7:25pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"Who be Kia?," Kia said a little more convincingly."could this Kia be apon the highest as am i?,"."Galife please come here and show our guest that i am not who he says,". Kia tampered with Hitens fur color earlier and made it completely white when Hiten wasn't angry that is.He purred as he pranced into teh room a giant bell hanging form his neck and a ribbon holding it tehre was a baby blue.Kia threw him a giant ball of yarn and he played with it."You see if the Kia you are looking for has anything like Galife then her lion must be black,".
7:37pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 4,310
2:41pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin snarled. "If you can change your hair color than you can change Hiten's! If you don't think I know this walk around town for four hours! You'll see at least three pink poodles!" He wasn't going to fall for it. He risked releasing one of Kia's hand's to pull out a knife from his pocket. "Now drop the act or I wont hesitate to force your transformation!" Eyes flashing dangerously, he pressed the blade against Kia's throat. Any more pressure and he'd draw blood.
3:26pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Aaahhh... I don't know what to do with my charries nowwww. DX))
4:00pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Lol, you have the worst luck with this RP don't you? xD Umm, try having your characters follow Sin to the city but get lost. Or be right outside ready to burst into the xD I dunno, hope those suggestions help.))
4:06pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Lolol. A wolf-dragon, a saber-wolf, and a lion. Sin's gonna get his arse kicked if they bust in. xD Especially from Raisha. She will attack mercilessly. ono Which is why I said to never EVER get her mad at you. e.o))
4:28pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Lol, remember though, Sin may be small but he's the scientists' top fox for a reason ;P ...Although he still might get his arse kicked xD))
5:11pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Yeah. I'd say so. xD Especially considering that Raisha is the Saberwolf. And the Saber DNA is the most dominant. So...she's a full-pblown predator by nature, now. And you don't screw with big cats to begin with. xD Um. So. Should my three show up? ;D))
5:18pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Sure, It'd make things more interesting xD))
5:41pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
As the knife was pressed to Kia's neck, a loud roar sounded from the other side of the door as a saberoother tiger broke it down, leaping into the room with her fangs bared, her long canines sharp andd ready to do some serious damage. Following behind her was the Dragon-wolf, Averik, who padded in looking rather bored until he saw the knife. then his modds switched and he snarled, his sharp fangs bared. Raisha was right; he hadn't been kept in a straitjacket for nothing. When provoked, he was rather...vicious. Shishi padded in behind in behind them, growling at Sin. He set a large paw down on the door, golden gaze locked on the male with the knife. ((P:))
6:08pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin jumped off Kia in surprise and backed away from the three who had just entered the house. "What are you doing here?! Stay out of it!" He snarled at them. He held his knife tightly in his hand, ready to attack. His cold eyes showed no fear even though he was outnumbered. He wouldn't let these stupid lesser experiments get in the way of his prize. These guys were expendable, but Kia was not. Sin didn't appreciate them interrupting his mission.
6:13pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Gotta gooo. DX))
7:56pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Kia snarled and transformed now almost as large as an elephant picked up Sin by the collar and took him downstairs and threw him in an iron barred cell.She didn't buy a castle for nothing.The bars were so close together taht not even a mouse could fit through teh bars."You dare tramp upon my freedom you will stay here and i will personally toture you by a straight jacket," she roared her lion still white cam down stairs and her eyes has dissolved the green contacts and they were their rainbow prism again when she turned human again.
4:13pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin struggled helplessly as he was flung into the cell, grunting in pain as he made contact with the stone floor. He quickly scrambled to his feet and inspected the bars. They were only just wide enough for him to stick his fingers through. Even in his creature form he would be able to squeeze through them. Ignoring Kia's shouts, he gripped the bars and pressed his head against the cold metal. He sighed, the iron felt good against his skin. His gaze shifted to the ground in front of him as he attempted to think up a plan.
7:47pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Dont try anything or i will see to it personally you shall not she teh dawn of Thora. Every being knew Thora to eb a magic realm and only the pure could touch."i found a way to get there in a weeks time and you better listen up or you won't go with me." Kia said calmly.
4:26pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin's shoulders stiffened. "That's just a myth." he growled, staring at her in disbelief. He was gripping the bars so tightly that his knuckles were white. Still...going on some wild goose chase seemed better than rotting in a cell. At least then he'd get the chance to capture Kia again, without interruptions. He sighed. "Fine, what's the plan?" he asked. His voice was as calm as Kia's had been.
5:12pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"why should i tell you?" kia inquired. she instead opend a small portal about the size of her fist."this is why they want me." the magical realm will make them immortal they care nothin for us."
5:20pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin bristled, snarling at Kia. He was about to say something but decided better of it. He slumped his shoulders and looked away. It wasn't as if he didn't know he was worthless. When he first voiced his support of the scientist, they had practically drilled it into his head that he was expendable. He had only gained his position because he had tried so hard not to be what they had constantly told him he was. He bit his bottom lip. "Your not the type to leave me her to die."
5:56pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 5:57pm Apr 29 2010)
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"only if you resign to taking me back will i not leave you here," Kia declared with an deadly menace meaning she wouldn't go back on her word.
6:06pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sin bristled again, this time not calming down. "Why should I promise you anything?! The whole reason this deal needs to be offered is 'cuz you broke our last deal!" He glared at her, grey eyes flashing with anger.