature in existence except herself.She looked sort of like a sphynx but not exactly.She leapt and spun in the air with a breath takingly deadly grace.Kia only slightly smaller than the lion crept up to his side now she could understand the humming purr.
10:20am Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 2,264
Name:Saliana Gender:female Age:17 Mutation/DNA creature and looks: Crush/Mate:free
10:24am Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 854
((ANGEL!i just tried to call you! also you must tell me what Creatures your character was mixed with.))
3:36pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 854
3:38pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Page 1 is stretched. D| Erm. What's happened so far? e.o))
3:39pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 854
((my character Kia escaped the scientists.that's pretty much it.))
3:40pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Ah. So, should Avvy and Rai escape them as well? o:))
3:45pm Apr 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 854
((i suppose,but better hurry!they're already on a frantic search to find Kia.maybe you could start out escaping after Kia.my characer Kia was on the grounds out side and flipped an animal realease switch and set them free riding out of there on her friend Hiten the black lion.))
4:06pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Well, then, how about Avvy and Rai are just...kind of...there wih her and Sin and Hiten? .o. And I might make another guy. P:))
4:06pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 854
((okay.that is perfect.))
4:09pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Averik stretched himself out, currently laying on his back in his creature form, his deep blue eyes staring off into space while Raisha paced back and forth, a low growl emitting from her throat as her large paws thumped dully against the ground, her saber fangs gleaming in the fading light. She looked at Averik, who was still staring off into space, and groaned before simply plopping herself down, fuming visibly.
6:10pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 854
Kia's tail swung and beat against an invisible foe.Before she tranformed into he rhuman state and retreated exausted against Hiten's belly where she eventually fell asleep. Mean while Hiten's glowng yellow eyes never closed during the night Kia was some how more important than anything he lived for at the moment and he was not about to lose her to the men with sharp things and unnatuarlly glowing monsters.
6:21pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin smirked as the night went on. Most of his DNA was from nocturnal animals and it showed in his differing fighting styles for night and day. He transformed into his creature form and stretched his wings without making a sound. His grey eyes shined with new life and he slowly stalked into the clearing. His paws and talons didn't make a sound and his fur color allowed him to blend in with the shadows. At this point he was completely invisible. He went over to Hiten. He'd always liked the lion in a way but it was now a hazard and the scientist would want it dead. Dead or alive, it's DNA was still usable. He picked up a talon, ready to strike.
8:30am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 854
Kia's eye flashed and she leapt at Sin,transforming imediately as she jumped her claws landing on his back pinning him to the ground.Her eyes flashed a deadly read blood color"Touch Hiten and i'll cut your throut," she roared in a deadly tone.Her claws,sharper than a knife, hung above Sin's head. Kia didn't care to kill him she'd keep him her prisoner if it meant taking him away from Sol's deadly ray of promise.She thought over a moment"Let him go and i'll return,". Hiten tried to say no but she cut him off.So he decided a cave for a few days wouldn't be so bad until Kia returned.
6:23pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 854
6:35pm Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 6:35pm Apr 21 2010)
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Posts: 854
((i'm bored so here are some interesting facts about Kia: Why she is a potential master escapee: when she was 5 she attempted to escape by digging a hole deep enough and small enough to go under the fence. When she turned 8 she attempted to escape by crawling through the vents and failed for she fell through a rusty grate. When she was 12 she tried to polevault over the fence. Think she gave up?... NO. When she turned 15 she almost succeeded in riding away in the supply truck until the driver found her and sent her back. Now 17...you already know what she did..dont expect her to give in that easily.))
10:25pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 854
((Bump...did my rp die? DX ))
3:30pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Lol, It didn't die, I just couldn't get on yesterday XD)) Sin yelped in surprise as Kia pinned him to the ground. He struggled for a few seconds but knew escaping now was impossible. His DNA was made of animals that were very small in stature, making his creature form also rather small. Up against someone like Kia, he wouldn't be able to best her in a contest of strength. He glanced at her then back at his talon, which was now resting against Hiten's throat. If either of them so much as flinched, Hiten would bleed. Sin thought over Kia's proposition. "Deal," he growled after a moment. "But he has to allow me to take some of his DNA back for the scientists and you have to get off of me!" Being pinned to the ground so easily was a serious bruise to his ego.
5:49pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm Apr 22 2010)
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Posts: 854
"Already done," she growled handing him a vial and getting off.Kia was in a spoil of trouble if she failed her already thought over plan..."now Sin may i ask,why come after me instead of letting the others do it for you?"Seh would tell him exactly why she did this escape on his shift...but not straight away. Hiten ran away hiding within the darkest longest cave he could find.
6:00pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin took the vial and grasped it tightly in his talon. It would take the jaws of life to take it away from him. He stood up and shook some dirt from his dark fur. Kia's question caught him off guard, but his sharp mind quickly thought up a reason. "Because, they are incompetent." He said in a dull voice. "You would most likely have escaped before they could respond and even if they had caught you, they are much to rough." He cleared his throat. "You are valuable to the scientists and must not be harmed by carelessness nor spite." He knew there were some experiments in his troop who envied Kia and wouldn't exactly care if she was beaten up a little. Sin also envied her, but refused to concern himself with such childishness.