5:29pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: ShishiGender: MaleAge: 18Mutation/DNA creature: LION. oUoLooks: ((I DREW THIS. NO STEAL....as if you'd really want to... >w>)) Creature looks: Crush/Mate: Open~Other: ....His name means Lion in Japanese. And his hair and eye color is natural. xD
5:32pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((SHishi's eyes are like...a really pretty amber-y color. -amazed she managed to create the color- I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF AND MY CRAYOLA COLORED PENCILS. ;U;))
5:33pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:33pm Apr 23 2010)
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Posts: 854
((I AM LIKE SO GONNA STEAL DAT FOTO AN PA-S-S IT OFF AS MIEN,lol not really,he's cute though.XD )) Ace waited for a response.
5:39pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
(( Alright so I did my bio, is it alright if I made her more of an +anima-like character (human with many animal characteristics) instead of a shape-shifter-ish character?))
Generic Signature
6:08pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Raisha shrugged, glancing back at Averik, who had spaced out yet again. Shishi lumbered out of the trees after a couple moments in his lion form, ears pricked forward as he walked.
6:51pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 854
((yes that is fine.)) Kia sighed..."well i'm going out to explore...and try and get to walmart or something...,".
6:54pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 6:54pm Apr 23 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
(( May the She-Beast join? I shop at H-E-B, if you live in Texas you'll know what that is XD))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:20pm Apr 23 2010
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6:14pm Apr 24 2010
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3:55pm Apr 25 2010
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((This is my RP i was banned...for some wierd reason))
5:28pm Apr 25 2010
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Sin yelped and looked around frantically, trying to spot Kia. Cursing, he transformed back into his creature form and began sniffing the air and ground, trying to pick up her scent. No good. The stink of that lion was masking everything else. His sharp eyes spotted a slight russling in the bushed and he smirked. He crouched down in a hunter's psoition and slowly started aproaching the bush. "No use hiding now, Kia," he snarled, menacingly. "Your not going to get away, magic tricks or no." ((Awsome pic! 8D))
5:36pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Kia padded on her way to find Hiten"Rowr," she yelled and a happy Hiten pounced on her."Good boy now lets go to Walmart,".Hiten nodded this walmart was a store and luckily rare wildlife pets were not rare among the people.She whispered in his language let the wind free those who fly through it.
6:23pm Apr 25 2010
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9:09pm Apr 25 2010
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5:32pm Apr 26 2010
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Sin pounced, barking in triumph as his talons pinned something to the ground. Upon observing his catch more closely he realized it was nothing more than a common squirrel, much to his humiliation. He closed his eyes, praying Kia had not seen his mistake and opened them again to observe the struggling animal. In a flash, he ripped its head off and swallowed it, stopping its movements all together. He finished the rest of the squirrel and licked the blood from his muzzle. Kia would most likely go after the black lion, which was easy enough to track. Sighing he followed the scent, wondering what he had done to Kia for her to cause him so much trouble.
6:33pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Kia covered there tracksa dn went through water with Hiten as much as possible.Soon she reached walmart with her stolen 50 dollars in dollar bills(which today is worth about 5 bill for their rarity.).Pulling it out she went ot the store and bought hair dye,contacts,and a bunch of clothing.She also managed to buy a car for a dollar bill.she also bought a fridge and alot of steak for Hiten.Stuffing it all into the car she managed to buy a home(that happend to be a castle structure) and put everything inside and turned on teh water,heat,and electricity."Now Hiten i must go dye my hair,".... 1hour later... Kia was now emerald eyed and brown haired.Also she got a product that made her hair in about 20 minutes grow as long enough to reach her butt.Sin would not recognize her so easily now everyone had a black lion or two.She petted Hiten as he chewed a steak which eh thought was the most wonderfu thing he'd ever tasted. 5 hours later... She managed to set up the house with all the furniture and things she needed.Her room was one of the most important to her so she spent the most time there in the tallest tower gazing at the setting sun.
6:45pm Apr 26 2010
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6:57pm Apr 26 2010
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Sin made a sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan. He had been searching for Kia for hours! He was now in his human form lurking in some human town. His hood was pulled up over his hair but it didn't seem to matter. There were quite a few humans who decided blue, green, and even pink hair looked good. Still, he kept his hood on, not wanting to attract any attention. Where is my troop?! he asked for what seemed like the hundredth time. Did they not understand how important Kia's capture was? Cursing under his breath, he began walking around. He asked a lot of humans simple questions and eventually found out that a new girl with a black lion had just moved into town. After a little 'convincing' he eventually got the address and was soon standing outside the door of said address. About time. He thought, glaring at the door. The sun was already setting and each minute could mean a painful punishment from the scientists. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he knocked on the door.
7:05pm Apr 26 2010
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Kia looked down from her window and gasped in horror...oh well she thought i better try out my new accent.She answered the door, and in a far away accent said"Ello?and you be who?,".
7:19pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 3,141
"Kia!" Sin hissed immediately, tackling her through the doorway and kicking the door shut with his foot. He pinned her down and snarled at her. He checked to make sure he had completely pinned her down, his knees on her legs and his hands holding onto both her wrists before giving her a cocky smirk. "Did you really think that could fool me? I've known you for too long and that fake accent was just just terrible!" He let out a dark laugh.